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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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I'm in the middle of some domestic chores (ugh!) and have some posts to catch up on, but I would help with that forum, CTM, if there's anything I can do. My site building skills are quite a bit outdated, tho.

And I did gather all Hess' posts last night. I'll go over them (it got too late) and see what I see.

I'm willing to change my vote to a few different places at this point. I could be wrong on Brett, I suppose, and if it's not going to happen, my vote is wasted there. I'll leave it for now, tho.

you could join me on the naming team. Its gotta have no cussing, no nuiodty, be educational and have a very cool acronym.

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I wasn't going to say this before because I didn't want it to look like I was whining about rereading I28's posts a second time. But last night, to be more specific, I dreamed that I was clicking through endless posts that all had Integrity's name in bold at the top in huge blue letters. Each post had so many paragraphs, but the words themselves were really small, so I couldn't make out what they said. It was just INTEGRITY INTEGRITY INTEGRITY over and over, and endless stream of long posts.

You may think I'm kidding but I'm not. Come to think of it, I wonder if my subconscious was trying to send me a message, hahaha.

It's Predator technology messing with your brainwaves. Sorry about that, they were not supposed to take it off the thread...somebody has been a very bad monkey.

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Found something where he talks about Hess and others!

Caught up... this one's for you CTM:






Runin's bullrush on Brett just seemed contrived, it had no substance, and I just don't feel that Brett has played scummy enough to lynch (plus his reveal might be legit :rolleyes:) - at least not on day one - therefore I have a hard time "buying" Runin's sure thing, especially when you consider his reluctance to go back and reinforce his accusations with examples. I followed my gut when I mixed it up with the 2 of them, and I'm hoping my gut is right here... In addition, I didn't like how his vote for Smash came in sync with Lily's either, for reasons you'll see below... oh, and if he says "ask any DMer" about his play style again I am going to puke... Vote Runin Maybe its your aggressive style, or maybe you just aren't good at being scum... either way, from what I have seen you might be the most informative candidate for a day one lynch.

Haven't liked Smash's play at all, for many of the reasons mentioned previously in this thread. To top it off, he came in with a VERY delayed OMGUS vote on BG which I hope did not go unnoticed by you all.

Lily. Her play was shady already... but then you see her bandwagon vote for Smashmouth in #968 only to unvote him just a moment later in #975. Not sure what was up with that, but I'm guessing it'll get spun into "I didn't like how fast it was going" when it was the 8th or 9th vote... to me, that smells like scum trying too hard to look like they are making a pro-town move.

SMC's where I've got my vote right now. I am still not comfortable with his excuse for lying, being to "teach me a lesson" or whatever. The "I'm smart, i28 is a dumb monkey" routine is bull****... and I've seen other members of the MafiaMensa :rolleyes: use it before to brush their scummy mistakes under the rug. I won't let it get overlooked... that said, my single vote on SMC isn't helping the momentum of the game. I did notice that SMC unvoted Smash quickly when he saw Hess, Lily and Runin drop 3 quick votes on him right after SMC moved his vote to Smash. So UNVOTE SMC. I need to see more of his play...

I'm surprised nobody else picked up on SMC's vote for Smash being followed with 3 quick ones from Hess, Lily and Runin.... then a bunch of unvotes. The quick unvotes are usually legit townies concerned with making a mistake, or scum trying to act the part.

Also... bad smells coming from:

Brett & CTM - I'm not sure what that whole editing debacle was about, but CTM the Pungent should know better than to edit a post. Especially when it was 1 of only about 6(?) rules. Brett my pushing back on Runin while he attacked you had nothing to do with how innocent I think you are, it more to do with me seeing an opportunity to spread him out... and see what he's all about. If you are town, you need to start playing with the town's interests in mind bro... cut back on the emo, cut back even further on the over-explanations of the emo.

Hess - Your retardation is amusing, but also feels forced. I don't know what to make of it yet... but I didn't like the bandwagon vote on Smash, mostly because of who else did it with you.

Crusher - Seriously fat man. You make a charge at me, I defend well because you had NOTHING... and then you pull a disappearing act? I'm not trying to be OMGUS with this, I'd like to think I would have noticed this if the 1 person you targeted was someone else too.

That's all I've got... CTM can eat my nuts cause I know he'll have some sort of ******* remark to make because I am considerate enough to contain all my observations in one post, while he just simply plays opportunist.

For the rest of you? I recommend that you all try grilled pizza. I had some of the best ever last night. SO good.

In summary for DPR:

Unvote SMC


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It's Predator technology messing with your brainwaves. Sorry about that, they were not supposed to take it off the thread...somebody has been a very bad monkey.

Apparently! And then I wake up feeling exhausted. This game is pushing me to the limit, really. Haha. I'm trying so hard to somehow make it up to Vicious, but I'm sucking really bad.

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Then it probably won't help for you to know that they are all gathered on a different thread, watching every single move that everybody makes.

But, it's just like me to let everyone know that. G'night!

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It also seems Integrity never mentioned AVM or Pac by name, but that's just from keyword searching. All that means is he never listed them by name or sat down and wrote cases on them like he did with others. He obviously bickered with Pac at some point, though, unless I'm that tired.

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Thought it would be interesting to view the 2 lynches

Unfortunately, DPR did not do a final vote count on Smash's lynch, so this is what I can reconstruct:

Runin (6) - I28, Barm, Sharrow, Nae, Hess, Smash

Smash (15) - Vic, Brett, AVM, BG, CTM, Slats, Lily, Dan, SMC, JVOR, Shutout, JiF, Pac, Adella, Crusher

Dan (1) - Runin

Here is the final vote count for JVOR

SMC (7) - BG, Barm, Shutout, Hess, Sharrow, JVoR, Brett

JVoR (10) - Lily, CTM, JiF, I28, Nae, SMC, DanX, Pac, Crush, AVM


Where would the 4th Predator likely be on these 2 votes?

On the 1st vote there is 2 scum on Runin, would the other join BG on Smash?

On the 2nd vote there is 2 on JVOR, and ONCE AGAIN there is only BG on the other vote getter. Would the scum join BG or the other 2 teammates.

Players still alive who voted with BG both times:



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Nice work smc..

I really think we are in a big lead an outta just lynch someone.. it's probably 10-2 atm, and maybe even 11-1.. and the only fear town should have atm is 2 teams..

ya'll can lynch me for it if you want, but I don't have the energy to do heavy studying untlll it gets more down to crunch time..

part of me would like to lynch you or dan to clear the 2 team argument, but the other part says to take it at face value and just go for predators.. I'm fine with either

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I28 unloads his sidearm into the trees above, following those eyes, knowing that they would come for him.

The gun empties after 9 rounds, and he tosses it aside.

I28 looks around the camp, and spots a weapon.

It is the multi-barreled, spinning machine gun. It is loaded, ready from where JiF was preparing it to travel.

I28 hefts it up to the trees and unloads.

The sound it makes is amazing, the devastation it wreaks beyond words. Daylight pours into the clearing as I28 clears a swath of foliage, and he is screaming the entire time.

Yellow blood spurts into the air, and another scream, much higher pitched tears through the mist.

It's camoflage fails, and the Predator is in view now, dancing as so many bullets rip through it's body.

It falls from the tree, and lands face first into the ground, dead.


A two pointed dart takes AVM in the shoulder, bringing him to his knees.

He fires blindly, trying to hit the shimmering shape moving before him.

Hess fires as well, a modified shotgun, spraying buck-shot through the jungle.

A burst of yellow blood is the first sign that he scores a hit.

The Predator stalking AVM retreats as it's comrade screams, yellow blood flying everywhere.


Hess never stops firing, blowing holes into the creature, spraying yellow blood and meatier things across the jungle.


What's left of the Predator twitches, entrails glistening in the noonday sun.

There have only been these 2 instances where a predaturd got killed while attacking another player. Anyone else find it interesting the first time it happened the player who killed the predaturd turned out to be one themselves?


vote Hess

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no.. but what could it be? lol.. turn about as fair play :D

I'm going to refrain from talking about it until DPR returns. If no one saw it, it could be anything. I'm also fine if I need to die. This game has made me a mess of a human being.

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Thanks, CTM. But lynching me or Dan rather than Predator hunt doesn't make sense IMO. We can always take care of that later, along with the other "cleareds"

I say we take out the last of the uncleared.

Vote: Brett

He's on both trains with the "solo" Bleedin Green. He's never been attacked.

And this is his "reveal" in DPR's quote:

I've never seen so many edits in a mafia game in my life...:face:

Here's Brett's post:


I can PROVE that I am town. And I guess in a way I am lucky to be the first person with heat so I can say this.

In my PM, I was not given a role.. all I was told was basically "Your town. You win when all the Predators die"

That reveal isn't much, really.

Plus, if we get him out of the way we can concentrate on the cleareds for the next day if the game isn't over yet.

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There have only been these 2 instances where a predaturd got killed while attacking another player. Anyone else find it interesting the first time it happened the player who killed the predaturd turned out to be one themselves?


vote Hess

That bothered me too, Shutout.

I'm willing to vote Hess as well. Both Bleedin and I28 vouched for him. I28 also vouched for Brett.

Here are my 2 lynch candidates.

1. Brett

2. Hess

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That bothered me too, Shutout.

I'm willing to vote Hess as well. Both Bleedin and I28 vouched for him. I28 also vouched for Brett.

Here are my 2 lynch candidates.

1. Brett

2. Hess

I'll tell you I'm feeling pretty good about brett. For the same reason, I also feel the same about CTM. I forgot Pac was the one who quickly moved off brett after dpr posted the edit so I think I'm ok with him for now. I think I believe you, lily and Dan about your weapons (again, for now)

This would be the order I'd probably look to go in at this point, although other than the scenes I posted above I don't feel too much difference between 2-5






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I'll tell you I'm feeling pretty good about brett. For the same reason, I also feel the same about CTM. I forgot Pac was the one who quickly moved off brett after dpr posted the edit so I think I'm ok with him for now. I think I believe you, lily and Dan about your weapons (again, for now)

This would be the order I'd probably look to go in at this point, although other than the scenes I posted above I don't feel too much difference between 2-5






you saw what i saw exactly..

vote hess

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Ok I'm really not interested in pursuing Brett right now so if our other choice is Hess I'm down with that.

Vote Hess

Not sure if we care about letting him speak again but he said something about being gone until Sunday as I recall.

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you could join me on the naming team. Its gotta have no cussing, no nuiodty, be educational and have a very cool acronym.

Me name something? With my language? rofl

I'll give it a try and help you out.

At this point of the night, I'm switching between sewing my daughter's curtains and catching up here. My sister (Minuet for those of you who have been to DM but don't know this) kidnapped me for a couple of hours tonight. I showed her pics. She thinks you guys are all hot. She has such good taste! ;-) Crusher, she said to watch out for your daughter in a few years. She's a heartbreaker.

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Thought it would be interesting to view the 2 lynches

Unfortunately, DPR did not do a final vote count on Smash's lynch, so this is what I can reconstruct:

Runin (6) - I28, Barm, Sharrow, Nae, Hess, Smash

Smash (15) - Vic, Brett, AVM, BG, CTM, Slats, Lily, Dan, SMC, JVOR, Shutout, JiF, Pac, Adella, Crusher

Dan (1) - Runin

Here is the final vote count for JVOR

SMC (7) - BG, Barm, Shutout, Hess, Sharrow, JVoR, Brett

JVoR (10) - Lily, CTM, JiF, I28, Nae, SMC, DanX, Pac, Crush, AVM


Where would the 4th Predator likely be on these 2 votes?

On the 1st vote there is 2 scum on Runin, would the other join BG on Smash?

On the 2nd vote there is 2 on JVOR, and ONCE AGAIN there is only BG on the other vote getter. Would the scum join BG or the other 2 teammates.

Players still alive who voted with BG both times:



If it was me, I would have done one thing one time and one thing the other. SMC, you've put a lot of effort into trying to logic this out. I wish I could be sure it was for the town's benefit. Logic can also be used to promote a false trail, as I often use it.

Come on!

No mod killing please, DPR. The game is almost over anyway.

I agree. Please don't modkill her.

I'm pretty much the biggest ass ever. Did anyone see it??
Nope, nor do I care at this point. I'm not one to freak out over editing, tho. It's not against the rules in my games. I let the other players go after you if you do it. ;-) Editing to spare feelings, which it sounds like you did, is totally cool with me.

I'd hammer, but I didn't see anyone but SMC be in favor of it. If anybody is still up and wants me to, just say so. I'll be up a while yet.

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As for the name, all I have so far is 2CM - 2CulturesMerge. org

Sucks, huh? I'll keep trying. But it does sound educational for Dan, at least. Naming things is not my biggest talent.

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This exchange here bugs me a bit..

That's what's got me stumped. It's so transparent but perfect wifom fodder.

This (I hope it turns out looking right) exchange happened and it really hit me for some reason. We knew Slats was Town, so why in the world did Pac need to create a WIFOM off him? Most WIFOM's are scum, about 87% of the time.

And then we have this:

don't create a wifom captain smcerica.. i clearly said it could be someone angling for your lynch and already did that..

WIFOM's are my specialty..

LOL.. what good is putting 1 vote on every inactive in the game going to do?

ok if no CTM I'll go with the other part of this afternoons production...


Vote SMC

Sharrow pointed this out as the second time he tried to encourage voting off of the popular candidates, and this is close-ish to a deadline. I have to agree on that, not a good idea for town, but if you're scum and all your teammates have voted, random MK is lookin' good.

And then he dropped off my radar. Seriously, so much went on once night fell and then ended... More to come...

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I guess I kinda just miss her reassuring me that she agrees with what everyone else has to say and has nothing else to add.

Wow, okay, no, it's more like no one cares wtf I have to say really. The only way I can get anywhere with you guys is by agreeing with something someone already said, as long as it goes with what I was thinking already :rolleyes:

B/C she has a built in excuse not to lurk. She said she would only be around at night during a small window of time. That's why. She's probably the worst player to pick right now with the deadline tomorrow.

Wow.. Thanks for the logic. I really am pissed I couldn't get on, honest.

I just got back and have been rushing to catch up. Very interesting afternoon we've had.

I'm really baffled by CTM's self-vote. It's like he's suddenly become a shell of his former self, whose reasonable and insightful approach to the game I greatly admired. My gut reaction is that he's bluffing. For a roleless townie to self-vote and make such an asinine bet on Day 2 is absurd. Especially for one who's normally a clear, careful thinker. He's supposedly so lost he doesn't know where to turn ... yet feels confident enough to make the dummy bet with SMC? I dislike this pod-person version of CTM.

I agree that there's (unfortunately) no good reason to hop on Adella right now, considering how long we'd have to wait for her to get back. Did she ever show up last night? In the past she's used the excuse of no one being around to talk to when she's around, but by this point in the game there should be more than enough for her to comment on for us to read during the day.

I'm conflicted about JVoR. In the past we have heatedly debated whether it's beneficial for townies to ever a) lie to the town or B) self-vote. I don't know if there's anything JVoR hates more than self-voters. With that said, he would know I know that, so my guard is up. If he's scum he seems to be tailoring his play and suspicions to align with mine.

Need to read back a little more carefully on a few things.

Do you want to vote for me? Seriously, if you do that's okay. But if your just looking for any reason to vote for me that sounds semi-legit, then wow, way to be obvious about wanting a lynch.

FYI, I'm leaving the office soon and won't be back on until after 8 pm the earliers.

I'm at L-3 and the chances are the nonactives like Nae and Adella will vote me to seem active and at least put me at L-1.

I've said it before: I'm a roleless townie. If you want to lynch me while I'm offline, so be it. There's nothing I can do. I don't think there's a basis for the vote except game exhaustion. That is, except Slats who's trying to trump up a case against me and says I've been suspicious of me all game.


+ 1

And does she just not plan on voting anyone since she's not posting again before the deadline?

WTF kind of move is that?

The kind of move someone makes when they have no clue who could have revealed as what. Seriously, that would have been STUPID to place an uneducated vote this far in!

If we're stuck, I'm ok with lynching adelia if no other consensus emerges. it doesn't seem like anyone is roled up and if she has a weapon, we'll get to find out what happens when we lynch a weapon holder. (read: that means in the worst case scenario, she has a weapon, we still get information and probably reclaim the weapon anyway)

I'd much prefer to avoid that and pursue jyoy

Okay, I understood I28 trying to push a lynch on me cause he turned out to be scum. But seriously, this is WEAK reasoning. What in the world would suggest that I had a weapon or item? Nice backtracking to cover your a** at the end there...

Boo. I have a lot of trouble reading people when every person has the excuse of "trying to avoid a random lynch." I'm sure Adella's happy, at least. This works out awesome for her. :)

Honestly, at this point I expected to be dead...

To add, I'm not saying she's lying or anything along those lines. But it's apparently hard enough for her to keep up when she's not dealing with her family, and now that she's ages behind everything I'm concerned about the added time it will take her to catch up. We're put in the position of waiting for all that time to pass before she's able to actually say anything about the game, and if she's scum it automatically buys her several more days. So whether or not her reasons are valid, I think this becomes a huge problem in a game with such short deadlines, and I think this is a case where replacing someone might be a better option if possible.

Sorry, and I know you can't know, but this really made me go crazy to read it. I'm not making anything up. My nephew had a doc appointment today to do a bunch of tests and see if he has a heart murmur. Turns out he doesn't, but instead has a constriction on his aorta artery that is causing him to not get the proper amount of blood flow to his legs. This is a really big deal to me, he is only 16 months and now they are going to have to crack open his chest to perform surgery on his aorta artery to take care of the problem. I'm sorry, the last 3 days have been VERY stressful for me, and I honestly didn't post in any of the mafia games I am in. I'm honestly surprised to be alive in this game still, but before the last 3 days I was reading this game every night and keeping up well, even though I couldn't post with everyone a ton, and I knew I would be able to catch up while you guys were asleep so I have no clue why how long it takes me to catch up would matter. Looking beyond the fact that this is a really emotional time for me, this post seemed kind of scummy to me. You are trying to use basically anything as a tool to bring back that speed lynch possibility on me.

I know I said I'd put my vote on Adella if she didn't do anything by the start of this day phase. Given that she at least checked in, I'd like to hear from those who know her first. I would hope someone who's entirely missed the first week of play would request to be replaced or at least try to see who's been killed ... I felt like there wasn't a single hint of caring about the town's best interests in her post. At least acknowledge how much it sucks for your team and give us any help you can, rather than spend the entire time on the defensive. I'd prefer to have her replaced, but if not, i'd definitely consider voting her today.

Naeann was my second choice yesterday. I'll cautiously buy that ctm is town for now.

Vote: Naeann

Dude, I was offline for three days... Three.. That's all. Seriously, your push on me is really scummy, but then you go and vote for Nae.. Idk what to think...

A blade as long as her forearm appears in Adella's hand, cutting through the netting and spilling her out onto the ground. She rolls to the side, and springs back to her feet, knife held out in front of her...


Thanks for makin' me look awesome DPR ;)

Those are good points. I can see where people would think Brett's innocent.

Adella was netted and escaped, so that would go in her favor of being town. That said, Adella being absent wouldn't stop a dead teammate of hers from submitting a day or night action on her behalf.

There are 14 JN members watching this thread right now and only 3 of us posting.

Is that allowed here? I can imagine each predator having their own kill from how the scenes are, but a mod letting someone submit an action for someone else? No way! If you have an action you submit it yourself...

I need to build a mafia message board, that keeps tracks of votes and fos's and name mentions to make this **** easier.. Trying to search vote or fos on this board not only brings up all his votes, btu every vote and fos he quoted.. this could be so much more efficient..

would jn'ers dm'ers play at a neutral site if I built something that made all of this easier?

Yes, if you promise a more reasonable post count per page... This is making me crazy!

These are all the posts I wanted to comment on. Conclusion to follow.

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I honestly really have a bad feeling about DanX for the posts I quoted above and others since then, but it might just be me knowing she is wrong with every point she tried to make on me. But, since that isn't how this day is looking, I will stick with the person who I have been saying is scummy since Day 1.

Vote: Brett

Honestly, it's not hard to make up a town win condition, and it could be a plot to get declared innocent on day 1. Also, the edit... I feel like that honestly could have been due to a guilty conscience, or a teammate telling you that you took it too far to look innocent. It played out well for you in the end, but I am not buying what you're selling.

All the things that make you guys things people are innocent are based on trust. You all trust that so-and-so is telling the truth, and blah-blah confirmed it, so they must BOTH be town. Riiiight...

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