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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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I just wanted to fact-check JIF's accusation that I revealed with 1 vote. Actually, I revealed with 3 votes: JIF, Slats, CTM, with Pac saying he'd vote me, Crusher saying he suspected me and Pac actually voting me right after I revealed. As you can see below the RED is my reveal. I'll let the facts speak for themselves, as I just refreshed and see JIF continuing to push on this...

I'm contemplating switching my vote to JIF under the lynch all liars premise. Everything else we've uprooted on D1 is speculative, might be best to just go with the simple case of lynching the guy that is lying.

Also, can anyone explain to me why it makes sense that JIF would suspect I'm roled up - and then make a full court press to get me lynched?

Vote Count:

JF80 (3) - Crusher, Hess, CTM

Ape (2) - JiF, slats

Hess (3) - Sharrow, Pac, Verbal

Verbal (2) - JF80, Ape

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Agreed, but I'm not moving off of the Ape. I'm not even going to consolidate. He's a filthy pig and I know it. Trying to play all townie like with "bread crumb" posts he's leaving that he can reference later...please. Huge scum tell. HUGE.

I want to the lynch the Ape and only the Ape.

Ape's in my top 3 and i'm willing to move there as well..

also, your a homo whose bff's with teh klacko cause he's one of the few men you aren't attracted to... you know it, i know it, and they know it..

Hess, Ape, CTM...

you guys pick one and I'll vote there...

I can also go for JiF given the outbursts this morning.

the ape's scum or rolled up, imo (or think's he;'s rolled up)

i'm interested in hearing his claim


vote ape

Bwahahahahahahah, good point. Ape has been playing unsettled. He accused me of not paying attention to detail, a lot like accusing me of being a fat ****. To screwing up his own details then running home to cook himself chili like a little girl. Now I love me some comfort food to but that's a little off for ape.

I'm not defending against a JIF case

I'm hardly in super-defense mode you dope. People asked me questions, I've given them answers. I don't think I'm being defensive at all.

The fact that you suspect I could be Cop, and want to lead a lynch on me is alarming tbh. I'm a roleless townie, like I said above "the same aggressive scumhunting Ape I always get stuck being".

I wasn't too fond of the Apes subtle push of Hess, spastic vote to put at L1, then admonishing me for voting him.

Reason I'd vote for either is because it could very well be that their scum partners and Ape was just trying to nudge him for distancing purposes.

Aperew seemed real concerned about putting people at L2 yesterday so I'll acomodate him.


Vote The Stupid Ape

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SMC was very quick to reveal, too. If pressed up against a deadline, he'd be one of my favorites for a lynch.

Pressed against a deadline, I dont think we'll have a choice but to lynch SMC or the Ape.

In fact, I'm starting to get the frame of mind that we should just stop running up other players and flip a coin between these two. 3 reveals on day 1 in a game this small benefits the scum way too much.

Ape's was much worse than SMC's IMO. If it comes down to it and people agree with that logic, I'd be more inclined to vote the Ape.

Unvote Sharrow

I'm going to think this out, but I'm starting to feel like thats the right move.

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I just wanted to fact-check JIF's accusation that I revealed with 1 vote. Actually, I revealed with 3 votes: JIF, Slats, CTM, with Pac saying he'd vote me, Crusher saying he suspected me and Pac actually voting me right after I revealed. As you can see below the RED is my reveal. I'll let the facts speak for themselves, as I just refreshed and see JIF continuing to push on this...

I'm contemplating switching my vote to JIF under the lynch all liars premise. Everything else we've uprooted on D1 is speculative, might be best to just go with the simple case of lynching the guy that is lying.

Also, can anyone explain to me why it makes sense that JIF would suspect I'm roled up - and then make a full court press to get me lynched?

With the way you play, I'm surprised why you are asking these questions. Like I said, I have strategy too, I just dont spell it out for chest pumping purposes...like you do.

Vote Ape

After this post and thinking about it more. I have no interest in another reveal on day 1.

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You keep trying to make the point that I revealed with 1 vote on me. I think its a moot point. Pretty sure you and CTM were both voting me, so I had 2 votes... and if you've been paying attention to the game, you would know that at least 4-5 other people have expressed a willingness to vote me.

So, given that you made it clear you "weren't going to move off the Ape" and that you were driving towards running me up - I'm not so sure why you are making a fuss that I revealed. It was inevitable, driving up my train was the ONLY play you had made to that point in the game, so what gives...?

Inevitable? You're unreal.

Just like you, I have strategy too. Unlike you, I just dont like to brag about it and note what I'm doing as I implement my strategy just to have the ability to go back and say I told you so.

There was no reason to reveal.

I'm going to have to go with stupid on this one.

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SMC was very quick to reveal, too. If pressed up against a deadline, he'd be one of my favorites for a lynch.

Like I said, if we are facing a deadline I'm the no-brainer lynch. Better lynch a roleless townie than a possible power role in D1.

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Considering the fact you guys are actually getting further away from a lynch the more time goes on, I think it's time for this:

Deadline has been set for 10:00 PM EST

LOL. That was expected since votes are spreading out again rather than coallescing.

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Pressed against a deadline, I dont think we'll have a choice but to lynch SMC or the Ape.

I'm no martyr (unless it was last game to protect AVM as part of my role) so I'm willing to vote Ape for the lynch. Much prefer JF80, Vandal, and Sharrow, but I'd go Ape.

If I die, keep a look out for those 3.

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Hahah.. sh*t happen to me too. Funny thing is with all my pc's programmed I could not even use my alt. LOL

The Ape thought it was banned and started freaking out on the Fantasy Football message board... lots of tears and pleas to ask Crusher why (asked in a Nancy Kerrigan way).

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Pressed against a deadline, I dont think we'll have a choice but to lynch SMC or the Ape.

In fact, I'm starting to get the frame of mind that we should just stop running up other players and flip a coin between these two. 3 reveals on day 1 in a game this small benefits the scum way too much.

Ape's was much worse than SMC's IMO. If it comes down to it and people agree with that logic, I'd be more inclined to vote the Ape.

Unvote Sharrow

I'm going to think this out, but I'm starting to feel like thats the right move.

So, if given the choice between a person claiming roleless (SMC) and a person claiming roleless who he suspects is possibly roled up (Me), JIF chooses to vote the player he believes to be roled up... oh, but yeah, he's also saying I might be scum, he has to say that.

I also like how JIF accuses me of being scum because I did something townie-like in breadcrumbing a point to come back to later, but then he drops this little super-townie doozy on us...

Hahaha... to the smart town players, please make note of this.

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Thats not saying much, you could make a case on anyone for anything at any given time. 90% of the time you're wrong. So I feel good

Sharrow came to me in a dream. And by no means do I think because you claimed roleless that you are just that...I told you earlier I didnt like your claim. Speaking of which, why do you think it was necessary with 1 vote on you?

Because now, we've got 2 people claiming roleless...votes going in different directions...all the cops are doing is narrow the field and it all started with a knee jerk claim for no good reason for you.

agree.. With 11 players we should just lynch the pigApe and be done with it...

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With the way you play, I'm surprised why you are asking these questions. Like I said, I have strategy too, I just dont spell it out for chest pumping purposes...like you do.

Vote Ape

After this post and thinking about it more. I have no interest in another reveal on day 1.

Lying = strategy. Got it.

Who does your strategy benefit... and please, spare us the "JIF doesn't chest thump" blather... you tit.

I'm really thinking you are scum at this point, picked up on my finder tells that I was dropping, and went all in on me... for the wifom I have given you, your welcome.

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I have no idea what the vote count is. If you guys decide to lynch me that's fine, I just ask that you do the math really soon...

11 players - 8 town, 3 scum (is my guess)

D1 - lynch me, town (7-3)

N1 - successful NK (6-3)

D2 - lynch town (5-3)

N2 - successful NK (4-3)

D3 - LYLO?

I'm not putting this out there as a "scare tactic" and I totally understand why lynching me makes sense here. I was dropping finder tells purposely so I could draw a NK on N1. That's why I think JIF became fixated on my lynch frankly, that or he's the worst player ever.... and yes, I'm capable of taking one for the team.

Anyway, there is little margin for error if the scum team is in fact 3 people, and 12 person games usually have a 4 person scum team. So I figure its probably a fair assumption to make. Just be aware of the math here...

My best bets for scum the last time I did a re-read were Sharrow, Verbal and either Slats, JIF or SMC. For what its worth. I'm not super confident in any of the reads I've made this game.

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I have no idea what the vote count is. If you guys decide to lynch me that's fine, I just ask that you do the math really soon...

11 players - 8 town, 3 scum (is my guess)

D1 - lynch me, town (7-3)

N1 - successful NK (6-3)

D2 - lynch town (5-3)

N2 - successful NK (4-3)

D3 - LYLO?

I'm not putting this out there as a "scare tactic" and I totally understand why lynching me makes sense here. I was dropping finder tells purposely so I could draw a NK on N1. That's why I think JIF became fixated on my lynch frankly, that or he's the worst player ever.... and yes, I'm capable of taking one for the team.

Anyway, there is little margin for error if the scum team is in fact 3 people, and 12 person games usually have a 4 person scum team. So I figure its probably a fair assumption to make. Just be aware of the math here...

My best bets for scum the last time I did a re-read were Sharrow, Verbal and either Slats, JIF or SMC. For what its worth. I'm not super confident in any of the reads I've made this game.

Half the game? Thats it? Come'on man, you can do better than that.

And I'm not explaining my logic for coming after you because of your hints. There's purpose behind it. Always is. You have your ways, I have mine. Your ways have given you the title of Scum MVP, my ways have given me the title of Greatest Scum Hunter Ever.

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My bad, I forgot this was a game based on 100% honesty.

Lying about facts that are in plain sight is just stupid. That is what you did.

JIF: "Ape revealed with 1 vote"

Reality: I revealed with 3 votes, and 2 people stating they were going to vote me - which would have been L1

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Half the game? Thats it? Come'on man, you can do better than that.

And I'm not explaining my logic for coming after you because of your hints. There's purpose behind it. Always is. You have your ways, I have mine. Your ways have given you the title of Scum MVP, my ways have given me the title of Greatest Scum Hunter Ever.

No chest thumping here. :rolleyes:

I've already stated I think there are 3 scum. Listed the 5 guys I'm suspicious of. I'm not so pompous to think I have all 3 of them figured out on D1. Those are just the people pinging most... but then, you already know what I meant... and are really only using this as an opportunity to crack the same tire jokes you've been cracking for what 2 years?

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No chest thumping here. :rolleyes:

I've already stated I think there are 3 scum. Listed the 5 guys I'm suspicious of. I'm not so pompous to think I have all 3 of them figured out on D1. Those are just the people pinging most... but then, you already know what I meant... and are really only using this as an opportunity to crack the same tire jokes you've been cracking for what 2 years?

Sorry. I'm not very original but my jokes would still be funny if everyone didnt steal my material and litter the board with it daily.

PS - not being able to multi-quote is ruining my world.

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Vote Count:

JF80 (3) - Crusher, Verbal, SMC

Verbal (1) - slats

Sharrow (2) - Ape, Hess

SMC (2) - CTM, Pac

slats(1) - JF80

Ape (1) - JiF

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

Seeing as no one is following me on slats, I'll move to the next scummiest. We have plenty of time to move back to one of the people claiming roleless (SMC, Ape) at the 11th hour if need be.

Unvote vote Sharrow

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