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So now what?


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The Patsies ain't losin to the bills the we they kickin ass.

these guys make me sick to my stomach, stoopid cheaters. but the fishfags are so...gay.

do we play spoiler to the fishface fruits?

I'd like nothing more than to stick it up Tuna's stovepipe.

But c'mon, look at this team right now. They're a friggin' disgrace.

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Now what? Next year that's what. I want to say we'll win next week but you know Pennington is going to have a tremendous game. I see already happening. He's gonna come in a stick it up our ass to drive the knife in deeper. I don't see us winning next week. we are playing so crappy right now.

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Now what? Next year that's what. I want to say we'll win next week but you know Pennington is going to have a tremendous game. I see already happening. He's gonna come in a stick it up our ass to drive the knife in deeper. I don't see us winning next week. we are playing so crappy right now.

Who cares what happens next week. It can't hurt anymore than this week does.

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The Patsies ain't losin to the bills the we they kickin ass.

these guys make me sick to my stomach, stoopid cheaters. but the fishfags are so...gay.

do we play spoiler to the fishface fruits?

Baltimore loses, we win, NE wins the division (assuming they win), and we play them in round 1.

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