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Philip Rivers heckles


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Unfortunately, the Jaguars didn't give me any legitimate reason to heckle so I wisely kept my mouth shut.

This little kid sitting across the aisle from us kept screaming at the players to get their attention, trying to get one of them to give him a souvenir, much to the chagrin of my boss, who I think wanted to throw the kid over the railing by the middle of the third quarter. Every time Sal Palantonio walked by the kid screamed "SAL, SAL, SAL, SAL!" at the top of his lungs (the sound was eerily similar to nails on a chalkboard); Palantonio never even acknowledged the kid. Rivers gave the kid a towel, which was pretty cool of him.

The only thing close to jab that I was able to throw was to yell at Vincent Jackson to get me more fantasy points in the fourth quarter.

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you sir are clearly in possession of a rapists wit

You can't trash talk a QB when he leads his team to two scores in less than a minute apart at the end of the first half and then another less than three minutes into the second half. And then he gives a little kid a souvenir!

I was startning to get pissed at Rivers for being a good guy and killing my preconceived notions of his douchiness.

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