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Christmas is Coming???


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I was at Macys today and they are already setting up Christmas trees. WTF??? When I was a kid we didn't see anything on Christmas until Thanksgiving time... now it's not even Labor Day and ornaments are out? Can't we even enjoy the last few weeks of summer and look forward to Autumn and Halloween before we have to think about Christmas?

I can't stand it. :curse:

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Let's just cancel xmas and save everybody a lot of money.

a few years ago my X and i said we had to keep the gifts to each other under 5 dollars. It worked really well since it was much more thought provoking. I ended up cooking her a really nice breakfast, and she made me a framed Silver moon with the lyrics from Dark Side of the Moon.

I thought it worked out pretty well.

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Yea, you never see a new mall or new shopping plazas anymore...;)

Retail profits are all down... not just with small shops either... one HUGE store opens and it closes 10 little ones and a few big ones...

Also people are no longer spending money year round... they start seeing Christmas stuff and stop buying summer stuff (unless its now on closeout) ... problem is they wont buy the Christmas stuff for months... so what do the store sell in the meantime??

It actually is a big problem...

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Retail profits are all down... not just with small shops either... one HUGE store opens and it closes 10 little ones and a few big ones...

Also people are no longer spending money year round... they start seeing Christmas stuff and stop buying summer stuff (unless its now on closeout) ... problem is they wont buy the Christmas stuff for months... so what do the store sell in the meantime??

It actually is a big problem...

Retail profits are down because half of the country is in Iraq fighting a war on oil...:character42:

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