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Ocean a Sea of GREEN....


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For those who saw the pictures on the front pages of the Star Ledgar & the Asbury Park press of the Atlantic Ocean totaly Jet green and said that had to be a jet fan who did that ,While i`m obviously a die hard JET Fan my brother is the one who puts the Eco friendly dye (the same stuff the navy uses ) to continue a tradition that my family & 1 other old Allenhurst family have been carrying on for 64 years now . It signifies the end of the summer and legend has it ,if you swim in the green water good luck will come to you for a full year....

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The story & the big picture was on the front page of yesterdays press con`t on pg. A 6 ,Plus there was a story on local events in the local section in the press yest. also & it was mentioned there again....Along with a story & big picture on yesterdays ledgar front pg.

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