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One new Dolphin already talking smack.


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Dolphins OG Justin Smiley was interviewed by 790 a.m in takes a shot at Alan Faneca calling him "ancient" ....


I love how the player who takes a sho at Faneca is the one who blewout his shoulder, and will never be the same player. All of this is better for us, because a pissed off Faneca, equals more rushing yards;)

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I still can't believe that Alan Faneca is on the New York Jets. I just can't wait to see this offensive line at work.

I'm with you. It's awsome how Ferguson and Mangold has been starters since thier rookie seasons. Last year they were still 2nd year players, really just sophmores in terms of experience in the NFL. I'm looking foward to thier NFL Junior years for this Jets O-Line as 3rd year starters.

Ferguson, Faneca, Mangold, Moore and Woody can be a tough O-Line, I cant wait.

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Justin Smiley? Who are you? Are you that young guy who was hurt last season? Is that who you are? Talking about Alan Faneca, a seven consecutive Pro Bowler who has missed two starts in 10 years? Is that who you're talking about? Pathetic. :rolleyes:

Dolphins Suck.

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