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Shonn Greene


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We've drafted 3 RB's in consecutive years in the 5th round or higher. I dont see us spending a high draft pick on a RB.

Given that we havent been successful with that method maybe the Jets will go back down to the 4th round. (Leon Washington). I still think however that our main problem is play design. I look at other football games and im jealous at the play designs that I see.

We're so 1982.

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He is like a drugstore diamond. He has his flaws. But his ability to catch makes him a better potential 3rd down back than Greene.

No doubt hes a better option than Greene since Greene cant catch. I still think we are pretty weak at RB overall, everyone of them is one dimentional except LT and hes really not a long term option hell this may be his last year. Maybe Powell can catch but he really did not get a chance to show anything at the position.

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Given that we havent been successful with that method maybe the Jets will go back down to the 4th round. (Leon Washington). I still think however that our main problem is play design. I look at other football games and im jealous at the play designs that I see.

We're so 1982.

You know what Villian Im sick of the 4th and 5th round crap when are we going to get a stud in here on offense ? When are we going to have a RB that scares the sh*t out of other teams ? Like a young Curtis Martin ?

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Given that we havent been successful with that method maybe the Jets will go back down to the 4th round. (Leon Washington). I still think however that our main problem is play design. I look at other football games and im jealous at the play designs that I see.

We're so 1982.

Play design for our RB's yeilded the #1 rushing attack in the league in 09 and what? 4th last season?

Sorry, play design in not a factor. Our OL sucks this year.

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Play design for our RB's yeilded the #1 rushing attack in the league in 09 and what? 4th last season?

Sorry, play design in not a factor. Our OL sucks this year.

We were the top rusher when we had the #1 rushing attack. We had less last season.

Sorry, but our offense shouldnt be one dimensional. Our passing attack is TERRIBLE.....like 1982, let me say it that way. Either way, we need an o.c. that can create good play designs.

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Although I think Greene is inconsistent, I do like him. He truly reminds me of Mark Sanchez. He's very inconsistent and shows up in the playoffs. I really like LT, but I'm starting to love this Joe McKnight kid. He shows us burst that we haven't seen since Leon Washington.

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You know what Villian Im sick of the 4th and 5th round crap when are we going to get a stud in here on offense ? When are we going to have a RB that scares the sh*t out of other teams ? Like a young Curtis Martin ?

I absolutely agree. Im not saying that we shouldnt get a first rounder. I do believe that the way we're going about getting some of our talent at certain positions is alittle suspect.

However, lets not forget that Curtis Martin was a 3rd round pick, and exploded on the scene for rookie of the year. So in that respect you can certainly get quality in the middle rounds.

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I dont know what this means.

My bad, I was rushing off the computer at work and want to et my comment to you.

Yes, we had a #1 rushing attack a couple years ago. Last year rushing game was very good, but not as good as the year before. This year we've again taken a step back. My opinion is that we are a one dimensional team. We're a one dimensional team because the play design for our passing attack is pathetic.

We need a much more balanced attack. Keep defense honest. We cant do that when the defense knows that 70% of our passes are slant routes.

We have a stupid coordinator.

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My bad, I was rushing off the computer at work and want to et my comment to you.

Yes, we had a #1 rushing attack a couple years ago. Last year rushing game was very good, but not as good as the year before. This year we've again taken a step back. My opinion is that we are a one dimensional team. We're a one dimensional team because the play design for our passing attack is pathetic.

We need a much more balanced attack. Keep defense honest. We cant do that when the defense knows that 70% of our passes are slant routes.

We have a stupid coordinator.

Gotcha. I just dont know how you come to that conclusion if the same OC led the #1 rushing attack and #4 rushing attack in the league while having a pathetically horrible QB who allowed teams to stack the box...and still does. We were even more one dimensional during those years than we are now and still had the best rushing attack in the league.

So I respectfully disagree that the reason we cant run the ball is because of play design or a lack of a balanced attack. Its because our OL is playing like doodoo and we're missing a few pieces that were crucial to our success in years past, T-Rich, Hartstock, Woody.

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My bad, I was rushing off the computer at work and want to et my comment to you.

Yes, we had a #1 rushing attack a couple years ago. Last year rushing game was very good, but not as good as the year before. This year we've again taken a step back. My opinion is that we are a one dimensional team. We're a one dimensional team because the play design for our passing attack is pathetic.

We need a much more balanced attack. Keep defense honest. We cant do that when the defense knows that 70% of our passes are slant routes.

We have a stupid coordinator.

what if i say we are not as good as the years before because we throw to much!

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Greene is great as a #2. So good in that role that he teases the team into thinking he could be a #1. The football equivalent of a AAAA baseball player. And, while I am on the baseball analogy, he reminds me of Cliff Floyd -- a stud on the surface but injury prone. Glass MkII.

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Gotcha. I just dont know how you come to that conclusion if the same OC led the #1 rushing attack and #4 rushing attack in the league while having a pathetically horrible QB who allowed teams to stack the box...and still does. We were even more one dimensional during those years than we are now and still had the best rushing attack in the league.

So I respectfully disagree that the reason we cant run the ball is because of play design or a lack of a balanced attack. Its because our OL is playing like doodoo and we're missing a few pieces that were crucial to our success in years past, T-Rich, Hartstock, Woody.

I'll respect your disagreement. It may not be the play design....though from what I see I believe so.

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what if i say we are not as good as the years before because we throw to much!

I would agree. Our passing attack is pathetic because one again, the play design is prehistoric. And I would also include that the rushing game is declining because we continuously run blast plays between the tackles.

agree or disagree with my point, one thing that I believe most would agree with is that the Jets offense is very predictable.

If thats the case then I would assume that it has something to do with our lack of performance on offense as a whole.

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