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Commence Operation Interception Machine!!!


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I hate to say I told you so... But I did. :rl:

Henne is not the guy. He won't be the guy. He will never be the guy.

This franchise needs to reboot. The playcaller is gone, in 2011. The coach? Probably. This team isn't beating the Jets or the Pats.

The QB needs to be found asap. Henne is not the guy. Repeat this 1000 times. I am ****ing done with this regime and its blind followers!

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What was the game plan today???? :rl:

Last week they Throw Every-thing at the Raiders and ran up the Most Yards all year...

This Week they can`t compete for any 3rd Downs and Play to keep it close and try for more FG`s?

The 2 Minute offense is a JOKE and they act like they don`t even know what they are doing?

The last 3 plays before game over....a run,a quick pass,and then a throw to Bess who is double that is blocked and becomes a pick to seal the game for the Browns????

Can`t defend Henne at all and think our Head Coach is on thin Ice also.....1974 was a LONG time ago...and getting sick of this MESS and all the other teams Fans in OUR Stadium.....

Stat of the day: The Dolphins had 16 possessions Sunday and one trip to the red zone that resulted in a touchdown.

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I think Henne is getting a bad rap now.

The problem is that Henne's John Kitna and in a good year he could be Chris Chandler or Stan Humphries. Yes, if the stars align, he can be a SB QB like Chandler, but he's not a franchise QB.

Miami misjudged him as did their fans. He is what he was at Michigan. Fans are complaining that he's inconsistent. Well, he was inconsistent at Michigan and usually played his worst in big games. That's what he is.

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