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6 month old takes on Cobra


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dirty little secret is snake charmers usually de-fang the cobras. still stupid to let the kid do this, mainly because it teaches the kid not to fear them. but hell, maybe that's how a snake charmer teaches his kid the trade-- start em young.

Exactly what I was thinking. Although the snake went for the strangle hold right afterward which I'm sure could be effective on a 6 month old.

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Most of the cobras you see llike this one and the ones used by Snake Charmers have had their fangs and venom sacs removed making them quite harmless and also making them die at a much faster rate...its all for show

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Most of the cobras you see llike this one and the ones used by Snake Charmers have had their fangs and venom sacs removed making them quite harmless and also making them die at a much faster rate...its all for show

i was gonna say.. thats a tough baby.

there are some funny ass videos on there. there are a few videos where these kids hide in garbage cans and scare garbage men.. and then the one garbage man gets scared and almost beats the kid up.

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