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lebron: 30 ppg, 7.9 assits per game, 7.2 rebounds per game, 48.4 Field goal %

kobe bryant: 28.3 ppg, 6.3 apg, 5.4 rpg, 45.9 Field goal%

kobe's best team mate: andrew bynum and pau gasol (not at once)

lebrons best team mate: drew gooden lol

just to throw out the facts.

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Last time I checked the Cavs are in the East. Kobe would be averaging 35 if he was in the East.



MUCH better record in a better divison=MVP

again, look who Kobe plays with.

either way Lebron will get his MVP in the future

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Kobe was playing injured, while Gasol and Bynum have missed many games meaning he's had to adjust and adapt to new teamates.

He was also playing much, much tougher opponents and had a much better record.

Kobe deserved it.

EASILY. He finally got the MVP he deserves.

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