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JN Mafia Thread: Superheroes Unite!

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What? I said I agree with what they were saying.

Andy why do people keep insisting there's one (or even 2!) mason groups in the game? Is this a fact or opinion?

I think it's pretty clear that the Avengers were a mason group. The F4 on the other hand, I'm not so sure of. I'd guess that all four aren't even in the game, let alone all part of a mason group.

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Note, this is also the first time people are scrambling... JiF was just accused out of nowhere... Crush is still being accused... Klecko's taking heat... If pac were innocent, this train would be looking a lot better.

Remember, it takes 9 innocents out of only 11.

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I think it's pretty clear that the Avengers were a mason group. The F4 on the other hand, I'm not so sure of. I'd guess that all four aren't even in the game, let alone all part of a mason group.

Can I have your reasoning for it being so obvious?

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I don't get the hero vibe from norway or sharrow at all. Chan is definitely scum but there's not a strong enough case to be made against him just yet.

I was stunned at how quickly the train got moving with Crusher. The only possible explanation is that scum were jumping on board hoping for a quick lynch. I know I am clean and I know Arsis is clean. The other three.... meh, not so much.

While none of them are defending Pac, none of them are jumping to vote him off either. Chan is still trying to make the Crusher case as it falls apart.

Why won't you answer Slats?

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Oh Gawd, dont flatter yourself.

I might be wrong about you and thats why I havent voted. Like I said, so far the scummiest people have been unfortunately lynched and were innocent.

This might be the place to start. After going back and reading, there isnt much out there other then some play that I find as typical scum tells. Nothing really posted or nothing really to scumm other then Pac. My feelings on slats was his ability to keep away from certain players, yet agree with others. Its a good tactic of distancing himself but keeping himself in line with players that wont lynch him.

My case on Bleedin is simply, its Bleedin and usually when he gets this far without pressure, its a bad thing. Like Slats said in my first death scene, I'm an instinct player unless something obvious is posted. My instincts dont like these players, but I can legitimately say that I only really have a case on Pac.

That said, of those on the Crusher chaing.

I would like to hear from Norway and Sharrow...who I think could be a couple of low profile quite types that are perfectly suited for scum in this set up. Of the 2, Sharrow is the most concerning...but Norway isnt playnig like his typical self...a little less active...Sharrow is in line with his style.

Well, they took away our internet access at work (yeah gov't contracting0, which was when I would do most of my posting. Luckily for me though, I'm home for at least this week with really bad bronchitis, so I should have more inane, unhelpful contributions.

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I agree with Chan and Slats eluded to earlier. It's more likely that you're scum than not.

I didn't want to have to say it but I think a tell was when JVOR announced you were playing he said "details" had to be worked out. What details would need to be worked out if you were innocent? Why not just let you back in and pick up where you left off.

You didnt answer my question. Instead, you turn a case against me using stupidity brought up by 2 experienced players. You are not doing ANYTHING to make yourself look better.

What makes you guys so completely sure about EY?

It was a hypothetical question intended for Pac, in which he dodged.

You didn't answer his question.

Further, to lynch scum today, we need 9 of 11 innocents if scum doesn't vote for scum. Notice how this train hasn't moved with the speed of any of the other ones?

He clearly has no where to run.

So you're claiming to be in cahoots with Chan and Slats now?

What possible sense does it make to allow a player who was clean and the leader of a mason group back in the game as scum?

Now this is sad, a player in his first game (doggins game doesnt count) picked up on this and guys like CTM, Pac and Slats are actually trying to pass the idea of me being scum.

If you go back to my first real post since my rebirth...the one with red and blue being my favorite scum teams...ironically all 3 of them are on it, 2 of them being in my red team who I feel are probably are best bets. My instincts are telling me, that post scared people, thats how close I am.

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So you're claiming to be in cahoots with Chan and Slats now?

What possible sense does it make to allow a player who was clean and the leader of a mason group back in the game as scum?

You don't see why letting an innocent back in who could confirm 2+ other innocents could be a problem? Seriously? Scum already know whose innocent

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I don't get the hero vibe from norway or sharrow at all. Chan is definitely scum but there's not a strong enough case to be made against him just yet.

I was stunned at how quickly the train got moving with Crusher. The only possible explanation is that scum were jumping on board hoping for a quick lynch. I know I am clean and I know Arsis is clean. The other three.... meh, not so much.

While none of them are defending Pac, none of them are jumping to vote him off either. Chan is still trying to make the Crusher case as it falls apart.

Crushers still the top vote getter, no (or #2)? I know your an egomaniac, but a case does not fall apart just cause you decided to unvote..

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You don't see why letting an innocent back in who could confirm 2+ other innocents could be a problem? Seriously? Scum already know whose innocent

Not a huge problem as one of his compatriots was already NKed before he re-entered the game.

Why allow him back in as scum knowing active innocents' powers?

You just made a huge mistake Chan.

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You don't see why letting an innocent back in who could confirm 2+ other innocents could be a problem? Seriously? Scum already know whose innocent

There are cons whether he is scum or town. Either he is town and can confirm at least 1 other innocent player because of his last role, or he is scum and can confirm the power and identity of at least 1 other innocent player because of his last role. That is if the Avengers were a mason group afterall.

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Can you talk like a person and not scum for a change?

If you are offended by my use of the term bubblehead I apologize. I've been attacked all morning with yet another frivolous case and my patience is wearing thin.

What silly names can I call you that are acceptable?

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Can I have your reasoning for it being so obvious?

I know you didn't ask for it but you can have my reasoning



Notice how they were both referred to as "Founding Members of the Avengers"? Do you have another explanation as to why they would be?

And on that same reasoning, notice how Smash's death scene makes no mention of the Fantastic 4


I'd guess that the Avengers are/were a mason group but not the Fantastic 4.

Unvote Klecko

I still don't trust how easily he volunteered his "role" but if Pac's top argument for lynching EY was that he made 2 weak cases and got SMC and Smash killed then I disagree cause I was just as suspicious of them as EY. Their play was scummy and when given the chance to clear things up a bit all they did was make things worse.

The most recent additional "evidence" you presented is you don't think EY is above bitching to JVOR to modkill Smash...and the cases on SMC and Smash were weak???

Vote Pac

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Crushers still the top vote getter, no (or #2)? I know your an egomaniac, but a case does not fall apart just cause you decided to unvote..

It does if I was the one making the case you jackass.

You jumped on the case I made. I have since dropped the case. You now have to make a case against Crusher since I have moved away from the case I MADE.

Jeez no wonder you lose these games so often. :rolleyes:

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Now this is sad, a player in his first game (doggins game doesnt count) picked up on this and guys like CTM, Pac and Slats are actually trying to pass the idea of me being scum.

This is idiotic... Arsis has all but claimed to be powerless now, so odds are the only special knowledge you had was the alignment of 2 other innocents. The fact that you don't claim to see your rebirth as benefitial to the town is bizzare. Confirmed innocents are what tightens the noose on scum!!!

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It does if I was the one making the case you jackass.

You jumped on the case I made. I have since dropped the case. You now have to make a case against Crusher since I have moved away from the case I MADE.

Jeez no wonder you lose these games so often. :rolleyes:

You can't just "unmake" a case.

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Not a huge problem as one of his compatriots was already NKed before he re-entered the game.

Why allow him back in as scum knowing active innocents' powers?

You just made a huge mistake Chan.

I'm basing it off of the fact that Arisis said he has no powers anymore, in other words, being mason's was their power...

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I know you didn't ask for it but you can have my reasoning



Notice how they were both referred to as "Founding Members of the Avengers"? Do you have another explanation as to why they would be?

And on that same reasoning, notice how Smash's death scene makes no mention of the Fantastic 4


I'd guess that the Avengers are/were a mason group but not the Fantastic 4.

Unvote Klecko

I still don't trust how easily he volunteered his "role" but if Pac's top argument for lynching EY was that he made 2 weak cases and got SMC and Smash killed then I disagree cause I was just as suspicious of them as EY. Their play was scummy and when given the chance to clear things up a bit all they did was make things worse.

The most recent additional "evidence" you presented is you don't think EY is above bitching to JVOR to modkill Smash...and the cases on SMC and Smash were weak???

Vote Pac

If you feel like your making the correct vote than so be it. All I can tell you is your wrong.

Incidentally I find it ironic that others in this thread have been praised for playing instinctively but in my case it's suspicious.

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There are cons whether he is scum or town. Either he is town and can confirm at least 1 other innocent player because of his last role, or he is scum and can confirm the power and identity of at least 1 other innocent player because of his last role. That is if the Avengers were a mason group afterall.

True.. But this only true if the avengers had powers besides being a mason. Seems like they had restrictions more then powers. Jif's meatball post which might have been related to drinking (only saw the movie but apparently stark likes to drink), arsis third person routine, doggin's confrontational thing..

Not a huge problem as one of his compatriots was already NKed before he re-entered the game.

I thought Jif was added during the night phase which didn't end till much later?

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True.. But this only true if the avengers had powers besides being a mason. Seems like they had restrictions more then powers. Jif's meatball post which might have been related to drinking (only saw the movie but apparently stark likes to drink), arsis third person routine, doggin's confrontational thing..

I thought Jif was added during the night phase which didn't end till much later?

JiF was added toward the end of the night phase, only a short time before the night ended. You and your scum team certainly submitted your NK of doggin before it was confirmed that JiF was coming back.

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It does if I was the one making the case you jackass.

You jumped on the case I made. I have since dropped the case. You now have to make a case against Crusher since I have moved away from the case I MADE.

Jeez no wonder you lose these games so often. :rolleyes:

You didn't sway me with your case, I just said I agreed with you. Crusher has all but dissappeared when pressure hit and even went to defending smash the next day after cowering away and unvoting..

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His cases against SMC and Smash were clearly presented as well. Just because you got to a restaurant and order something that looks great on the menu doesn't mean it's not going to taste like **it.

My case is based on 2 main points.

- He's twice led the town to the lynching of innocent players with paper thin cases. The lynches weren't about substance but rather a sustained attack of their character. You yourself admitted to voting for SMC and Smash because they were "arrogant and brash". Did you ever think the reason they were acting that way is because they were frustrated that EY's manipulation was actually winning over voters? How many times does one guy have to be grossly incorrect for people to stop giving his opinion so much weight?

- Something about the Smash modkill didn't seem right. JVOR doesn't strike me as the type of mod who has an itchy trigger finger (especially in a game he spent so much time in creating). IMO someone was PMing JVOR screaming at him to MK Smash.

Having been on a scum team with EY before I can tell you that he will not hesitate to PM a mod threatening to "blow up the thread" because of what he percieves to be unfair play. I think what happened is he was ticked off his case against Smash was about to be derailed and he frantically PMd JVOR to get him whacked. Anyone who has played with EY knows this is possible.

This isn't a strong case at all. The chances seem to favor getting a few townies killed the first day or two. Point two makes no sense to Arsis.

Unofficial Vote Count

Crusher(4) Sharrow, Norway, Arsis, CTM

Pac (4) EY, Klecko, Dan X, shutout

EY(1) Pac

Arsis(1) LAout

9 to lynch.

(Please fix anything that's wrong here.)

Unvote Crusher.

Want to see how things play out now. Don't want to have more innocents die yet so Arsis is going to wait to vote.

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