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I understand PSL's is the new thing, and there's not stopping it. BUT the thing that gets me is the fact that you don't get the rights to those seats for every single event that's held there.

It would be a little easier to justify spending that kind of money if you get the right to concerts, special events, and what not.

But they can't because teams share it.

Oh there is a way to stop it. Blackouts will stop it. Having half empty stadiums will stop it.


I really get the feeling that the NFL is about to kill the Golden Goose. They have the most popular sport since gladiators, and they are trying to choke It to death.



A lock out looming, PSL

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Now I hear the Jets are selling these PSls in blocks of 3..The idea is they are going to allow someone with 3 consecutive seats to set up a 'mini kiosk' at seat to sell goods.

So far many Indians have bought them and we will be seeing mini 7-Elevens in stadium seating area. Woody also said many Chinese have bought and we will be seeing 'on-site show repair' during games in these 'kiosk seats'.

OK, breaking news......

The JetNation Mods have purchased a 'PSL 3 seat kiosk' and will be providing a 'Glory Hole kiosk' service to those interested.

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Oh there is a way to stop it. Blackouts will stop it. Having half empty stadiums will stop it.


I really get the feeling that the NFL is about to kill the Golden Goose. They have the most popular sport since gladiators, and they are trying to choke It to death.



A lock out looming, PSL

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Oh there is a way to stop it. Blackouts will stop it. Having half empty stadiums will stop it.


I really get the feeling that the NFL is about to kill the Golden Goose. They have the most popular sport since gladiators, and they are trying to choke It to death.



A lock out looming, PSL

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Francesa's been on this for the first hour of the show. I rarely agree with him, but today I do. This is a bluff, Woody doesn't have the balls to black out the no 1 TV market in the country, especially with high expectations/exposure of the team this year.

But more than that, The PSL's are just a pure money grab, and a poorly disguised one at that. There's comments all over this thread like "only real fans supprot the team, screw those that don't pony up" I am more than able and willing to support my teams monitarily, with the price of a ticket. But to be told by the Brass of the the Teams I root for to grab my ankles just for the sake of it is insulting. Anybody whom is willing to shell out thousands for the right to pay for tickets has their priorities skewed. Me' I'll continue to get my tickets on Craigslist at Face or less than.

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Francesa's been on this for the first hour of the show. I rarely agree with him, but today I do. This is a bluff, Woody doesn't have the balls to black out the no 1 TV market in the country, especially with high expectations/exposure of the team this year.

But more than that, The PSL's are just a pure money grab, and a poorly disguised one at that. There's comments all over this thread like "only real fans supprot the team, screw those that don't pony up" I am more than able and willing to support my teams monitarily, with the price of a ticket. But to be told by the Brass of the the Teams I root for to grab my ankles just for the sake of it is insulting. Anybody whom is willing to shell out thousands for the right to pay for tickets has their priorities skewed. Me' I'll continue to get my tickets on Craigslist at Face or less than.

"The Right" :rl:

That one cracks me up all the time.

The only right the fans have is to be anal raped by the franchise.

If the Jets decide to raise ticket prices 10%, either you pay up or you lose your PSL.

Some right huh ?

Get too rowdy in the stadium. Lose you PSL.

It is going to be like Yankee Stadium and Citi Field. You will have most of the stadium full except for the best seats in the house, which at best will be 50% full.

What happens next year if there is a lockout or a strike ? Replacement players ? That would go over real well.

Is there an upside to PSL's ? I can't find any.

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Why should he?

I hope they get blacked out so that the "real" fans who sit on their asses at home can bitch and moan while I enjoy the win in person.

F the people who refuse to pony up the cash. F 'em.

Its one thing if you can't afford it, its another thing if you just won't do it.

I nominate this post for dumbest post in the history of JN.

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I nominate this post for dumbest post in the history of JN.

HA. Okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The Jets are charging money to go to games! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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HA. Okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The Jets are charging money to go to games! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

No need to cry, Joe. now everybody will be able to see you siting next to empty seats..lolz.. and the Jets will be the laughing stock of the league. while the Giants will keep right on rolling ;)

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No need to cry, Joe. now everybody will be able to see you siting next to empty seats..lolz.. and the Jets will be the laughing stock of the league. while the Giants will keep right on rolling ;)

Right on rolling to what? They lost 8 of their last 11 games.

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They won the sb 2 years ago..lol..they are doing this professionally. the Jets come off the afc championship game abd are acting like narcissists.

How are they doing things professionally?

Nobody cares that they won the Super Bowl in February 2008. Its what have you done for me lately? The Giants have PSL's, just like the Jets, and unlike the Jets are charging PSL's for the Upper Deck as well. The only thing the Giants have done better is their parking situation, and even with that in mind the Jets didn't do that terrible of a job either.

And yes, I sold two extra seats because I had 4 seats and only needed 2 for myself.

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How are they doing things professionally?

Nobody cares that they won the Super Bowl in February 2008. Its what have you done for me lately? The Giants have PSL's, just like the Jets, and unlike the Jets are charging PSL's for the Upper Deck as well. The only thing the Giants have done better is their parking situation, and even with that in mind the Jets didn't do that terrible of a job either.

Joe, if you want to spend your money on an over priced product thats fine with me. the Giants came right out and said they didnt want psl's to begin with. and your hero, woody got pissy with them. how do you justify the cost for a shared stadium with no roof?

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Joe, if you want to spend your money on an over priced product thats fine with me. the Giants came right out and said they didnt want psl's to begin with. and your hero, woody got pissy with them. how do you justify the cost for a shared stadium with no roof?

Why do you need a roof? Are we all babies we can't sit out in the rain or snow? Its obvious it had no barring on the Super Bowl because on May 25th the Jets/Giants will be given the 2014 Super Bowl. The only thing this takes away is the possibility of an NCAA Final Four. Whooptie doo. Still will have concerts, soccer games, NCAA Football, a Super Bowl, and probably an NHL Hockey Game in due time.

You don't need to have PSL's, but they aren't the worst thing in the world either. It spreads out the cost of tickets over time as opposed to jumping in right away with $300 a game prices in the LL and Mezzanine and $200 in the Upper Deck.

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Why do you need a roof? Are we all babies we can't sit out in the rain or snow? Its obvious it had no barring on the Super Bowl because on May 25th the Jets/Giants will be given the 2014 Super Bowl. The only thing this takes away is the possibility of an NCAA Final Four. Whooptie doo. Still will have NCAA Football, a Super Bowl, and probably an NHL Hockey Game in due time.

You don't need to have PSL's, but they aren't the worst thing in the world either. It spreads out the cost of tickets over time as opposed to jumping in right away with $300 a game prices in the LL and Mezzanine and $200 in the Upper Deck.

All this for what? we didnt even need a new stadium..lol..and you havent explained why the cost is equal to that of a non shared stadium. listen, your talking points make no sense at all..lol..do you work for the Jets propaganda ministry?

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All this for what? we didnt even need a new stadium..lol..and you havent explained why the cost is equal to that of a non shared stadium. listen, your talking points make no sense at all..lol..do you work for the Jets propaganda ministry?

We didn't need a new stadium, I agree with that, but this is a business.

Did you want a non shared stadium? You think what the Jets are charging now is bad? LOL. That would be one of the dumbest economic decisions EVER. Both teams are smarter than that, thankfully.

Both teams have to make money, like it or not this is a BUSINESS and the PSL's are a financial decision. The Jets and Giants were in a lose-lose situation. Either charge PSL's and hear the masses bitch & moan or don't charge PSL's and increase ticket prices by 200% and hear the masses bitch & moan.

If you think both teams could've built this stadium and just increased all ticket prices by $5, you're out of your ****ing mind.

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We didn't need a new stadium, I agree with that, but this is a business.

Did you want a non shared stadium? You think what the Jets are charging now is bad? LOL. That would be one of the dumbest economic decisions EVER. Both teams are smarter than that, thankfully.

Both teams have to make money, like it or not this is a BUSINESS and the PSL's are a financial decision. The Jets and Giants were in a lose-lose situation. Either charge PSL's and hear the masses bitch & moan or don't charge PSL's and increase ticket prices by 200% and hear the masses bitch & moan.

If you think both teams could've built this stadium and just increased all ticket prices by $5, you're out of your ****ing mind.

lol! again, if the Jets dont sell out and are blacked out..how do they make more money, dummy?

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lol! again, if the Jets dont sell out and are blacked out..how do they make more money, dummy?

You're kidding me, right?

Its MAY. The seats will sell. Maybe not the Clubs/Suites, but the others will sell and the Clubs/Suites don't count towards NFL blackout rules. The Jets have probably raked in more money this year than they did all of last year in ticket sales and they still have around 8,000 non Club/Suite seats left to sell, that will, in due time.

What would a blackout do except make the people on the fence say "well, I'm not missing any games so I'm gonna buy seats"?

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Hypothetical question. Right now there are somewhere between 10,000 and 17,000 very high end seats available. After all the hard ball marketing they have done, I suspect they won

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