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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Eat my dick.

Okay, joking aside... I think that Dan's reveal presents us with 2 possible WIFOM's.

She said:

Klecko = Town

Crusher = "guilty" (not necessarily scum?)

The natural assumption is that we'll lynch her, find her to be scum, and assume she lied about Klecko and Crusher... right? So, we jump to the conclusion that Klecko scum... and Crusher is town... ?

But do we want to do that?

They could have easily used her counterclaim to protect Crusher and make us assume he is town, no?

The only thing I can say in my defense is (unless in am NKed, which is unlikely because I am still being used by the mafia as a patsy) is that do I appear to be getting coached?

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Eat my dick.

Okay, joking aside... I think that Dan's reveal presents us with 2 possible WIFOM's.

She said:

Klecko = Town

Crusher = "guilty" (not necessarily scum?)

The natural assumption is that we'll lynch her, find her to be scum, and assume she lied about Klecko and Crusher... right? So, we jump to the conclusion that Klecko scum... and Crusher is town... ?

But do we want to do that?

They could have easily used her counterclaim to protect Crusher and make us assume he is town, no?

Let's see what's on klecks plate.

- SMC dead after he was like OMFG has to be scum similar power to me. Granted I was on smc.

- Dan saying he's innocent to vet the town

- PAC dead after he says he's most suspicious of kleck.

Some interesting stuff for sure.

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Eat my dick.

Okay, joking aside... I think that Dan's reveal presents us with 2 possible WIFOM's.

She said:

Klecko = Town

Crusher = "guilty" (not necessarily scum?)

The natural assumption is that we'll lynch her, find her to be scum, and assume she lied about Klecko and Crusher... right? So, we jump to the conclusion that Klecko scum... and Crusher is town... ?

But do we want to do that?

They could have easily used her counterclaim to protect Crusher and make us assume he is town, no?

Just muddyng the waters..

it's a huge wifom, i've played it both ways in this spot. hard to read into it..

I wouldn't both with them.. the cop should investigate one of the unclaimed imo... (in order of my favorites)




If brett is being honest, everyon but hess will realize sharrow and i are 100% confirmed. You're good in my book. Crusher's play only makes sense as GF to be honest, so it'd be a wasted investigation.. I guess you could investigate klecko, but he seems more like a patsy then anything at this point..

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Just muddyng the waters..

it's a huge wifom, i've played it both ways in this spot. hard to read into it..

I wouldn't both with them.. the cop should investigate one of the unclaimed imo... (in order of my favorites)




If brett is being honest, everyon but hess will realize sharrow and i are 100% confirmed. You're good in my book. Crusher's play only makes sense as GF to be honest, so it'd be a wasted investigation.. I guess you could investigate klecko, but he seems more like a patsy then anything at this point..

Dont forget AVM

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Just muddyng the waters..

it's a huge wifom, i've played it both ways in this spot. hard to read into it..

I wouldn't both with them.. the cop should investigate one of the unclaimed imo... (in order of my favorites)




If brett is being honest, everyon but hess will realize sharrow and i are 100% confirmed. You're good in my book. Crusher's play only makes sense as GF to be honest, so it'd be a wasted investigation.. I guess you could investigate klecko, but he seems more like a patsy then anything at this point..

This is making me sick. I agree with everything this man is saying.

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Just muddyng the waters..

it's a huge wifom, i've played it both ways in this spot. hard to read into it..

I wouldn't both with them.. the cop should investigate one of the unclaimed imo... (in order of my favorites)




If brett is being honest, everyon but hess will realize sharrow and i are 100% confirmed. You're good in my book. Crusher's play only makes sense as GF to be honest, so it'd be a wasted investigation.. I guess you could investigate klecko, but he seems more like a patsy then anything at this point..

Dude let's be serious here though. That's ALOT of work to kill kleck. You would think scum would set up crusher or someone stronger.

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Dude let's be serious here though. That's ALOT of work to kill kleck. You would think scum would set up crusher or someone stronger.

he is harder to lynch :D

And crusher is probably a fat imperialist swine

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when did i dump on you for what?

Selective memory. The #1 tool for being right all the time.


I suggested our Doc protect our Cop tonight... amidst other quarreling about mass reveal ****. I am just busting your balls, I did say it... but I don't care who gets credit... as long as it happens.

Also, I think maybe one one of Dan's fake reports could be true, and the other false... like suppose we lynch Klecko and he comes back scum, then the table is set for us to automatically assume that Crusher is also opposite of what she said... making us leave him alone as townie, when he is really guilty.

Could be anything... long story short... if she comes back scum... we can't just assume we know anything new from the fake results in her counter claim.

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Selective memory. The #1 tool for being right all the time.


I suggested our Doc protect our Cop tonight... amidst other quarreling about mass reveal ****. I am just busting your balls, I did say it... but I don't care who gets credit... as long as it happens.

1 more cop investigation > doc at this point.. nto sure why i would've disagreed..

the cop 100% should not tell us who though..

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Just muddyng the waters..

it's a huge wifom, i've played it both ways in this spot. hard to read into it..

I wouldn't both with them.. the cop should investigate one of the unclaimed imo... (in order of my favorites)




If brett is being honest, everyon but hess will realize sharrow and i are 100% confirmed. You're good in my book. Crusher's play only makes sense as GF to be honest, so it'd be a wasted investigation.. I guess you could investigate klecko, but he seems more like a patsy then anything at this point..

OK **** you. Im sick of this ****. My play has been nuts for good reason but I've been pro town when it counted. Fine. You play online poker and so do I. No? I'll bet you 100 dollars on any of the three sights I play on that Im not the GF. Come on bittch put your money where your punk ass mouth is. Come one, or shut up. Your only hurting the town by trying to convince people Im the GF. Do it, take the bet, if your so sure.

Or.. Its possible your Jaba and Sharrow is your little slvae boy. Bleedin green was mad after you owned him in the fatboy game. he may have nailed you in this game by making you fat ugfly Jabba.

Bet up or shut up or when Im lynch I will nail your fat slugl;ike azz. Bet on it.

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OK **** you. Im sick of this ****. My play has been nuts for good reason but I've been pro town when it counted. Fine. You play online poker and so do I. No? I'll bet you 100 dollars on any of the three sights I play on that Im not the GF. Come on bittch put your money where your punk ass mouth is. Come one, or shut up. Your only hurting the town by trying to convince people Im the GF. Do it, take the bet, if your so sure.

Or.. Its possible your Jaba and Sharrow is your little slvae boy. Bleedin green was mad after you owned him in the fatboy game. he may have nailed you in this game by making you fat ugfly Jabba.

Bet up or shut up or when Im lynch I will nail your fat slugl;ike azz. Bet on it.


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OK **** you. Im sick of this ****. My play has been nuts for good reason but I've been pro town when it counted. Fine. You play online poker and so do I. No? I'll bet you 100 dollars on any of the three sights I play on that Im not the GF. Come on bittch put your money where your punk ass mouth is. Come one, or shut up. Your only hurting the town by trying to convince people Im the GF. Do it, take the bet, if your so sure.

Or.. Its possible your Jaba and Sharrow is your little slvae boy. Bleedin green was mad after you owned him in the fatboy game. he may have nailed you in this game by making you fat ugfly Jabba.

Bet up or shut up or when Im lynch I will nail your fat slugl;ike azz. Bet on it.

You play poker?

Pm me the sites, I'd like to play against you..

and fwiw, i do think you'd own me at it.. but it'd be amusing, and maybe you can take the monetary equiviliant of several hundred big macs off me

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1 more cop investigation > doc at this point.. nto sure why i would've disagreed..

That was the exact point I was making at the time... me thinks you like to poop on everything I say, just so you can say it later and take credit...

the cop 100% should not tell us who though..

Do you mean that the cop should not tell us who they are GOING to investigate... until after they have done it?

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That was the exact point I was making at the time... me thinks you like to poop on everything I say, just so you can say it later and take credit...

Not really..

I'm sure it's a misunderstanding

I mainly like to call you monkeybrain cause i "have it out for you"

Do you mean that the cop should not tell us who they are GOING to investigate... until after they have done it?

yeah.. no tell before hand

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