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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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So we have

Confirmed Innocents



Revealed roles (innocence unconfirmed)







Am I forgetting somebody?

I28 - innocent

Brett - Cop

Klekco - claimed

Crusher - claimed

Jif - kind of claimed, but not really (only 70 posts in teh game) (I will try to find the post where he did it.)

Vic - latched onto CTM's bandwagon early and often

AVM - who? yes... very withdrawn from this game

Hess - trainwreck of a game so far, the only thing he has going for him is my observation about your complete unawareness that the scum team usually has an offline chat concurrent with the game.

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Quick thought before I get started...

...based off what I know from role reveals and my role (i'm pretty sure we all have one) I wouldnt get to caught up in the movie character names and how they align because I'm feeling like some could be used for multiple personalities in the movie....

Here is Jif's sort of reveal...

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Go ahead.

Well, its not the strongest case I'll admit.

But I investigated AVM.

As soon as I revealed Cop.. although sudden he kind of buddied up to me, in my opinion saying multiple times "Oh you remind me of myself when I started" which I appreciate, but sorry if I can't fully absorb the sincerity of it right now. I think maybe he was trying to get on my good side to avoid investigation

Secondly, as soon as DanX revealed, he was the first to jump over and vote her too, which is a good distancing move. And then they had their interesting exchange where Dan says something like "Oh you too?" kind of forcing everyone to see that AVM was against her.

Thats really all I got right now, like I said, not the strongest, but just things I noticed.

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I28 - innocent

Brett - Cop

Klekco - claimed

Crusher - claimed

Jif - kind of claimed, but not really (only 70 posts in teh game) (I will try to find the post where he did it.)

Vic - latched onto CTM's bandwagon early and often

AVM - who? yes... very withdrawn from this game

Hess - trainwreck of a game so far, the only thing he has going for him is my observation about your complete unawareness that the scum team usually has an offline chat concurrent with the game.

This PC is going to die. There is a reason why I havent fully revealed...CTM/Sharrow perfect example. Brett being role blocked, perfect example. I'm sticking by that logic...I'm need to try and fix this virus...so I dont know if I will be able to post again untill tonight.

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Indeed. Now, odds are that one of us unclaimed are likely scum, and one of the claimed are likely lying. We have probably a 6-2 (maybe 5-2-1?) lead.

IF we were to mass claim (and I'm thinking out loud here as I type...not saying we should) -- We likely either get 2 doc claims or if not, we've got 2 genuine fake claims. No matter what, if we have any counters we go 1 for 1, which would leave us (assuming a successful NK by the scum) at most likely 4-1. If not, we have to piece together who's who via the role reveals. I've been against it all game, but quite frankly it doesn't make sense not to. A roleblocker is going to block Brett's play until dead, now -- so we can't assume we're getting any other investigation results. If everyone's ok by it, I volunteer to go first (or last if you'd prefer, as I'm a top suspect)

Uh.... Really?

You realize with an RB out there your basically putting our doc out on the plank right? It'll be easy enough for the scum to RB the doc, and then force lightning his ass, thus leaving our cop unprotected. That's madness. And RIDICULOUSLY scummy.

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Indeed. Now, odds are that one of us unclaimed are likely scum, and one of the claimed are likely lying. We have probably a 6-2 (maybe 5-2-1?) lead.

IF we were to mass claim (and I'm thinking out loud here as I type...not saying we should) -- We likely either get 2 doc claims or if not, we've got 2 genuine fake claims. No matter what, if we have any counters we go 1 for 1, which would leave us (assuming a successful NK by the scum) at most likely 4-1. If not, we have to piece together who's who via the role reveals. I've been against it all game, but quite frankly it doesn't make sense not to. A roleblocker is going to block Brett's play until dead, now -- so we can't assume we're getting any other investigation results. If everyone's ok by it, I volunteer to go first (or last if you'd prefer, as I'm a top suspect)

This sort of makes sense to me. We at least lynch one scum with one to go and the cop (although powerless now) and doc still intact....if we lynch the right scum.

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This PC is going to die. There is a reason why I havent fully revealed...CTM/Sharrow perfect example. Brett being role blocked, perfect example. I'm sticking by that logic...I'm need to try and fix this virus...so I dont know if I will be able to post again untill tonight.

You had NO reason to reveal partially, let alone fully. Nobody was voting for you and it was night phase when you posted that reveal.

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Uh.... Really?

You realize with an RB out there your basically putting our doc out on the plank right? It'll be easy enough for the scum to RB the doc, and then force lightning his ass, thus leaving our cop unprotected. That's madness. And RIDICULOUSLY scummy.

But if they RB the doc then brett can investigate. They would have to choose between the two.

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This sort of makes sense to me. We at least lynch one scum with one to go and the cop (although powerless now) and doc still intact....if we lynch the right scum.

Are you serious?

Dude, we still have the # advantage. If you're scum would you ACTUALLY claim a doc? The doc claims and his dead TONIGHT. And our cop the next night. You have to hope to end the game in that time because without the cop we have no chance of catching scum unless we guess right on the lynch. You have to see that the logic is flawed in this.

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Guys, I have to go to the eye doctor. I will be back in a couple of hours.

Try to avoid the speed lynch, and be careful about letting AVM suddenly lead the way, as I had the SAME suspicions as Brett about AVM's reaction to the 2 cop reveals yesterday.

Don't do anything stupid.

My vote right now would be NOT to mass reveal.

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They can role block one, and NK the other.


Hence CTM/Sharrow gheyhomofags being dead and Brett getting RB'd. Suggesting a reveal at this point would completely hamstring us and absolutely allow scum to operate with a planned attack.

Right now, they are literally shooting in the dark. We still have the #'s.

Hell even in thinking about it, as long as the scum RB's the frigging doc, our Cop is dead tonight. That's even worse. This plan just REEEEEKS of scum.

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Well, its not the strongest case I'll admit.

But I investigated AVM.

As soon as I revealed Cop.. although sudden he kind of buddied up to me, in my opinion saying multiple times "Oh you remind me of myself when I started" which I appreciate, but sorry if I can't fully absorb the sincerity of it right now. I think maybe he was trying to get on my good side to avoid investigation

Secondly, as soon as DanX revealed, he was the first to jump over and vote her too, which is a good distancing move. And then they had their interesting exchange where Dan says something like "Oh you too?" kind of forcing everyone to see that AVM was against her.

Thats really all I got right now, like I said, not the strongest, but just things I noticed.

Meh, I suppose I would have investigated me too off of that.

What I can say is this. My role was to find a specific member of the Empire, and on night one I nailed Dan with a half shot in the dark, half gut instinct pick. While that member was alive, I was immune to NK's AND I had a member of the empire in the bag already -- so I was biding my time considering as soon as Dan dies, so does my immunity. I tried to play off I could be the doc, or another important member so to take the NK last night, but obviously 2 for 1 was a better deal. My only restriction was that I could not ever out Dan as her an Imperial. I could vote for her, be suspicious, even hammer -- just could out and out say "Dan is imperial scum."

As for Vics post....Cop is useless as long as the roleblocker is alive. If we get everything out in the open, it wont matter if we lose the Doc or any power roles, even -- as it'd become a numbers game, to which we are way ahead right now.

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Hence CTM/Sharrow gheyhomofags being dead and Brett getting RB'd. Suggesting a reveal at this point would completely hamstring us and absolutely allow scum to operate with a planned attack.

Right now, they are literally shooting in the dark. We still have the #'s.

Hell even in thinking about it, as long as the scum RB's the frigging doc, our Cop is dead tonight. That's even worse. This plan just REEEEEKS of scum.

So did we just figure out AVM is most likely scum?

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Meh, I suppose I would have investigated me too off of that.

What I can say is this. My role was to find a specific member of the Empire, and on night one I nailed Dan with a half shot in the dark, half gut instinct pick. While that member was alive, I was immune to NK's AND I had a member of the empire in the bag already -- so I was biding my time considering as soon as Dan dies, so does my immunity. I tried to play off I could be the doc, or another important member so to take the NK last night, but obviously 2 for 1 was a better deal. My only restriction was that I could not ever out Dan as her an Imperial. I could vote for her, be suspicious, even hammer -- just could out and out say "Dan is imperial scum."

As for Vics post....Cop is useless as long as the roleblocker is alive. If we get everything out in the open, it wont matter if we lose the Doc or any power roles, even -- as it'd become a numbers game, to which we are way ahead right now.


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Meh, I suppose I would have investigated me too off of that.

What I can say is this. My role was to find a specific member of the Empire, and on night one I nailed Dan with a half shot in the dark, half gut instinct pick. While that member was alive, I was immune to NK's AND I had a member of the empire in the bag already -- so I was biding my time considering as soon as Dan dies, so does my immunity. I tried to play off I could be the doc, or another important member so to take the NK last night, but obviously 2 for 1 was a better deal. My only restriction was that I could not ever out Dan as her an Imperial. I could vote for her, be suspicious, even hammer -- just could out and out say "Dan is imperial scum."

As for Vics post....Cop is useless as long as the roleblocker is alive. If we get everything out in the open, it wont matter if we lose the Doc or any power roles, even -- as it'd become a numbers game, to which we are way ahead right now.

Huh? Town watcher is already dead. And you were bulletproof at night? Where's Crusher when you need him?

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Meh, I suppose I would have investigated me too off of that.

What I can say is this. My role was to find a specific member of the Empire, and on night one I nailed Dan with a half shot in the dark, half gut instinct pick. While that member was alive, I was immune to NK's AND I had a member of the empire in the bag already -- so I was biding my time considering as soon as Dan dies, so does my immunity. I tried to play off I could be the doc, or another important member so to take the NK last night, but obviously 2 for 1 was a better deal. My only restriction was that I could not ever out Dan as her an Imperial. I could vote for her, be suspicious, even hammer -- just could out and out say "Dan is imperial scum."

As for Vics post....Cop is useless as long as the roleblocker is alive. If we get everything out in the open, it wont matter if we lose the Doc or any power roles, even -- as it'd become a numbers game, to which we are way ahead right now.

So you hid a member of the empire to save your own ass?

And, AND you're suggesting a mass reveal?

Sure, we have an RB'r but the truth is that we only need to hit 1 out of 2 scum to get the RB'r. THEY need to pick out of the 4 unknowns (now 3, THANKS) to hit the doc to get to the cop the following night.

The numbers favor us to keep the doc alive. The mass reveal is retarded and you revealing your role is even less of a town move. I am seriously flabbergasted at this.

You are HANDING the scum a prioritized kill list. Think of this man, at this stage in the game our cop is the most important role we have even with an RB'r out there. This makes no sense man. And you just go ahead without talking about it and give away your role. Awesome.

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So you hid a member of the empire to save your own ass?

And, AND you're suggesting a mass reveal?

Sure, we have an RB'r but the truth is that we only need to hit 1 out of 2 scum to get the RB'r. THEY need to pick out of the 4 unknowns (now 3, THANKS) to hit the doc to get to the cop the following night.

The numbers favor us to keep the doc alive. The mass reveal is retarded and you revealing your role is even less of a town move. I am seriously flabbergasted at this.

You are HANDING the scum a prioritized kill list. Think of this man, at this stage in the game our cop is the most important role we have even with an RB'r out there. This makes no sense man. And you just go ahead without talking about it and give away your role. Awesome.

Yeah, that was bad. Especially when coupled with his desire for the mass reveal.

Vote: AVM

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So did we just figure out AVM is most likely scum?

I think so. I really do think so.

First he wants to give scum a prioritized kill list. And then he gives the scum another leg up by giving away his role.

We had 4 unknowns. The scum has gotta shoot blindly into them to hope they are RB'ing the doc. That's the only way they get caught up in this game.

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I just can't buy that reveal. And it just seems anti-town to sit there and watch SMC die when you could've saved him by fudging your role just a little bit and say your role was to find Vader and once you found Vader you would not be able to be converted by Vader to the dark side. You can fudge the role to save a fellow townie at that point.

Vote: AVM

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I think so. I really do think so.

First he wants to give scum a prioritized kill list. And then he gives the scum another leg up by giving away his role.

We had 4 unknowns. The scum has gotta shoot blindly into them to hope they are RB'ing the doc. That's the only way they get caught up in this game.

Plus his role makes zero sense. He's stating he was basically another "Watcher".

Worst case scenerio with the "keep scum findings to save his own ass" is Jabba, certainly not town.

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Huh? Town watcher is already dead. And you were bulletproof at night? Where's Crusher when you need him?

I'm not a watcher. I had to find a specific person -- it wasn't like I submit a name and get a scum/town answer, I had to find a specific member of the Imperials. I found her on night one. I was bulletproof because, taking out all the flavor, essentially what happened is I was protected by Dan, without her knowing it. They could have submitted a NK on me, as they didn't know I was protected. Dan knew I had found her, but didn't know who I was. Had they tried to NK me, I may have appeared to be the Doc. Another reason I didn't reveal earlier, hoping I'd come off as the Doc and be able to out the scum team.

So you hid a member of the empire to save your own ass?

And, AND you're suggesting a mass reveal?

Sure, we have an RB'r but the truth is that we only need to hit 1 out of 2 scum to get the RB'r. THEY need to pick out of the 4 unknowns (now 3, THANKS) to hit the doc to get to the cop the following night.

The numbers favor us to keep the doc alive. The mass reveal is retarded and you revealing your role is even less of a town move. I am seriously flabbergasted at this.

You are HANDING the scum a prioritized kill list. Think of this man, at this stage in the game our cop is the most important role we have even with an RB'r out there. This makes no sense man. And you just go ahead without talking about it and give away your role. Awesome.

It doesn't work that way. I could not say "DAN IS SCUM," all I could do was vote and go along with someone else. A vote, by myself, would have been OBVIOUS who I was to them, and therefore make the advantage of them not knowing they can't kill me a mute point. All along I said Dan was on my list, and slowly moved her up said list over time to try and make it less noticeable. This is why I jumped on CTM when he had me way down his list, I was doing the same thing with Dan, but that was because I knew her allegiances.

And I was going to get speed lynched, or near about had I not. I'm heading out for a couple hours (it's exam week, and I have a study group), and last time I role-revealed at L-2 in a similar situation, I got finished off.

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I just can't buy that reveal. And it just seems anti-town to sit there and watch SMC die when you could've saved him by fudging your role just a little bit and say your role was to find Vader and once you found Vader you would not be able to be converted by Vader to the dark side. You can fudge the role to save a fellow townie at that point.

Vote: AVM

Um...how could my role help SMC? How again, did I 100% know SMC was town? And from the way I read things, I was never allowed to say who it was I was meant to look for. One more thing....whoever said anything about being converted to the dark side? Because that was no where in my write up....only way you'd say that, is if it was in the PM to Dan, and if she found me first I could have been converted.

vote: Vic

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I'm not a watcher. I had to find a specific person -- it wasn't like I submit a name and get a scum/town answer, I had to find a specific member of the Imperials. I found her on night one. I was bulletproof because, taking out all the flavor, essentially what happened is I was protected by Dan, without her knowing it. They could have submitted a NK on me, as they didn't know I was protected. Dan knew I had found her, but didn't know who I was. Had they tried to NK me, I may have appeared to be the Doc. Another reason I didn't reveal earlier, hoping I'd come off as the Doc and be able to out the scum team.

It doesn't work that way. I could not say "DAN IS SCUM," all I could do was vote and go along with someone else. A vote, by myself, would have been OBVIOUS who I was to them, and therefore make the advantage of them not knowing they can't kill me a mute point. All along I said Dan was on my list, and slowly moved her up said list over time to try and make it less noticeable. This is why I jumped on CTM when he had me way down his list, I was doing the same thing with Dan, but that was because I knew her allegiances.

And I was going to get speed lynched, or near about had I not. I'm heading out for a couple hours (it's exam week, and I have a study group), and last time I role-revealed at L-2 in a similar situation, I got finished off.

But you had no votes on you when you just revealed.

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I'm not a watcher. I had to find a specific person -- it wasn't like I submit a name and get a scum/town answer, I had to find a specific member of the Imperials. I found her on night one. I was bulletproof because, taking out all the flavor, essentially what happened is I was protected by Dan, without her knowing it. They could have submitted a NK on me, as they didn't know I was protected. Dan knew I had found her, but didn't know who I was. Had they tried to NK me, I may have appeared to be the Doc. Another reason I didn't reveal earlier, hoping I'd come off as the Doc and be able to out the scum team.

It doesn't work that way. I could not say "DAN IS SCUM," all I could do was vote and go along with someone else. A vote, by myself, would have been OBVIOUS who I was to them, and therefore make the advantage of them not knowing they can't kill me a mute point. All along I said Dan was on my list, and slowly moved her up said list over time to try and make it less noticeable. This is why I jumped on CTM when he had me way down his list, I was doing the same thing with Dan, but that was because I knew her allegiances.

And I was going to get speed lynched, or near about had I not. I'm heading out for a couple hours (it's exam week, and I have a study group), and last time I role-revealed at L-2 in a similar situation, I got finished off.

Why could you not say Dan is scum?

"Guys, I have a pro-town role. I need to find a specific member of the empire (think black) and once I found that person, I have a bullet proof vest until they die. The person I found on the empire is Dan"

You do realize had you done this, we would've had them down to 2 people much quicker, and would've had an extra day to scum hunt and hit one of the last 2.

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Um...how could my role help SMC? How again, did I 100% know SMC was town? And from the way I read things, I was never allowed to say who it was I was meant to look for. One more thing....whoever said anything about being converted to the dark side? Because that was no where in my write up....only way you'd say that, is if it was in the PM to Dan, and if she found me first I could have been converted.

vote: Vic

You didn't know what SMC was. But you knew EXACTLY who it was on the empire. SMC was 50/50. Dan was 100%.

Did you not read what I wrote. I said you can FUDGE THE ROLE. A town player would have tried to get around the PM restrictions and say what they need to say in order to get a scum lynched.

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Why could you not say Dan is scum?

"Guys, I have a pro-town role. I need to find a specific member of the empire (think black) and once I found that person, I have a bullet proof vest until they die. The person I found on the empire is Dan"

You do realize had you done this, we would've had them down to 2 people much quicker, and would've had an extra day to scum hunt and hit one of the last 2.

yeah, and what would be the rules. If the rule is you can't VOTE for Dan fine. But you (AVM) could have been pushing it the whole time, which you weren't. If I'm wrong than your reveal is even more bogus as there is waaay too much grey area as what BG would allow you to say or not say.

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You didn't know what SMC was. But you knew EXACTLY who it was on the empire. SMC was 50/50. Dan was 100%.

Did you not read what I wrote. I said you can FUDGE THE ROLE. A town player would have tried to get around the PM restrictions and say what they need to say in order to get a scum lynched.

Not to mention that can anyone even think of who in the Star Wars universe this type of role could possibly apply to?

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