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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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For what it's worth, I don't think DPR is scum. The unless he's a GF, he's town. Chances Nae got back-to-back GF views in consecutive games? Very low. Chances are very much in favor of DPR being town.

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For what it's worth, I don't think DPR is scum. The unless he's a GF, he's town. Chances Nae got back-to-back GF views in consecutive games? Very low. Chances are very much in favor of DPR being town.

I want to hear what Vic says.

So far DPR has piled attacking a BP claim, on top of 3 day PR, vig shot at night, then vig shot at day, then power went out, then vote Crusher when we are all voting JVOR or JC, then voting Dan when we are all voting Crusher, then the shot got stolen... see what I'm saying? Its a long list of excuses and you all just keep making additional excuses for him.

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Stop thinking about the mancrush you have on him and just look at the facts. Nae is a townie with an innocent read on DPR. So, he's clean unless he's the GF. Chances of that are pretty slim. Is it possible? Yes. Does the general impression of his posts and their continuity (or lack thereof) suggest he's the GF? Perhaps. But going by the numbers, he's most likely town. Do you think he's lying about his gun being stolen?

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I've skimmed the sh*t out of the last two days tbh. Not sure what the Vic/Song thing is about. I read DPR's reveal and automatically thought it was complete and utter bullsh*t. What Vic is trying to say murks the waters a bit I suppose. I don't see anything else that's really going on besides that. But you can always ask me a more direct question and I'll ask the Gods and get back to you asap.

Lots a good prospects still on the board for the Jets!!!!

You're the f'n man, Hess hahaha

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I want to hear what Vic says.

So far DPR has piled attacking a BP claim, on top of 3 day PR, vig shot at night, then vig shot at day, then power went out, then vote Crusher when we are all voting JVOR or JC, then voting Dan when we are all voting Crusher, then the shot got stolen... see what I'm saying? Its a long list of excuses and you all just keep making additional excuses for him.

What was your reveal again? I thought you were BP/vig choice.

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Stop thinking about the mancrush you have on him and just look at the facts. Nae is a townie with an innocent read on DPR. So, he's clean unless he's the GF. Chances of that are pretty slim. Is it possible? Yes. Does the general impression of his posts and their continuity (or lack thereof) suggest he's the GF? Perhaps. But going by the numbers, he's most likely town. Do you think he's lying about his gun being stolen?

Kinda. I'm not bull-rushing him obviously, so I'm being fair about it. I think hearing Vic is important here. But DPR has strung some serious sh*t together...

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What was your reveal again? I thought you were BP/vig choice.

My reveal was Town Contractor. I had to FOS every player in the game (except myself) on day one. I could not FOS more than 2 players per post. In exchange I received my choice of a BP Vest OR a Vig shot.

I did all the FOS in one blast on a Sunday morning. I took the vest.

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I want to hear what Vic says.

So far DPR has piled attacking a BP claim, on top of 3 day PR, vig shot at night, then vig shot at day, then power went out, then vote Crusher when we are all voting JVOR or JC, then voting Dan when we are all voting Crusher, then the shot got stolen... see what I'm saying? Its a long list of excuses and you all just keep making additional excuses for him.

you need to step out of your own paws for a second an d look at your reveal more skeptically..

you basically oop'sd your way into the most ideal scum claim in the books for no reason, questioning your reveal is exceedingly pro town as far as I'm concerned..

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My reveal was Town Contractor. I had to FOS every player in the game (except myself) on day one. I could not FOS more than 2 players per post. In exchange I received my choice of a BP Vest OR a Vig shot.

I did all the FOS in one blast on a Sunday morning. I took the vest.

Sigh. This is what sucks about jumping in late. This literally ****s my theory. Oh well. Can you help me out and tell me what DPR said his "role" was. The name.

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Sigh. This is what sucks about jumping in late. This literally ****s my theory. Oh well. Can you help me out and tell me what DPR said his "role" was. The name.

Egomanical townie i belive.. awarded a vig shot after 3 days of being an egomaniac

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you need to step out of your own paws for a second an d look at your reveal more skeptically..

you basically oop'sd your way into the most ideal scum claim in the books for no reason, questioning your reveal is exceedingly pro town as far as I'm concerned..

Yes. CTM I understand this. I haven't denied it, I've just tried to tell you guys I had a reason for doing it. Not the best reason, but I didn't actually receive my vest until D2 started. I had to live through D1/N1 without it. I've said all this.

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Egomanical townie i belive.. awarded a vig shot after 3 days of being an egomaniac

See below, I've kept track of all roles, characters, alignments and claims ... in the order it all happened:


1) JetFat80: Cesar Cordova - Fat Townie (D1 Lynch)

6) Brett: Armando - Town Gunsmith (N1 Kill)

22)Nae: Fernando - Town 1-time investigation (REVEAL D2-Legit)(D2 Lynch)

10)Slats: Matos - Town Hider (N2 Kill)

9) JiF: Gina Montana - SK Mistress (D3 Day kill??? Not sure of the cause of death)

20)JVoR: SK (D3 Lynch)

13)BG: Mel Bernstein - Town Cop (N3 Kill)

12)Crusher: Ernie - Mafia Symp (REVEAL D3 / Bodyguard)(D4 Lynch)

18)JC: Francisco - FBI Agent (REVEAL D3 / FBI Agent found SK) (N4 Kill)


8) The Ape: (REVEAL D1) Town Contractor / Earned Vest

15)D P R: (REVEAL D1) Pedro Quinn - Egotistical Townie has PR to talk arrogantly for 3 days, earns 1-shot vig kill.

3) Hess: (REVEAL D2) Town, Scum can control his vote on D2 and D4?

19)CTM: (CLAIM D2 / Non-reveal) Surived NK attempt

2) Dan X

4) Verb

5) Sharrow

7) Song/Vic

11)Tom Shane





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Egomanical townie i belive.. awarded a vig shot after 3 days of being an egomaniac

Pedro Quinn. Good luck finding info about him, I had to look all over:

02:03:19 This is Pedro Quinn, chairman of the Andes Sugar Corporation.

02:03:08 - I'm working on it. - You have to work harder. Come.

02:03:12 I want you to meet some of my friends.

02:03:19 This is Pedro Quinn, chairman of the Andes Sugar Corporation.

02:03:22 - Pleasure meeting you. - Nice to meet you.

02:03:25 General Edward Strasser, Commander of the First Army Corps.


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yeah, i looked too.. a tiny part.. hard to find a picture even..

really don't know what to do with dpr..

part of me really thinks we shouldn't be lynching an innocent result till times are more desperate.. part of me thinks it's time to flush him

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I thought hE said he had a vest? **** I am totally confused. Awesome. I got confused between you, ape and DPR.

DPR claims:

PR for 3 days (ego a$$hole remarks)

After 3 days, earns vig night shot

Never fired, because he changed reveal to a day shot and said gun was stolen

Now basically roleless, as far as we know

CTM claims:

Survived NK attempt on N1, not substantiated by mod scene

Claims he has some sort of hard to kill ability, with extra votes required for lynching - was back/forth from what I recall regarding details of whether day would end if we try to vet his claim

Ape claims:

FOS entired game D1

earn choice of day/night vest or day/night vig shot

Chose vest

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@Hess - your original reveal was that scum could control your vote on D2 and D4 right? Wrong? Can you re-explain your reveal?

If I have it right, have you now gone both D2/D4 with no instruction on who to vote for?

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yeah, i looked too.. a tiny part.. hard to find a picture even..

really don't know what to do with dpr..

part of me really thinks we shouldn't be lynching an innocent result till times are more desperate.. part of me thinks it's time to flush him

Yesterday, you seemed intent on lynching DPR today...

after this little diddy, if crusher flips scum, you're time is up tomorrow pirate..

Then Vic said this...

I think the ape is the way to go. If they have a role blocker and use it on DPR I don't care we lynch him. That was my feeling the second i saw his reveal. Deliver or die.

Now you open today voting Vic. Sigh.

I'm not sure what to make of this, tbh. Your play has been erratic and contradictory, but I don't feel great about Vic either tbh.

Song's vote on JF80 on D1, instead of DPR, seemed scummy. It was late, tilted the balance to JF80. I didn't like Vic's role in the Nae lynch either, when he put his vote on her immediately after she revealed. He seemed to be in a rush to get that lynch in the books. He's been pretty under the radar, so how long do we give him the "he joined late" pass? All that said, I agree with Vic here... deliver or die. DPR has become one long string of excuses... how long do we let that go on?

The thing that really has me concerned about DPR late in the game is that when we were all choosing between JVOR and JC, he refused to vote either, and insisted on voting Crusher. Though he did nudge people towards voting JC (town), making arguments that JVOR's reveal seemed most legit...

Then the following day when Crusher started talking about his role more and the hinting, and Dan started picking him to pieces, DPR wouldn't vote Crusher. Seemed odd. Part of me thinks DPR is seeing how many wifoms he can surround himself with... we really shouldn't carry them all to end game. Now is a point in the game where we can afford to test him.

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my play has been erratic cause I don't know whose who and I don't trust anyone except for the guy that just died.. confused townie'd

again, i'm thinking it's those that are lieing low.. every time i've lasted this long and really had no ****ign clue it's because townies were at each others throats allowing scum to coast..

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my play has been erratic cause I don't know whose who and I don't trust anyone except for the guy that just died.. confused townie'd

again, i'm thinking it's those that are lieing low.. every time i've lasted this long and really had no ****ign clue it's because townies were at each others throats allowing scum to coast..

Yep. I feel the same way. How about we test your lynch power claim?

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Freakin' sucks for the Pats traded Richard Seymour for a developmental, finesse OT who is a converted TE

What are we doing? Starting from scratch on VicSong, who has the CTMitch to reveal with like, 2 votes on him? Funny how people were thinking that Dan and Crusher were doing a gambit, which I doubt, and that is not considered now. Then there's DPR who is in a lying match with CTM.

This seems like it's going to be a long day, so maybe we should test CTM's lynch ability to at least get that out of the way. CTM has been all over the map and he's a scum cloud in the back of my mind. Would be good to clear that up.

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I am the town inventor. After day 1 I received. BP vest that I can either use on myself or five to someone else.

After the servers crashed I thought about it and frankly I still don't get how people like sharrow skate on by. Amazing and I'm sure this will get me lynched. Anyways AVM is my best bet for scum.

Vote: AVM

Additionally I had i28 and DPR confused. I28 makes the most sense to me since our roles sound similar. People like AVM and sharrow have gotten by with little to no contribution

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Freakin sucks Vic used up 1 of 2 reveals we had today with minimal amount of pressure.

Dude. It was going there this is how we play. I rather give it early and defend it from there rather than defend, get run up, reveal and defend again. Makes the day too long.

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I am the town inventor. After day 1 I received. BP vest that I can either use on myself or five to someone else.

After the servers crashed I thought about it and frankly I still don't get how people like sharrow skate on by. Amazing and I'm sure this will get me lynched. Anyways AVM is my best bet for scum.

Vote: AVM

Additionally I had i28 and DPR confused. I28 makes the most sense to me since our roles sound similar. People like AVM and sharrow have gotten by with little to no contribution

How does the vest work?

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