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Mets could have interest in Varitek

Lil Bit Special

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CHICAGO -- Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek has until Friday to accept or reject a $3 million player option.

Boston rejected its $5 million option and clearly signalled that Victor Martinez will be the starting catcher next season.

The Mets had some interest in Varitek last offseason, and could again if they feel his declining skills have not completely vanished. He could offer leadership and some power the Mets badly need.

The Mariners and Nationals are among the teams that want to add a veteran catcher.

Umm... no f##king thanks. He sucks in every aspect of the game. I'm fine with Omir and Thole back there. Both are better than Tek.

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lol, I'll take him as backup on the yanks unstead of molina. Have him win a ring with us would be a nice FU to the socks.

This is wrong on so many levels.

1) Usually a backup catcher excels at least one aspect of the game, like defense. Varitek excels at nothing. He is awful in all aspects

2) He's a douche, hated by Yankee fans, and he feels the same way about ARod and us. Why would either side show any interest in the other?


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This is wrong on so many levels.

1) Usually a backup catcher excels at least one aspect of the game, like defense. Varitek excels at nothing. He is awful in all aspects

2) He's a douche, hated by Yankee fans, and he feels the same way about ARod and us. Why would either side show any interest in the other?


As a big FU to the Socks. Molina is pure garbage and we keep him around.

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Disregarding the fact that Molina is an outstanding defensive cather, he is a free agent who most likely won't be back.

You don't build a team to "F" other teams. You build them to win.

It was a joke. lighten up. I know it's not gonna happen nor do I want it to. I just found the though of having vaginatek as our 3rd string catcher a funny one.

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Varitek is a huge student of the game and still calls them with the best of them. He'd be a huge influence on any team with young pitchers or catchers. I think he takes the 3 million from the Sox and retires after this season.

I think at this point it's his best option.

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