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Bleedin Green

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I dont like this post and I'm surprised nobody else picked up on this but this is a classic scum tactic. The poor me attitude on a case that outed an extremely powerful role....so now let me get less active and stop working. Really dont like this post.

I'm thinking everyone has roles CTM and the scum team is strong. I'm thinking Watcher/Protector/Miller/Finder? Something along those lines. I'm still wondering if the scum team found something on Crusher and thats why that case by Sharrow seemed so contrived and deliberate.

Vote: Sharrow

Meh, several people have insinuated he couldn't think for himself or wasnt' capable of putting a case like that together. Given the amount of emo we usually see in this game, I'd say that's a pretty tame response to such remarks..

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No doubt, the hope would be to indentify a couple of people claiming the same role and narrow down our choices. Typically you organize this in ways that makes thinking and reacting to claims very difficult (and if say one person claims a few minutes after the fact, that's a pretty decent scum tell that they didn't want to box themselves in the corner)

Also, frankly, I think we're going to end up at the same place anyway. Doing it our way though, train to l-2, claim, train on next person, wash, rinse repeat, we've already got smc and crusher today, i've been close and I'm sure sharrow and/or Brett will have something to say as well. It will just take longer and give scum more time to think of "safe" claims..

Just an idea..

Ok why don't you start than Mr. I Must Not Reveal for the Good of Humanity yet I've Done Nothing Good yet with my Power.

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Meh, several people have insinuated he couldn't think for himself or wasnt' capable of putting a case like that together. Given the amount of emo we usually see in this game, I'd say that's a pretty tame response to such remarks..

Great. I actually agree with you for once in this game.

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Ok why don't you start than Mr. I Must Not Reveal for the Good of Humanity yet I've Done Nothing Good yet with my Power.

Not how it works sparky, everyone has to reveal more or less at once, otherwise you lose a major benefit, the counterclaim..

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No doubt, the hope would be to indentify a couple of people claiming the same role and narrow down our choices. Typically you organize this in ways that makes thinking and reacting to claims very difficult (and if say one person claims a few minutes after the fact, that's a pretty decent scum tell that they didn't want to box themselves in the corner)

Also, frankly, I think we're going to end up at the same place anyway. Doing it our way though, train to l-2, claim, train on next person, wash, rinse repeat, we've already got smc and crusher today, i've been close and I'm sure sharrow and/or Brett will have something to say as well. It will just take longer and give scum more time to think of "safe" claims..

Just an idea..

The only difference is the fashion and timing of a reveal is what I use to gauge fake or not. A mass reveal takes that aspect away.

Meh, several people have insinuated he couldn't think for himself or wasnt' capable of putting a case like that together. Given the amount of emo we usually see in this game, I'd say that's a pretty tame response to such remarks..

Its was tame, but it was a post I would expect from scum. The vote isnt for that one post, but the body of work.

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I dont like this post and I'm surprised nobody else picked up on this but this is a classic scum tactic. The poor me attitude on a case that outed an extremely powerful role....so now let me get less active and stop working. Really dont like this post.

I'm thinking everyone has roles CTM and the scum team is strong. I'm thinking Watcher/Protector/Miller/Finder? Something along those lines. I'm still wondering if the scum team found something on Crusher and thats why that case by Sharrow seemed so contrived and deliberate.

Vote: Sharrow

First of all, I'm still not convinced Crusher is town because I can't think of any rebel character he could be. The only characters I can think he is are:

1. Jabba, either putting out a bounty on someone or feeding them to his rancor.

2. Vader, cause he threw the Emperor into that shaft when/during he died.

3. The Emperor, cause he basically killed Vader when he died.

Secondly, every game I get **** for not doing enough, sorry I tried to do some work this time.

Oh, and I'm down with the mass reveal or killing SMC or Crusher.

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First of all, I'm still not convinced Crusher is town because I can't think of any rebel character he could be. The only characters I can think he is are:

1. Jabba, either putting out a bounty on someone or feeding them to his rancor.

2. Vader, cause he threw the Emperor into that shaft when/during he died.

3. The Emperor, cause he basically killed Vader when he died.

Secondly, every game I get **** for not doing enough, sorry I tried to do some work this time.

Oh, and I'm down with the mass reveal or killing SMC or Crusher.

This is good stuff. The only thing is possibly R2 blows up somehow when lynched?

But I'm not sold on Crusher being town either.

I still don't get how the reveal helps town with both the cop and possible vig out there.

I think everyone should write down who they think are scum and why. That's just as good as a reveal imo. I've already stated where my thoughts are at.

you (Sharrow): SMC, Crusher?


Pac: Me?

JiF: Sharrow?


Vic: Kleck?

Crusher: Sharrow? Himself?

I would like to hear more from AVM here. Dan X and brett I'm not sure where they stand either. Integ I'm actually a little worried about as I think there could be truth into what Pac is saying about him being possibly being manipulated.

It would also be helpful if Kleck didn't grandstand defending himself 24/7 when he gets like 1 vote and instead possibly giving an inch of insight into his thoughts on the game.

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First of all, I'm still not convinced Crusher is town because I can't think of any rebel character he could be. The only characters I can think he is are:

1. Jabba, either putting out a bounty on someone or feeding them to his rancor.

2. Vader, cause he threw the Emperor into that shaft when/during he died.

3. The Emperor, cause he basically killed Vader when he died.

Secondly, every game I get **** for not doing enough, sorry I tried to do some work this time.

Oh, and I'm down with the mass reveal or killing SMC or Crusher.

Hmmm Unvote

I'm not totally convinced of Crushers reveal as well, the role is just too good to be true and totally makes him untouchable. That not a good situation for the town no matter how you swing it.

Maybe its because you never make cases that detailed it seemed off. This post kinda makes sense to me.

This is good stuff. The only thing is possibly R2 blows up somehow when lynched?

But I'm not sold on Crusher being town either.

I still don't get how the reveal helps town with both the cop and possible vig out there.

I think everyone should write down who they think are scum and why. That's just as good as a reveal imo. I've already stated where my thoughts are at.

you (Sharrow): SMC, Crusher?


Pac: Me?

JiF: Sharrow?


Vic: Kleck?

Crusher: Sharrow? Himself?

I would like to hear more from AVM here. Dan X and brett I'm not sure where they stand either. Integ I'm actually a little worried about as I think there could be truth into what Pac is saying about him being possibly being manipulated.

It would also be helpful if Kleck didn't grandstand defending himself 24/7 when he gets like 1 vote and instead possibly giving an inch of insight into his thoughts on the game.

I'm confused by your list. Have no clue what it means.

Klecko is making me nervous. He's never played this way before maybe first time scum being coached not to be so brash.

I am not ok with the reveal. Its day 3, there are 13 of us-- there will be way too much info to digest, stories to check, people to slide under the radar. Come on lets narrow down the field a little bit here.

Thats my only problem with it...its going to be a ton of info and we are going to have to familiarize ourselves with each role and then determine whats real or fake. Could be really tough and play into scum hands.

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Bret favruh has had a similiar relationship to crusher as jetscode had to slats... I think he should be under serious scrutiny here and i'm not sure why he isnt

on the phone and can't elaborate till later

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I see why people are asking for the mass reveal, but it seems fishy to me. Seeing the nature of this game, there are WAY too many ways that could hurt the town. We've already discussed a Jabba win-scenario in capturing Solo. Perhaps a Lando character can be a traitor?

What REALLY rubs me the wrong way is CTM, who I've read as town most of the game, giving this "we should all reveal, but I still have a mystery role til everyone else does" garbage. I understand wanting everyone to reveal at once, but how this doesn't strike people as scummy is mind blowing to me.

If we're going to mass reveal, we've got to coordinate it somehow but aside from the fact it would be IMPOSSIBLE to draw up a scenario in which theres no way to mix players up, we've already seen never-used and people talking about new roles in this game. Add in to that scum being able to discuss, and you KNOW they are discussing what they'd each reveal in the case of a mass reveal, and we're asking for trouble. Additionally, what if the town has players that you don't WANT to be revealed? I understand the positives, but there's not nearly been enough talk about the negatives.

That said, CTM suddenly jumps to the top of my list. Klecko and Dan are probably 2a and 2b. I follow you guys on I28, and that certainly seems possible. Brett's play reminds me of Jetscode, and the fact of the matter is the longer the game lasted the more obvious it became -- if he's the only good option, we can go in that direction, but the more experienced, suspicious players should come first.

Sharrow I buy. I sense him being like me in games when I changed my play based on past criticism. It pisses you off, so you TRY, and then get harped on about it. I like his list, and I like his points.

Pac gets an incomplete, as does JiF. Not very long into this next work week, though.

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1. Doggin94it - Boba Fett (Fed to the Sarlacc, Day One)

2. slats - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Killed, Night One)

3. D P R - Grand Moff Tarkin (Fed to the Sarlacc, Day Two)

4. Jets Voice of Reason - Admiral Ackbar (Killed, Night Two)


1. Dan X

2. AVM

3. Vicious89x

4. brettw4rd

5. JiF

6. Integrity28

7. Klecko73isGod

8. Sharrow

9. Pac2566

10. The Crusher

11. SMC

12. CTM

13. HessStation

These are the 13 that are still alive, some more active than others. Hope this new week (without the draft & vacations) would allow for more activity.

I've based my guess about Imperialst numbers on the standard game format. Standard 16 game has 4 mafia (25%) so this game should have had 4 with 17 total players. The extra player could account for Doggin (SK) as 3rd party. But there may be more.

DPR was the Imperial tracker, so we can think that the town is powerful to balance such a role. If there is a 4 person team, then 3 are left. Who of the 3 on this list do we think is most scummy?

I pointed out CTM because it doesn't make logical sense that an outed power role should survive the night. He's also CTM and it seems that in every game past he's been targeted early by scum as an innocent. In a game where I was scum I left CTM alive as an innocent because he served the duel role of being the subject of suspicious and horribly misdirecting the town (like he did in the Thing game). He's my top candidate.

How about the others?

I have no read on Dan X, AVM, Sharrow, and Brett. The same for JiF & Pac because they've been away. I'm weary about Klecko because he could be hiding behind his apathy. Crusher used an emotional plea last game as scum and it worked. Now he's using "I've lost my mind" approach which is bizarre. Vicious looks genuinely lost. Integrity is aggressive as usual, but I don't know if I can read anything else into it. Hess seams clean

I don't know how we should proceed. I want to know what the King of Mystery has to say after he gets back on the PC and his points about Brett and other things.

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Look at Pages 100-105. Slats and CTM fighting about whether or not to have JVOR investigate DPR. Go figure slats was N/Ked.

Yeah well, it is what it is. I think you'll find JVoR, Doggin, and I are all townies. How you choose to find that out will be up to the town.

But you're a bright guy, CTM, and I'm a little concerned that you're not a lot more interested in DPR right now and his squirming over the possibility of being investigated.

He's the minority atm, my pursueing him will just add to the chorus on that..

And i still don't know what to make out of all of this other then my gut is saying do not trust

I was suspicious of Doggin early. I made a comment, maybe a couple times, that he made a simple post that made me believe he was probably town. So I left that breadcrumb out there, too, if you will. The post I was talking about is the one you apparently found where he said something to the effect of, "I wouldn't put it past Bleedin' to make up roles for this game."

Having to spell it out for someone I know isn't this dense is disconcerting - but I also have a role that I've never seen in any game, or read about in any wiki.


Why reveal in the first place?

CTM, if DPR dies at L-1 and is revealed as town, you can go ahead and lynch us on the theory that we were planning exactly that. Again, it becomes a 2 for 1 trade that any townie should be salivating to make.

Yet you are spinning ever more elaborate scenarios to avoid having DPR investigated. Why?

As i've said, I don't like who is pushing it nor does the whole thing make sense to me, and when it doesn't amke sense, it's usually not true

This resistance of yours reeks.

Doggin already said that if DPR is accidently lynched at L-1 and comes back town in his death scene, we can lynch him next. We can lynch JVoR and me, too. All depending on how many townies in a row you're looking to feed to this thing.

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Avm and smc dickheads... Obviously I would also reveal... We're going to get there either way.. Controlling it affords beter opt to paint scum into corner... This is a controversial strategy but it fits in this game cause we all seem to have roles... Doing this allows us to confirm innocents now also

Still on phone

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Avm and smc dickheads... Obviously I would also reveal... We're going to get there either way.. Controlling it affords beter opt to paint scum into corner... This is a controversial strategy but it fits in this game cause we all seem to have roles... Doing this allows us to confirm innocents now also

Still on phone

That's where I disagree. Just because everyone reveals doesn't mean we're 100% be able to pick who is and isn't scum. I like the idea of confirming innocents, but there are a LOT of bad things that can happen. If everyone else wants to reveal, I'm not going to keep my role to myself -- I just think this is a bad idea.

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Hess... Read again... My position was very similiar to i28 and Vic that day and was explained ad nauseum..

Go figure, Vic felt the same way. :rolleyes:

Oh wait, I'm not following the game, right?

I think we can all agree Integ is a question mark as Pac pointed out.


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this is a very dangerous line of thinking and makes me wonder about you. I28, much like an ewok, has the mental capacity of a common field mouse. You don't think he would be susceptible to a Jedi mind trick and easily lured to the dark side?

It's not all that unlikely that there is some sort of conversion capability even if it's only able to be done on a limited basis. What better player to recruit then someone who everyone is deeming untouchable?

Leave it to Pac to finally show up, and start off by deducing that we've struggling without him, and then start insinuating that while I have been outed as innocent, I am not. Despite being a key contributor to the successful lynch of 1 scum and SK, while he has been entertaining his inflatable lover on the It's a Small World ride.

Yes, I am the Ewok that shoots force lightning dip****, remember that from the movies???? Dummy.

This post reeks of scum trying to mislead the town... or complete FAIL... I haven't decided which yet.

This is a good point. The whole game I've been wondering if BG woud make it that simple. Also why is he still alive except to be useful to the town.

Good point? Really... you realize you are responding to Pac right?

I look at it like this... Slats hinted that he had a role on day one... Scum took a shot and he wasn't protected. Easy to deduce this if you ask me. Unless you are trying to play stupid.

JVOR lost his power on day two, so he was a known innocent and safe to target as an easy non-miss NK.

Scum doesn't know anything about my character other than that I am innocent, they don't know if I do or don't have a role... protection... backlash for them if they target me... etc.

The fact that you and Pac want to push on this on only day three when the town has a good lead in this game is anti-town. I expected that eventually the town would want to kick my tires, but this early doesn't help anyone.

Unless your intention is to help the scum team regain an advantage.

Which two games?

This one, and the last one.

First of all, I'm still not convinced Crusher is town because I can't think of any rebel character he could be. The only characters I can think he is are:

1. Jabba, either putting out a bounty on someone or feeding them to his rancor.

2. Vader, cause he threw the Emperor into that shaft when/during he died.

3. The Emperor, cause he basically killed Vader when he died.

Secondly, every game I get **** for not doing enough, sorry I tried to do some work this time.

Oh, and I'm down with the mass reveal or killing SMC or Crusher.

Move scenarios do nothing to help your case, if fact I think it hurst your case. Base your case on behavior not how you are able to map movie roles to reinforce your hypothesis.

"Down with the mass reveal" :rolleyes:

Wow... anti-town ideas all over the place.

Go figure, Vic felt the same way. :rolleyes:

Oh wait, I'm not following the game, right?

I think we can all agree Integ is a question mark as Pac pointed out.


We can "all agree?" For real?

I can only assume once we lynch another one of your scum teammates we'll have to revisit this won't we?

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Leave it to Pac to finally show up, and start off by deducing that we've struggling without him, and then start insinuating that while I have been outed as innocent, I am not. Despite being a key contributor to the successful lynch of 1 scum and SK, while he has been entertaining his inflatable lover on the It's a Small World ride.

Yes, I am the Ewok that shoots force lightning dip****, remember that from the movies???? Dummy.

This post reeks of scum trying to mislead the town... or complete FAIL... I haven't decided which yet.

Good point? Really... you realize you are responding to Pac right?

I look at it like this... Slats hinted that he had a role on day one... Scum took a shot and he wasn't protected. Easy to deduce this if you ask me. Unless you are trying to play stupid.

JVOR lost his power on day two, so he was a known innocent and safe to target as an easy non-miss NK.

Scum doesn't know anything about my character other than that I am innocent, they don't know if I do or don't have a role... protection... backlash for them if they target me... etc.

The fact that you and Pac want to push on this on only day three when the town has a good lead in this game is anti-town. I expected that eventually the town would want to kick my tires, but this early doesn't help anyone.

Unless your intention is to help the scum team regain an advantage.

This one, and the last one.

Move scenarios do nothing to help your case, if fact I think it hurst your case. Base your case on behavior not how you are able to map movie roles to reinforce your hypothesis.

"Down with the mass reveal" :rolleyes:

Wow... anti-town ideas all over the place.

We can "all agree?" For real?

I can only assume once we lynch another one of your scum teammates we'll have to revisit this won't we?

Ok, but I don't think you're scum, only that there is a possibility that your character could be manipulated by scum.

What do you think about my case on CTM thus far?

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I don't know if CTM is legit town, or cozying up to me because its a strategically good idea since I am a known innocent.

What I do know is that most of my reads on people throughout the game have been echoed or been consistent with CTM's. I think the possible "gambit" is a stretch at this point... and the basis of "why is CTM still alive" is rather easily explained.

Town hit SK on day one. During day one, upon re-read I found that Slats hinted that he was roled. Naturally scum targeted him for the first NK.

Town hit scum on day two. Putting scum at a distinct disadvantage. They know JVOR's power was a 1-timer and he would be unprotected. Targeting him for the 2nd NK makes sense because it helps scum keep pace with a guaranteed NK success... instead of a blocked attempt.

Furthermore, as we've seen today... SMC came into day 3 pre-loaded with a case vs. CTM. Sharrow with a case vs. Crusher. Vic working a case vs. Klecko. And now Pac and Hess even flirting with pressing on me.

Clearly one of these cases is being pushed forward into the fray by scum.

Initially, I read Sharrow's case and thought it sounded good. I haven't been able to make ends meat out of Crushers drunken nonsense... so its been tough for me to revisit that whole situation. I do feel the case presented by Sharrow seemed too buttoned up, and as I suggested put together by a group effort... despite his boo-hooing about trying harder this time. Now, knowing that every time I am in thread, I see DPR lurking... this tells me that whatever scum are still in this game are getting offline assistance from a savvy veteran player.

To me, day 3 needs to be about connecting dots. We need to lynch someone that can shed light on some of the other things we've seen so far in this game.

We lynch Crusher, and we could hit the Godfather if Sharrow is onto something... or we hit a roled townie that is going to take someone out on his way to the lynch. Apparently who this is this is contingent upon my role as the Ewok, if Crush is not lying. A Hunter type role on the Rebel team with a bond with the Ewok makes more sense than any of the contrived scenarios that Sharrow tried to give us from the movie. Crusher called for me explicitly which makes me think C3P0, Leia, Chewie or someone that had a bond with the Ewoks in the movies. The chest beating tbh makes me think Chewie... who fought alongside the ewoks and makes sense as a "hunter." Not ready to put my vote on Crusher.

SMC's case against CTM wasn't as solid as he thinks it is, I don't think we learn much from lynching either of them in that stalemate. Tbh, I think they might both be town... and that whole stalemate was a product of the real scum lying dormant for most of this game.

Hess's play has been very opportunistic and much less obvious townie thatit was his first game (Fat & Happy). Not sure if he is trying too hard to not sound like a noob, OR trying too hard to purposely sound like a noob who isn't getting a lot of instruction offline.

Then there is Brett. He was chatty Kathy early on, and has since become much more methodically absent without being absent.

When I was converted to scum last game, it was huge for me, it helped me understand how much offline chatter there is and how they help each other by digging up exploitable posts from constant re-reads. With that said, I feel there is a lot of misguided opportunism that is anti-town right now because the game is rife with paranoia.

The person I trust least in this game right now is DPR.

The person I feel who has been most obviously helped by offline scum is Sharrow. I also feel Brett is being coached up, but I can only vote for one at a time and I think Sharrow tells us the most about other players in the game.


Vote Sharrow

(I edited this to BOLD my votes, sorry.)

His lynch, will tell us what we need to know about Crusher... and that whole situation. Like I said, day 3 has to be about where we learn the most... right now, Sharrow would be the most telling lynch.

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Ok, but I don't think you're scum, only that there is a possibility that your character could be manipulated by scum.

What do you think about my case on CTM thus far?

That's fine. As of now that is not the case, and BG's description to me said nothing of the sort. Ewoks helped the Rebels in Jedi, and had specific relationships to specific characters... my guess is that there is more to my role that I don't know about yet, but it will be a tie-in to another town character.

As for CTM's case... I don't think its strong enough to pursue. I don't fully trust anyone in this game, but so far his instincts have been in line with mine, and I just don't think he's been doing it "as scum cozying up to the known innocent."

I think we gain the most clarity on the game as a whole right now in deciding between Sharrow and Crusher... although the suggestion of outing all town roles by CTM made me scratch my head.

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Initially, I read Sharrow's case and thought it sounded good. I haven't been able to make ends meat out of Crushers drunken nonsense... so its been tough for me to revisit that whole situation. I do feel the case presented by Sharrow seemed too buttoned up, and as I suggested put together by a group effort... despite his boo-hooing about trying harder this time. Now, knowing that every time I am in thread, I see DPR lurking... this tells me that whatever scum are still in this game are getting offline assistance from a savvy veteran player.

I'm nervous of this as well. And to point out the DPR senario makes even more sense...maybe my insticts were right. Altough I really like the possible scenario's he made on Crusher's role. Thought that was very protown, but guy is telling me I was on to something with the timing of the case and how it was delivered.

I'll put my vote back on...

Vote Sharrow

Though I am looking forward to hearing what CTM has to say about brett cuz I'm not liking the way he responds to minimal pressure.

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I'm nervous of this as well. And to point out the DPR senario makes even more sense...maybe my insticts were right. Altough I really like the possible scenario's he made on Crusher's role. Thought that was very protown, but guy is telling me I was on to something with the timing of the case and how it was delivered.

I'll put my vote back on...

Vote Sharrow

Though I am looking forward to hearing what CTM has to say about brett cuz I'm not liking the way he responds to minimal pressure.

The red: I agree, it was put together well... but at this point... Crusher has claimed a town role. Too risky to lynch him, but by lynching Sharrow we can gain clarity on the situation, because with a case like that there is no doubt in my mind that one is scum, and the other isn't. IMO no chance that its town on town there... so if we are wrong in lynching Sharrow, then we nail Crusher tomorrow.

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The red: I agree, it was put together well... but at this point... Crusher has claimed a town role. Too risky to lynch him, but by lynching Sharrow we can gain clarity on the situation, because with a case like that there is no doubt in my mind that one is scum, and the other isn't. IMO no chance that its town on town there... so if we are wrong in lynching Sharrow, then we nail Crusher tomorrow.

I agree. I'm not as convinced as you, but IMO its the best thing we have going and could be the most telling of all lynch scenario's to gain information.

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That's where I disagree. Just because everyone reveals doesn't mean we're 100% be able to pick who is and isn't scum. I like the idea of confirming innocents, but there are a LOT of bad things that can happen. If everyone else wants to reveal, I'm not going to keep my role to myself -- I just think this is a bad idea.

There's pro's and con's of course. That's why I asked for thoughts.. I'm leanging toward doing it, cause it's very easy for scum to get caught in a counter claim making it easy to pick them off..

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The red: I agree, it was put together well... but at this point... Crusher has claimed a town role. Too risky to lynch him, but by lynching Sharrow we can gain clarity on the situation, because with a case like that there is no doubt in my mind that one is scum, and the other isn't. IMO no chance that its town on town there... so if we are wrong in lynching Sharrow, then we nail Crusher tomorrow.

See the thing about this, and I agree, is that I would rather give Sharrow the opportunity to be proven as Town... Since he has been playing well as a townie, meanwhile Crusher has been crazy and is threatening to town even if he is a townie. I think Sharrow can prove to be more valuable in the future (if he is town)

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Leave it to Pac to finally show up, and start off by deducing that we've struggling without him, and then start insinuating that while I have been outed as innocent, I am not. Despite being a key contributor to the successful lynch of 1 scum and SK, while he has been entertaining his inflatable lover on the It's a Small World ride.

Yes, I am the Ewok that shoots force lightning dip****, remember that from the movies???? Dummy.

This post reeks of scum trying to mislead the town... or complete FAIL... I haven't decided which yet.

Who said anything about struggling without me? I said the town was doing great in more than 1 post. I'm sure you think you've had a lot to do with it which goes to my former point about your inflated sense of self worth. I know you'd like to spoon feed us this notion that you are now and forever will be innocent but I'm not ready to buy all that. Why would BG eliminate a lynch candidate right off the bat when he's been whining about game balance since I squashed him in the Thing game? My guess is you may be like a stray Ewok who starts out meandering the forest trying to find a home. Whether your eventual master is in the Rebellion or on the Darkside is yet to be determined.

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Go figure, Vic felt the same way. :rolleyes:

Oh wait, I'm not following the game, right?

I think we can all agree Integ is a question mark as Pac pointed out.


you're like a yoyo .. i can't keep up with whether youre voting me or not.

As i said 1000 times that first day, my objection to the doggin/jvor/slats plan was who was behind it. I was not defending dpr and even said at one point that i preferred to lynch doggin and then dpr back to back, which is exactly what i voted on

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Thoughts? Its the quicker way to get to the same destinaton..

My "thoughts" are you are a jerkoff. For a week you've been squealing like a stuck pig about not wanting to reveal and suddenly on a Sunday afternoon you're advocating everyone do it?

I don't like this 180 with 13 players and plenty of time left. If we get to that point in the coming days so be it but to do it now is premature.

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I don't know if CTM is legit town, or cozying up to me because its a strategically good idea since I am a known innocent.

What I do know is that most of my reads on people throughout the game have been echoed or been consistent with CTM's. I think the possible "gambit" is a stretch at this point... and the basis of "why is CTM still alive" is rather easily explained.

Town hit SK on day one. During day one, upon re-read I found that Slats hinted that he was roled. Naturally scum targeted him for the first NK.

Town hit scum on day two. Putting scum at a distinct disadvantage. They know JVOR's power was a 1-timer and he would be unprotected. Targeting him for the 2nd NK makes sense because it helps scum keep pace with a guaranteed NK success... instead of a blocked attempt.

Furthermore, as we've seen today... SMC came into day 3 pre-loaded with a case vs. CTM. Sharrow with a case vs. Crusher. Vic working a case vs. Klecko. And now Pac and Hess even flirting with pressing on me.

Clearly one of these cases is being pushed forward into the fray by scum.

Initially, I read Sharrow's case and thought it sounded good. I haven't been able to make ends meat out of Crushers drunken nonsense... so its been tough for me to revisit that whole situation. I do feel the case presented by Sharrow seemed too buttoned up, and as I suggested put together by a group effort... despite his boo-hooing about trying harder this time. Now, knowing that every time I am in thread, I see DPR lurking...this tells me that whatever scum are still in this game are getting offline assistance from a savvy veteran player.

To me, day 3 needs to be about connecting dots. We need to lynch someone that can shed light on some of the other things we've seen so far in this game.

We lynch Crusher, and we could hit the Godfather if Sharrow is onto something... or we hit a roled townie that is going to take someone out on his way to the lynch. Apparently who this is this is contingent upon my role as the Ewok, if Crush is not lying. A Hunter type role on the Rebel team with a bond with the Ewok makes more sense than any of the contrived scenarios that Sharrow tried to give us from the movie. Crusher called for me explicitly which makes me think C3P0, Leia, Chewie or someone that had a bond with the Ewoks in the movies. The chest beating tbh makes me think Chewie... who fought alongside the ewoks and makes sense as a "hunter." Not ready to put my vote on Crusher.

SMC's case against CTM wasn't as solid as he thinks it is, I don't think we learn much from lynching either of them in that stalemate. Tbh, I think they might both be town... and that whole stalemate was a product of the real scum lying dormant for most of this game.

Hess's play has been very opportunistic and much less obvious townie thatit was his first game (Fat & Happy). Not sure if he is trying too hard to not sound like a noob, OR trying too hard to purposely sound like a noob who isn't getting a lot of instruction offline.

Then there is Brett. He was chatty Kathy early on, and has since become much more methodically absent without being absent.

When I was converted to scum last game, it was huge for me, it helped me understand how much offline chatter there is and how they help each other by digging up exploitable posts from constant re-reads. With that said, I feel there is a lot of misguided opportunism that is anti-town right now because the game is rife with paranoia.

The person I trust least in this game right now is DPR.

The person I feel who has been most obviously helped by offline scum is Sharrow. I also feel Brett is being coached up, but I can only vote for one at a time and I think Sharrow tells us the most about other players in the game.


Vote Sharrow

(I edited this to BOLD my votes, sorry.)

His lynch, will tell us what we need to know about Crusher... and that whole situation. Like I said, day 3 has to be about where we learn the most... right now, Sharrow would be the most telling lynch.

So apparently, my case on Crusher was too good. This is such bs. Again with this crap that I couldn't have done it on my own. You play 2 games with me (5 game days, actually), and all of a sudden you're an expert on my mental capabilities and the way that I play the game.

A Hunter type role on the Rebel team with a bond with the Ewok makes more sense than any of the contrived scenarios that Sharrow tried to give us from the movie.
You're kidding me right? Have you watched RotJ? Yeah, cause the Emperor never killed anybody when he was killed... Right, that's not believable. What the **** were Chewy and Wicket hunting? Maybe some Ewok snatch during the party on Endor? wtf

Crusher called for me explicitly which makes me think C3P0, Leia, Chewie or someone that had a bond with the Ewoks in the movies. The chest beating tbh makes me think Chewie... who fought alongside the ewoks and makes sense as a "hunter." Not ready to put my vote on Crusher.

That's a bunch of nonsense too. Obviously he called for you because you're a mod-confirmed innocent. Turns out it didn't mean **** anyway because he submitted his name to Bleedin anyway, without your input. Did you skip that part, or what?

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