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its 4:36am and Im tired but I can't go to bed because I can't bring myself to turn Striptease off. Demi Moore is so hot.

I haven't seem this movie in a long time...it's horrible....but Ill be damned if Demi isn't super hot. Makes me want to punch Ashton Kutcher right in his adams apple.


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its 4:36am and Im tired but I can't go to bed because I can't bring myself to turn Striptease off. Demi Moore is so hot.

I haven't seem this movie in a long time...it's horrible....but Ill be damned if Demi isn't super hot. Makes me want to punch Ashton Kutcher right in his adams apple.

Are you sure he even HAS an adams apple?

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I watched "and justice for all" last night cause I wanted to take a break from flipping from 1 crap show to another. good flick. i'm not a demi moore fan but thats not to say I wouldn't mind a shot at helping to clear her throat ;)

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...just when I thought it could not get any lamer 'round here....I read this thread. Oy!

Seriously, make me a mod for just one day. I'll have this place in ship shape in no time.;)

The complaint department opens at 2PM- wait in the line queue.

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The complaint department opens at 2PM- wait in the line queue.

Unlike many of the posters here (or so I have heard) I make my "complaints" known on this public forum instead of pm'ing Max 1,000 times....

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