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I just got $500 I wasn't expecting.


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I have both systems. I use my 360 for games and the PS3 to watch blue ray movies on. I have Ninja Gaiden for the PS3 and thats it.

There is some great stuff in the pipe for both systems but the 360 clearly has the better games out at the moment.

** My 360 did crap out once. I sent it in and they replaced it free of charge. The process of getting it replaced if it fails wasn't to painfull. You will be without it for abuot 2 weeks.

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I agree. The 07 Madden sucked. It was choppy and the controls were horrid. Would often miss tackles because of this.

This year it is still not perfect but good enough to be fun again and to have hope that next year will be even better.

Madden 07 on the PS2 though was great

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I agree. The 07 Madden sucked. It was choppy and the controls were horrid. Would often miss tackles because of this.

This year it is still not perfect but good enough to be fun again and to have hope that next year will be even better.

Madden 07 on the PS2 though was great

Yeah I loved it, but I moved on, 08 is a lot better.

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You got a good deal...you didn't get the Elite did you?

Nahh, I got the regular one, I don't remember what's it called, the one with the 20gb HD

I don't understand why he didn't get Madden.

Why do I have to get Madden? TBH I'm not a big fan of the madden games It's just not fun when you could do one play for a whole season and it'll work every single time. Madden hasn't been fun for me in a while. I'm still gonna pick it up when I see it used in a month or two. Maybe I'll be surprised.

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Nahh, I got the regular one, I don't remember what's it called, the one with the 20gb HD

Why do I have to get Madden? TBH I'm not a big fan of the madden games It's just not fun when you could do one play for a whole season and it'll work every single time. Madden hasn't been fun for me in a while. I'm still gonna pick it up when I see it used in a month or two. Maybe I'll be surprised.

It's a good game, you atleast need one sport game.

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Get the 360. The future of Blu-Ray is doomed. There were same bad announcements this week. Ecurb will explain when he gets back. The 360 is the answer especially since they just dropped the price.

Umm, that's a flatout lie. The last I heard Blu-ray is easily outselling HD-DVD by at least a 2-to-1 ratio.


BLU-RAY movie discs outsold films on the rival HD-DVD format by two-to-one in the United States in the first half of 2007, Home Media Research has reported.

The division of Home Media Magazine said total sales of Blu-ray discs, using a Sony -backed technology, totalled 1.6 million units from January 1 through to July 1, compared with 795,000 HD-DVD discs sold during the same period.

HD-DVD was developed by Toshiba and backed by Microsoft and film studios such as Warner Bros.

Both formats were launched in 2006. An estimated 3.7 million high-definition discs have been sold, including 2.2 million in Blu-ray and 1.5 million in HD-DVD through to the end of July, according to Home Media.

A Home Media spokeswoman said Blu-ray got a further boost in August from strong sales of the 300 title. Stephen Nickerson, senior vice president, market management at Warner Home Video, reported sales of about 190,000 Blu-ray units of the film, compared to 97,000 in HD-DVD since July 31.

The industry-wide standards war is reminiscent of the VHS and Betamax battle.

Blockbuster, the largest US provider of home movie entertainment, in June set out plans to line its shelves with Blu-ray DVDs, saying Blu-ray rentals were "significantly outpacing" HD-DVD rentals.

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Yeah, I honestly don't give a **** about blu-ray or HD. I still have a tube tv and will have one for a long time. I don't care how crisp or clean or bright or whatever my movies are as long as I can see and hear them I'm fine. No need to spend thousands of dollars for a slightly clearer/wider/better picture.

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microsoft has extended the 1 year warranty if thats what your getting at...

No what I was getting at is if and when programmers learn how to harness the full potential of the PS3. At this point I have my doubts about whether they ever will though.

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