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Hye Mangini.....Will you PLAY TO WIN THE GAME


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He set the damn tone yesterday right off the bat.

We recover onside kick......it's 4th and 2 at their 37, and he f-ing punts


Not going for it shows his pussiness....are we trying to win, or trying to conserve our record?


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He set the damn tone yesterday right off the bat.

We recover onside kick......it's 4th and 2 at their 37, and he f-ing punts


Not going for it shows his pussiness....are we trying to win, or trying to conserve our record?


i concur Pussified Football a growing trend here

I offer cowher $10m a year today

we call afford to pay $15 for a beer..pretend it is Denmark:D

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Mangini is in over his head...enough with his nonsense

Forget Mangini. The person who is, truly, over his head is gynecologist look-a-like Bob Sutton. He looks positively scared on the sidelines with that dumb a$$ blank stare of his. Yes, the players are on the field, but his schemes were owned by the 49ers all day.

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The problem is that the Jets keep playing the same schemes on both sides of the ball that were succesful during the winning streak. maybe these dunces neeed to be tipped off to the fact that the other teams have seen the film and have tailored their game plans as such. Can we get an adjustment, please? These 5 yard passes and 3 man rushes are going to cause me to pop an artery or even worse, smash my 50" plasma. Football is supposed to be fun and these jackasses make me feel like I need to have the local volunteer ambulance crew on speed dial.

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The problem is that the Jets keep playing the same schemes on both sides of the ball that were succesful during the winning streak. maybe these dunces neeed to be tipped off to the fact that the other teams have seen the film and have tailored their game plans as such. Can we get an adjustment, please? These 5 yard passes and 3 man rushes are going to cause me to pop an artery or even worse, smash my 50" plasma. Football is supposed to be fun and these jackasses make me feel like I need to have the local volunteer ambulance crew on speed dial.

Schottenheimer thought he looked like quite the genius when his beloved sissy game was the correct way to go against the Titans.

It's basically the same offense Paul Hackett had us run except he has Favre throw a deep incompletion (or interception) 3-4x a game instead of once a month. That plus the "no one will know what we're about to do here" lining up of Brad Smith behind center once a game.

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Mangini and that coaching staff should pay me back for my bar tabs on Sundays, I haven't got that drunk since the ****ing Oakland game. I hate this team, I knew the second the dip**** pundits started calling us the team to beat in the AFC after the Titans game we would **** the bed. I'll be rooting for Chad in the playoffs.

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The problem is that the Jets keep playing the same schemes on both sides of the ball that were succesful during the winning streak. maybe these dunces neeed to be tipped off to the fact that the other teams have seen the film and have tailored their game plans as such. Can we get an adjustment, please? These 5 yard passes and 3 man rushes are going to cause me to pop an artery or even worse, smash my 50" plasma. Football is supposed to be fun and these jackasses make me feel like I need to have the local volunteer ambulance crew on speed dial.

I agree bro - but the terrifying reality of this is - thats all they know how to do.

How else could they feel the cold water of the Atlantic rising up on their feet at halftime the last 2 weeks and change NOTHING.

Fu<k Mangini and his band of schwances. Get them out of here. Now.

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