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Yankee Bandwagon Thread!!!!!!


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This thread is about 13 years too late. Nice try, though.

No. It is not.

Once, the Skanks started playing better and over took first place, the amount and frequency of the Skank Nation circle jerk has increased.

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No. It is not.

Once, the Skanks started playing better and over took first place, the amount and frequency of the Skank Nation circle jerk has increased.

Who the hell cares about bandwagon fans? Atleast they still have something to cheer for unlike the RedSox. No tears please. :)

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All aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You finally joining? There might be some room in the back. You'll need to earn the right to mingle with us 40-year fans. Come see me in 2020.

Can't blame you, though. Two championships in over 90 years? Weak.

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Never, in the history of sports has there ever been a larger ban wagon then the Sox in the middle of this decade.


The invasion of pink Yankee hats pre-dated the pink Sox hats by about a decade. By 2 ADA (After Derek Arrived), the Yankee Nation was overrun by female bandwagon fans.


Can't do it Bob.

The Sox have been kicking my nuts for 31 years. I guess I am gluton for punishment.

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The invasion of pink Yankee hats pre-dated the pink Sox hats by about a decade. By 2 ADA (After Derek Arrived), the Yankee Nation was overrun by female bandwagon fans.


Can't do it Bob.

The Sox have been kicking my nuts for 31 years. I guess I am gluton for punishment.

In theory that would all make sense. But Boston doesn't have two teams like New York does. And despite what Mets fans tell you, every single one of them was the Sox Banwagon in 2004.

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