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STP --Review/Pics


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Well just got back from the Stone Temple Pilot concert.....

SUCKED...for almost 2 hours we had to sit an wait while the lead singer did all his drugs

The show didn't start till 10:30..the crowd was chanting Bull$hit....Had to be over by 11 due to noise ordinance in Holmdel...or they are fined so they ended pretty quicl..

The LEAD Singer sucks...couldn't sing didn't know the words,,they had is mike turned down...lol....

Other then the Great SEATS, an the warm up band Filter....it was pretty much a crappy show...

I even knew the songs...i think I knew more words then blonde....lol

Charging my battery an will down load the pics tomorrow.....AWESOME shots....

WELL enjoy your weekend!

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That sucks Brenda, I'd be beyond pissed off. I would have liked to have seen them in the 90's, but not now. Weiland is a mess, I didn't realize he wasn't over his addictions. Just saw an article in the Star Ledger that said earlier this month he checked into a Van Nuys lock up to serve 8 days for a DUI. :confused0058:

I'll just listen to the music and remember them the way they were.

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That sucks Brenda, I'd be beyond pissed off. I would have liked to have seen them in the 90's, but not now. Weiland is a mess, I didn't realize he wasn't over his addictions. Just saw an article in the Star Ledger that said earlier this month he checked into a Van Nuys lock up to serve 8 days for a DUI. :confused0058:

I'll just listen to the music and remember them the way they were.

This is pretty much illustrative of what I said in my post from your initial STP thread: That band would have been so much more successful if it weren't for Scott Weiland and his erratic/self-destructive ways. How many chances can any person expect? Think of all the struggling singers would give their right arm to be fronting that band. He's the consummate f**k-up. Sorry you had to sit through it.

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