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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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You realize the mistake in your reasoning with respect to Pac, right?

Pac was a kill attempt. That means under your theory the Predators would have already bussed Pac and been successful.

Plus, you're overlooking the fact that the I28-Hess scene came right after Pac voted Hess putting him at L-3 with only 1 other person getting 2 votes. Hess was the obvious lynch candidate at that moment. Then BAM, the Hess-I28 scene.

Why on god's earth would the Predators try to kill someone who is at L-3?

Why wouldn't the Predators just let that person be lynched? A kill attempt at that moment makes no sense.

In fact, the Predators made 2 kill attempts at the time: AVM and Hess. AVM had no votes on him and Hess was ready to get lynched.

Does that sound like a smart Predator move???

I don't understand what you're saying about Pac. The difference, I'm saying, is that Pac was yet another failed kill attempt. I28 could have come up with some great role claim, because we all saw him kill a Predator.

You obviously make a good point about the attempt on Hess, who was about to be lynched. All I'm saying is neither move makes sense to me. If Hess was lynched, they most likely could have had I28 last to end game. Attacking Hess could have cleared him for the moment, but the risk seems so enormous to me.

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The team is of one purpose now; survive long enough to kill your enemies. You've seen three Predators die, although their bodies have disappeared, along with all of your dead team members.

It's hot again. Sweat covers your skin in a thick sheen and stings your eyes. As you look at each other, you see the whites of their eyes a bit more than you should.

The stress has taken its toll. You are sleep deprived. You've not taken time to eat or hydrate. And you also have another problem. Your nerves are frayed, and you are getting jumpy. You know your reactions are not as fast as they should be. You are breaking down, just a little, under the immense pressure.

You know that the Predators have been wearing you thin, and it worries you that you may be falling right into their plan.

A gasp from ahead snaps you out of your trance. You move quickly toward the front of the group, pushing through bodies to see what the discovery is.

As soon as you see it,you forget about everything that you were just thinking...an alien ship...the Predator's ship, is settled in the bottom of a small ravine.

The speculation is already running wild.

SMC is talking about a weapons inventory without even realizing it...

"Bladestars, spears, shoulder cannons, and who knows what else. You know they have backup weapons...they have to..."

Dan shakes her head, "No. You've seen these things hunt us. There is no way they are going to leave a bunch of firepower on board a ship where we can get to it. They knew we were coming here. Hell, they've practically herded us here. My guess is, they've rigged it to kill as many of us as they can..."

Lily cuts in, "No, SMC is right. We have to find a way in..."

"You're all wrong..."

Adella points to the skinned bodies hanging in the trees all around the ship.

"Thye wanted us here because they want to make their last stand on their terms. We've already walked into their trap. It's probably already too late."

"To hell with that." Crusher spits a long stream of brown tobacco spit onto the ground. "We've already killed most of them. We'll just kill the rest of them. Me an ol' Painless here will take care of that." He pats the machine gun he cradles in his arms.

AVM gives a cynical snort, "No. No, that's not what's happened at all. they've killed themselves...we only killed one...and it took two of their weapons to do that. We need to get out of here. We need to run."

That catches you off guard. You didn't expect him to be that shaken up.

Barmacral holds both hands out, palms down.

"Easy now. We have a mission to acomplish. We know we are getting close, I mean look at that ship, it's not that big. There can't be that many Predators that would fit on it."

CTM rocks back on his heals, confidence in his voice.

"Exactly. We need to to stay calm, stay focused, and do our job. Let's stake this baby out, and set traps for them. It ain't like they're getting home without it. I say we are in a prime spot to take them down."

"That's a fine way to look at it, but I think you are missing something..."

Hess points to the front of the ship. There is a small window there, and through it you can see a display of some sort, with red symbols blinking in rapid succession, then disappearing from the left to right. Just like a countdown.

"You don't know what that is. Nobody knows what that is..."

Brett scoffs and shakes his head, about to say more, when Pac shouts and points to the trees.

'There! I just saw those eyes again! They're watching all of us! They know everything that we're doing, everything that we're thinking! And they're going to wait until we can't hold up anymore, right at the point where we are the weakest, and then they're going to come in and take us one by one..."

His voice drops several pitches into a defeated monotone.

"And then, each one of us will be hanging from the trees without our skins. We got lucky killing the one. We have no control over this. We're all gonna die."

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I don't understand what you're saying about Pac. The difference, I'm saying, is that Pac was yet another failed kill attempt. I28 could have come up with some great role claim, because we all saw him kill a Predator.

You obviously make a good point about the attempt on Hess, who was about to be lynched. All I'm saying is neither move makes sense to me. If Hess was lynched, they most likely could have had I28 last to end game. Attacking Hess could have cleared him for the moment, but the risk seems so enormous to me.

Bussing Hess means that bot Hess and I28 are cleared for the rest of the game. We'd think that I28 was a Predator killer and Hess survived a Predator attack.

They could probably coast through the rest of the game.

If Hess is lynched that means I28 is the last standing in an 11-1 game. You think the abrasive I28 could survive that long to win in the end? Eventually we'd lynch Brett and Lily probably and then start looking at others.

And, don't forget, there are soldiers with Predator weapons. The Predators best chance at victory is with 2 Predators alive. Hess was as good as gone.

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I don't understand what you're saying about Pac. The difference, I'm saying, is that Pac was yet another failed kill attempt. I28 could have come up with some great role claim, because we all saw him kill a Predator.

The point about Pac is, why bus Pac last night when he has ZERO heat on him?

Nae was ready to get lynched and BAM there is a bus attempt. If the kill didn't happen Nae would have claimed to be a kill attempt victim.

Sound familiar?

Hess was ready to get lynched and BAM there is a bus attempt?

Again, there was ZERO reason to try to make Pac innocent last night. It wasn't like he was the prime lynch candidate today.

The Predators essentially tried to take a strangle hold on the game last night, but ended up losing Bleedin. That screwed up everything for them IMO.

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Wakes up as in ... she's on the right track? Hehe, good to know, that reassures me. :P

It very much is a sudden obsession. I'm not claiming I'm positive I'm right. (Believe me, after the Vicious incident, I'm pretty concerned I could be way off.) But if I'm getting strong scummy vibes from someone, I'm not going to be shy about it.

1. Yes, you're more than welcome to agree with CTM on a point that I don't. I believe that's how the game works. Not sure if you were trying to be clever there or what?

2. Why are people acting like there's a guarantee that our weapons (if we have any) would be safe if we were to lynch ourselves?

I agree! When Pac questions CTM, it's "oh look he always has a thing for me." When CTM questions Pac, it's the same thing. We all know you're both great players who wouldn't mindlessly attack each other over nothing. Personal rivalry lines = finished.

I'm flattered I'm all you can think about lately. ;)

Sorry but whatever light bulb you think went off yesterday needs replacing. I wasn't trying to get you to "talk about your weapons" yesterday I was trying to get you lynched.

I understand your harsh reaction but if you don't see the logic of it I don't know what to tell you. In fact I have yet to see anyone but you call me crazy for suggesting it.

Lets assume they have a guaranteed NK and are able to get more with successful day attacks from players with weapons (which would explain why their aim is so bad). When I saw what I thought was a slip up on your part I thought you we're inviting a kill attempt which could conceivably give them multiple NK's.

Just look at the first post I had when I thought you slipped up:

if she has a weapon they're about to get it!!!!!!!!

I was frantic because I thought you just told them if they kill you they get a guaranteed kill!

I think you were being nice when you referred to me as a "great" player but lets say you think I'm good... would a good player who is likely the last Predator scream with 13 exclamation points on thread or quietly nod and proceed to launch endless attacks at you? What you're saying I did as scum makes zero sense.... zero.

Oh and I'm not "suddenly being nice to you" like you suggested earlier. I save the insults for the guys and have never directed them towards women... although your reallllllllly making me start to reconsider that policy.

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I've caught up on today's activity and I'm still comfortable with my vote on Hess. I really think the similarities between naeann's and I28's death scenes is the best thing we have to go on.

SMC I know you think we're at endgame for scum but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned by the way we've seemingly been pushed away from Hess. As far as Hess' "don't lynch me, I'm important. But I don't have time to tell you anything other than that"... Has anyone ever turned out to be town when they do that? I don't doubt that he's legit busy, just doubt he has a role that doesn't involve being a predator.

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I've caught up on today's activity and I'm still comfortable with my vote on Hess. I really think the similarities between naeann's and I28's death scenes is the best thing we have to go on.

SMC I know you think we're at endgame for scum but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned by the way we've seemingly been pushed away from Hess. As far as Hess' "don't lynch me, I'm important. But I don't have time to tell you anything other than that"... Has anyone ever turned out to be town when they do that? I don't doubt that he's legit busy, just doubt he has a role that doesn't involve being a predator.

Exactly, Shutout.

Besides, Hess, who are you claiming to be? Just tell us. You've made 6 posts today without revealing a thing.

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All right. I have to go so don't have much time to continue discussing, but with Shutout adding his thoughts, too, I'm feeling a little less paranoid. When I get back tomorrow I'll vote Hess if everyone's leaning that way.

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I am here via blackberry. I read through. You have no idea how fustrating this is. First. SMC claimed I shot and killed Integ as Vig, which is why I was making a point that he attacked me, not other way around. Following this on bb is confusing enough. I saw Dan getting heat on predater attacks bc she as vig with weapon and didn't want to be grouped together. (Smc I don't know why they havent gone after you as vig or Lily either but I wanted it very clear to the town bc it was the truth that smc was blurring and to be honest I know you killed a predator but I don't know all the win conditions) When I said I was headed for the chopper I meant it. I have nothing to claim you raving lunatic just like the rest of us. Why did integ attack me? I don't know. He just ran the gambit with Nae AND IT WORKED. He could have probably won the game. Why risk it going any further other than he obviously thought he was free to kill townies which obviously backfired. I DON'T know all the rules to DPRs game but I'm sure he thought he was more powerful than he thought. Maybe they didn't know they can die on attacks at town, as I'm pretty sure all other attacks just missed. I don't know all the rules and set ups. I'm NOT hiding or waiting for qts with my scum team. Lilly did this to me last game. Its Stupid and degrading.

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Sorry but I hate when people try to lead the game by the nose, it's something I have seen used by scum over and over. Town is less pushy 97% of the time. But I guess that is metagaming...

Note: despite being from DM, Adella has never played a game where I was town.


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AVM gives a cynical snort, "No. No, that's not what's happened at all. they've killed themselves...we only killed one...and it took two of their weapons to do that. We need to get out of here. We need to run."

Anyone else find this line especially interesting about how we've only killed one of them?

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I am here via blackberry. I read through. You have no idea how fustrating this is. First. SMC claimed I shot and killed Integ as Vig, which is why I was making a point that he attacked me, not other way around. Following this on bb is confusing enough. I saw Dan getting heat on predater attacks bc she as vig with weapon and didn't want to be grouped together. (Smc I don't know why they havent gone after you as vig or Lily either but I wanted it very clear to the town bc it was the truth that smc was blurring and to be honest I know you killed a predator but I don't know all the win conditions) When I said I was headed for the chopper I meant it. I have nothing to claim you raving lunatic just like the rest of us. Why did integ attack me? I don't know. He just ran the gambit with Nae AND IT WORKED. He could have probably won the game. Why risk it going any further other than he obviously thought he was free to kill townies which obviously backfired. I DON'T know all the rules to DPRs game but I'm sure he thought he was more powerful than he thought. Maybe they didn't know they can die on attacks at town, as I'm pretty sure all other attacks just missed. I don't know all the rules and set ups. I'm NOT hiding or waiting for qts with my scum team. Lilly did this to me last game. Its Stupid and degrading.

Hess, you claimed a role before.

Do you have one or not? Are you Arnie?

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Anyone else find this line especially interesting about how we've only killed one of them?

We did only kill one of them.

Predator I28 killed Predator Nae and Predator Hess killed Predator I28.

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I am here via blackberry. I read through. You have no idea how fustrating this is. First. SMC claimed I shot and killed Integ as Vig, which is why I was making a point that he attacked me, not other way around. Following this on bb is confusing enough. I saw Dan getting heat on predater attacks bc she as vig with weapon and didn't want to be grouped together. (Smc I don't know why they havent gone after you as vig or Lily either but I wanted it very clear to the town bc it was the truth that smc was blurring and to be honest I know you killed a predator but I don't know all the win conditions) When I said I was headed for the chopper I meant it. I have nothing to claim you raving lunatic just like the rest of us. Why did integ attack me? I don't know. He just ran the gambit with Nae AND IT WORKED. He could have probably won the game. Why risk it going any further other than he obviously thought he was free to kill townies which obviously backfired. I DON'T know all the rules to DPRs game but I'm sure he thought he was more powerful than he thought. Maybe they didn't know they can die on attacks at town, as I'm pretty sure all other attacks just missed. I don't know all the rules and set ups. I'm NOT hiding or waiting for qts with my scum team. Lilly did this to me last game. Its Stupid and degrading.

So basically everyone else is missed but with you and only you they attack and are killed in the process? There were 6 attempts between Dan and I alone and they were just misses. The only other time a predator dies in an attack is when they attacked another predator.

As far as your last lines I personally am not accusing you of stalling necessarily because you need help from your team. I know you're a strong enough player that you don't need to go to your scummates and I see why'd you'd think that was degrading. However I still find your posts asking not to kill you so you can reveal rather than just revealing to be fairly suspicious and makes me feel even better about my vote on you.

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Hess, you claimed a role before.

Do you have one or not? Are you Arnie?

SHow me where I claimed a role. I didn't have a role. I am now the only town to have killed a predator in an attack and funny that you want to lynch me on flavor posts about I'm a scared town who wants out...

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So basically everyone else is missed but with you and only you they attack and are killed in the process? There were 6 attempts between Dan and I alone and they were just misses. The only other time a predator dies in an attack is when they attacked another predator.

As far as your last lines I personally am not accusing you of stalling necessarily because you need help from your team. I know you're a strong enough player that you don't need to go to your scummates and I see why'd you'd think that was degrading. However I still find your posts asking not to kill you so you can reveal rather than just revealing to be fairly suspicious and makes me feel even better about my vote on you.

1) I never said that. I said lynching me is a BAD idea.

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We did only kill one of them.

Predator I28 killed Predator Nae and Predator Hess killed Predator I28.

With 12 people left in the game. Yes that's what I did. Again you are blurring the truth. He attaked me and I WON. What do you think that means if you could for just one second get it out of you pee brain that I'm scum!!!!!!!

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SHow me where I claimed a role. I didn't have a role. I am now the only town to have killed a predator in an attack and funny that you want to lynch me on flavor posts about I'm a scared town who wants out...

Shutout pointed this out, but it bears repeating:

#3018 9:36 am


My role is more important. Back monday morning. DON'T KILL ME you fools.

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YES!!! You got it. I was a roleless townie who was attacked and SURVIVED an attack. The only one!!!

Uhm, CTM, Crusher, Adella, Shutout, Pac, etc. have claimed roleless townie and SURVIVED an attack. Dan survived an attack also. I survived an attack as well and shot back.

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Big f'n deal. I survived 3. What makes your role "more important"?

PER MOD I'm not allowed to discuss any of the things I know. This will go down as the most frustrating game in history. Why do you think things are so lopsided??? You think this game is a lot more simple than it is. DPR has made sure of that.

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Uhm, CTM, Crusher, Adella, Shutout, Pac, etc. have claimed roleless townie and SURVIVED an attack. Dan survived an attack also. I survived an attack as well and shot back.

I see what he's trying to say now. He's attempting to make a distinction between an attack missing and surviving an attack. I still don't buy it.

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