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empty seats in the 3rd


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I went to the Monday Night game vs. the Dolphins and commented to some dude about the areas between the 35's being empty at the start of the third. Thought it was because it was a sh*tty team on a Monday night. The dude (who goes to every game) said that those areas clear out EVERY game--the opener, the Pats game, 1 pm games. Stupid 1%.

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Really people?? U complain and btch when they don't win and then don't support when they play great no wonder people say we are the worse fans...I don't care if its cold or traffic no excuse. Give up ure tickets to real fans...

fans did that in the old stadium too. Nothing different than in the past.

And Woody doesnt want real fans at the games, just suckers who are willing to shell out $$$.

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Johnson is entitled to make every last dollar he can.

But there's a cost to doing that. If you treat your paying customers like marks to be fleeced don't be shocked when they don't like the feeling. And further expect they can be as mercenary as you. Eveyone I go to games with does not like the mess the new stadium is-the parking, the layout, the cramped facility, the catering to upscale club seats over regular fans. Based on the games I have been to this year, also seems like 20-40% of the suites are locked and empty. Good work, Woody!. And when it costs that much for regular fans putting the tickets up for sale on line and staying on your couch is an easy choice.

Expect to see a lot of different people on Christmas Eve. Glad Woody thought that was a good idea. He could've lobbied to play that game on Thursday or Friday night(which the NFL diod in December in the 1980s a few times) or Monday. We play the Jints as a home team every 8 years, and Woody could've fought that after hosting games last year on Halloween(against the Packers) and Thanksgiving. Instead he rolled over to Goodell to this sheet show of schedule, when you add in Sunday night followed by Thursday in Denver. If my choice is a football game or a holiday with my family it's gonna be my family.

One more thing-Fireman Ed seems like an afterthought. They show him on the video screen trying to get a cheer or a chant going-and then immediately play some really loud music.There's no point, and the club fans Woody has courted aren't going to chant "defense" or " J E T S".

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Really people?? U complain and btch when they don't win and then don't support when they play great no wonder people say we are the worse fans...I don't care if its cold or traffic no excuse. Give up ure tickets to real fans...

I agree with your post. That said, the real fans can just buy tickets now. Plenty of seats available each week.

Never understood why people leave though. Wouldn't you want to see a blow out? For once? Odd...

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Johnson is entitled to make every last dollar he can.

But there's a cost to doing that. If you treat your paying customers like marks to be fleeced don't be shocked when they don't like the feeling. And further expect they can be as mercenary as you. Eveyone I go to games with does not like the mess the new stadium is-the parking, the layout, the cramped facility, the catering to upscale club seats over regular fans. Based on the games

Specifically on the parking I have been pretty happy this year. Early on they were still inconsistent with the flow of traffic. You could get to the Turnpike one week a certain way, the next week they wouldn't let you go that way. Now that they have sorted that out the experience getting out of the lot has been good for me. The longest it takes me to get from my car to the Turnpike is 15 minutes...pretty happy with that, a few weeks were much quicker!

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Specifically on the parking I have been pretty happy this year. Early on they were still inconsistent with the flow of traffic. You could get to the Turnpike one week a certain way, the next week they wouldn't let you go that way. Now that they have sorted that out the experience getting out of the lot has been good for me. The longest it takes me to get from my car to the Turnpike is 15 minutes...pretty happy with that, a few weeks were much quicker!

Traffic flow has gotten better since opeining night, which was a debacle.
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I agree with your post. That said, the real fans can just buy tickets now. Plenty of seats available each week.

Never understood why people leave though. Wouldn't you want to see a blow out? For once? Odd...

When i was a season ticket holder, I left early once in my 15 years.

The two games I went to this year, I left i the middle of the 4th quarter. And didnt feel any remorse or guilt. Basically going to a game doesnt mean that much to me anymore. Woody sucked the life out of me as a passionate fan with his mega stadium and ridiculous prices. Its entertainment, not a way of life for me anymore.

If it was close, I would have stuck it out until the end. But it wasnt, and the 25 minute walk to the car was quite far to go.

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Really people?? U complain and btch when they don't win and then don't support when they play great no wonder people say we are the worse fans...I don't care if its cold or traffic no excuse. Give up ure tickets to real fans...

I guess you missed the Packers/Raiders game yesterday when Lambeau was emptying out in the 3rd. If the game is a blowout people leave.

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