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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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I understand it fully. I don't believe you.

What part of that do you not understand. The CTM I know doesn't stomp his feet and ruin a game because he's pissed off, and that was what your claiming you were doing. I don't buy it.

If I'm scummy for calling your reveal convenient, and your "tantrum" insincere and anti-town, then so be it. I don't see it that way A ALL. I think I'm calling it exactly as it is.

dude.. I'm not saying not believing my reveal is anti town, stop with the BS.. I'm saying trying to architect a scenario where me and someone you aren't affiliated with die is scummy..

In other words, if you're so sure I'm lying, why do you need to prod someone else into the hotseat?

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Catch up.

PM the mod and establish ground rules for the post counts.

Play the game, or tell us you are roleless and we'll just lynch you and get the **** out fo this D1 sh*t show.

yeah I'll do that

the mod part

I dunno about catching up though

if I do I'll probably skim

I don't see how I can catch up reading everything at the rate you guys post

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

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I think your vote is on Leelou. WTF are you talking about..

Meaning, I've voted and unvoted him 2x... And will continue to, if alive

I' voting leelou cause she's #2 on my list and is clearly lurking watching for her name to be mentioned. This has been a pretty common scum tell in the past

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Does the PM say you have to post vote counts with EVERY post?

Also, at this point... you've got to have some sort of take on the game other than trying to sell that bogus reasoning you gave for voting me. Break down the game thus far...

Since you have played with him on the past has he done this before that you know of or is this the first time hes posting Vote counts. Maybe that info would be helpful

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yeah I'll do that

the mod part

I dunno about catching up though

if I do I'll probably skim

I don't see how I can catch up reading everything at the rate you guys post

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

if your going to do vote counts at least get them right

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well I just double checked and it doesn't say I can't tell you guys...so yeah you're dead on

I have a PR that makes me post vote counts

it's kind of annoying and partially why I wasn't talking as much as I normally would

it was hard to keep coming up with excuses to post one

and then I just kind of gave up and hopped people would just think I was being a dick to you

buuut I guess I could've just said so from the beginning

my bad

also my role PM doesn't say they have to be correct...

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

Song (4) - JC, Brett, Leelou, Lily

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Pac (1) - Verbal

Ape (1) - Nolder

Brett (1) - Pac

LOL my bad, they have to be correct. I'm telling you, my plan along with er, Crusher's recommendation for spelling it right is fool proof.

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dude.. I'm not saying not believing my reveal is anti town, stop with the BS.. I'm saying trying to architect a scenario where me and someone you aren't affiliated with die is scummy..

In other words, if you're so sure I'm lying, why do you need to prod someone else into the hotseat?

I've already explained why I liked Pac's suggestion... it gives us the chance to see if he'll follow through, and I never said I was sure you are lying... all I've said is that your reveal is convenient and in no way indicative of alignment, and it means the town is stuck with your wifom for a while. You've made yourself untouchable to a degree.

The rest of this discussion is ridiculous. Your plan to take out a townie during your tantrum was just as anti-town as me discussing the pro's and con's of testing your reveal by lynching you, if not moreso. Its absolutely absurd that you are now redundantly calling me scummy after the way you initially planned to play your role.

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Naw, said it didn't have to be correct.

Interesting. So he is avoiding posting because he has to put the same thing in his post over and over and over and over again? Monkey does that every game. Nolder is starting to smell a little. SMC hammered the town as scum with a fake PR the whole game.

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Since you have played with him on the past has he done this before that you know of or is this the first time hes posting Vote counts. Maybe that info would be helpful

I don't recall him doing it like he has here, I can go check a game on DM later. It wouldn't surprise me if JF80 used the role I gave him in BSG though, he loved that role.

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I've already explained why I liked Pac's suggestion... it gives us the chance to see if he'll follow through, and I never said I was sure you are lying... all I've said is that your reveal is convenient and in no way indicative of alignment, and it means the town is stuck with your wifom for a while. You've made yourself untouchable to a degree.

The rest of this discussion is ridiculous. Your plan to take out a townie during your tantrum was just as anti-town as me discussing the pro's and con's of testing your reveal by lynching you, if not moreso. Its absolutely absurd that you are now redundantly calling me scummy after the way you initially planned to play your role.

You're obsessed with me. In my first comment on this, I said that I thought you might be baiting pac into being all bluster, you said no (or something to that effect)

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Interesting. So he is avoiding posting because he has to put the same thing in his post over and over and over and over again? Monkey does that every game. Nolder is starting to smell a little. SMC hammered the town as scum with a fake PR the whole game.

No you were right, suppose to be correct. Hence why the, just write, "vote count" er, correctly, is genius.

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ok so I just got my role clarified

it's supposed to be helpful to the mod not really detrimental

I don't have to post them every post and when I do I'll try my very best to keep them correct from now on

also I'm going to spend all of today trying to catch up

we'll see how that goes I guess

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ok so I just got my role clarified

it's supposed to be helpful to the mod not really detrimental

I don't have to post them every post and when I do I'll try my very best to keep them correct from now on

also I'm going to spend all of today trying to catch up

we'll see how that goes I guess

Good glad you got it cleared up. Looking forward to your contribution.

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Interesting. So he is avoiding posting because he has to put the same thing in his post over and over and over and over again? Monkey does that every game. Nolder is starting to smell a little. SMC hammered the town as scum with a fake PR the whole game.

I wouldn't put it past Nolder to have read old games here, like BSG. Don't know.... too speculative.

Also, what do you mean "smell a little"? You're vote is already on him isn't it? Did you not have a reason to vote him?

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You're obsessed with me. In my first comment on this, I said that I thought you might be baiting pac into being all bluster, you said no (or something to that effect)

Maybe you misinterpreted. I think I've said a number of times I'd like to see if Pac actually goes through with it.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

Song (5) - JC, Leelou, Lily, Smash

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Smash (1) - Brett

Pac (1) - Verbal

Brett (1) - Pac

Not Voting (2) - Crusher, Nolder

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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ok so I just got my role clarified

it's supposed to be helpful to the mod not really detrimental

I don't have to post them every post and when I do I'll try my very best to keep them correct from now on

also I'm going to spend all of today trying to catch up

we'll see how that goes I guess

Now it sounds like the role I created for JF80 in BSG.

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I wouldn't put it past Nolder to have read old games here, like BSG. Don't know.... too speculative.

Also, what do you mean "smell a little"? You're vote is already on him isn't it? Did you not have a reason to vote him?

Was referring to his odd explanation not his entire play this game. I voted him earlier because he dropped off the face of the game. No not on him anymore been off a bit ago. I have not put my vote anywhere since. Leaning song but just looking at a couple things first. The CTM thing is really got my head split.

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under 3 hours? oh right you didn't mean noon MY TIME

I'm an idiot

I wanted to try to catch up before the deadline


can anyone link me to some cases on the top 3 trains?

CTM is a vile monster who's always trying to lead town but self votes after the taking snowballs for Lily

Song is elusive and dropped the L1 on CTM b/c she didn't like the self vote

Leelou has been scum twice both times she's played (one to start, one by conversion) so there's metagaming

and that's all by skimming, see. Easy.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

Song (5) - JC, Leelou, Lily, Smash, Hess

Leelou (4) - AVM, CTM, Ape, Vic

CTM (3) - Sharrow, SMC, Song

Smash (1) - Brett

Pac (1) - Verbal

Brett (1) - Pac

Not Voting (2) - Crusher, Nolder

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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