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Would you trade Sanchez for Freeman after this season (hypothetically, obvs)?


Trade Sanchez for Freeman?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Trade Sanchez for Freeman?

    • Yes. In a second. Give me Freeman.
    • No way. Sanchez is a winner. I'm keeping him.

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Even if that's true, I think the highest probability is that they will both continue to suck a$$, and a trade today is likely giving a multi-year commitment to yet another new QB who's likely to suck a$$. That alone is reason enough to avoid it, because if the Jets are willing to bring in a new QB, they need to try to get somebody far better than either of these clowns.

Well yeah, there's nothing from either right now that should be getting someone all antsy in their pantsy, but that's not in the poll.

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Freeman has sucked this year and has shown signs that maybe he's not the next Dan Marino. Some have pointed to this in defending Sanchez.

Q: If you're Tannenbaum and Tampa calls you after the season and offers you Freeman for Sanchez, are you doing that deal?

Why isn't "Go f*** yourself Tom Shane!" an option in this poll?

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