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Wild Card?


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At least root for your team until they are completely eliminated even if they quit on us after the Titans game.

I love the team... but Mangini will get his ass kicked in the playoffs by real coaches with playoff gameplans and motivation...

I would say its only going to make our draft pick worse to win... but apparently they cant get good draft picks right either...

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I love the team... but Mangini will get his ass kicked in the playoffs by real coaches with playoff gameplans and motivation...

I would say its only going to make our draft pick worse to win... but apparently they cant get good draft picks right either...

our draft pick spot is going to suck anyway since we have 9 wins.

and yes... we will get our asses kicked by anyone with a game plan.

But... there is that tiny little sliver of hope that we will play well and win and make the playoffs.... its something.

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today wasnt painful at all. It cant be painful when they do nothing on either side of the ball.

I dont think I cursed or threw anything all game.

speak for yourself,after mangini punted away the field goal opportunity I threw the sprite 2 liter I was drinkin out of against the tv,luckily I had just finished the last drop.

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I've seen so may questionable decisions by the Jets that its tough getting mad anymore. I just expect the worst and hope for the best.

true but dont you also get the feeling the refs have maybe gave us 2 calls in our favor the last 5 games? lol

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ah your too much of an optomist,true jets are pessimists like me and blame everyone else! j/k lol.

im normally a pessimist, but its too easy to be that right now. I'll believe that we have a chance until we are officially eliminated, then I'll go back to my normal self.

Ah... f#ck it. They suck. From the head coach on down. They all deserve to be anally raped by Steely McBeam. Except for Hodges. He had a few nice punts today.


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