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Francesa - Rex Interview


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So we have the Coach of the New York Jets, Rex Ryan, so how's everything coach?


Hey well you know the last couple of days hey were you know kinda rough.


So what your saying is that you thought you were going to be much better than you say you are.


Nothing can be further from the truth.


Well..wait a minute, your telling me that you actually think your that good huh?


That's exactly what I am saying.




Hey listen, you don't do much in the NFL if you stand Pat.


Stand Pat, isn';t that what you did against them?


Its not only up to the Jets to beat them, you know there's what 30 or more teams? Jeeze!


Well, wait a minute, you said that some other team other than the Jets should beat them.


Yeah well you know sometimes things get said in the heat of the moment.


I see, well tell me what your game plan is against the Giants on Saturday.


Jeeze, I tell you that's some football team over there...Jeeze if I had that talent, I would have won, what 2 or 3 super bowls.


Well, wait a minute your telling me that if you were coaching the Giants you would have won 2 or 3 super bowls?


That's exactly what I am saying, and throw in 5 or 7 WS Championships with the Yankees if I was managing that team you know with Derek Jeter and all.


Rex I am speech less right now.


Well that's a first....

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I think Mike said yesterday he asked for Rex to be on this Friday but expects to get turned down......woud love it if Rex actually comes on. Mike will probably tone down all the negative comments he has made concerning Rex.

I give Rex a lot of credit for standing in and taking his lumps, especially with Francesa. For all his bluster, he's handled the media well in good times and bad. I also think he knows Francesa's shtick--that all he's looking to do is bait callers. Good for Rex if he agrees to an interview.

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I think Mike said yesterday he asked for Rex to be on this Friday but expects to get turned down......woud love it if Rex actually comes on. Mike will probably tone down all the negative comments he has made concerning Rex.

Actully Fat a$$ interviewed Rex early this year and was pretty harsh. He didnt hold anything back.

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