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Remember when Schottenheimer was a "breat of fresh air"?


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I do.

"We finally have an offensive cooridinator who uses shifts, and motions and isn't predictable like Hackett, thank god"

Yeah...that was cool

Vividly. By the next year he became every Jets fans favorite scapegoat.

Now bring that up and someone will point to the #18 ranking that year...cause the offense should have been better....you know...Kevin Barlow...Chad Pennington...Anthony Clement...what could go wrong? Now 2006 is just as much a piece of evidence of his ineptitude as...say guiding some sh*tdick rich Mexican to the AFCCG twice without putting up at least currently great offensive stats.

Those shifts and motions are now further proof...And on and on and on.

Onea dees days...

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