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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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I realize I put myself out there today with DPR. Whatever if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway unless we get help from the killers. He's my first choice so I'm fine with it either way.

This post really alarms me - the whole "if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway" thing doesn't even make sense, but it sure is a hell of a way to cover yourself with the impending lynch. And with the timing, I fully expect a lynch...

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This post really alarms me - the whole "if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway" thing doesn't even make sense, but it sure is a hell of a way to cover yourself with the impending lynch. And with the timing, I fully expect a lynch...

Anyone else feeling the Hess vibe?

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This post really alarms me - the whole "if he's town it's pretty much game over anyway" thing doesn't even make sense, but it sure is a hell of a way to cover yourself with the impending lynch. And with the timing, I fully expect a lynch...

16 people. Say you're lynched and town. 15 people. Scum kill. 14 people left.

27 to start. 5 possible 6 scum including symp. Add in 1 or 2 3rd party plus dead cops, town pretty much loses pending the killers.

I would like to bowl with you and CTM one night.

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16 people. Say you're lynched and town. 15 people. Scum kill. 14 people left.

27 to start. 5 possible 6 scum including symp. Add in 1 or 2 3rd party plus dead cops, town pretty much loses pending the killers.

I would like to bowl with you and CTM one night.

16 people. Say I'm lynched and I'm town. 15 people. 3 kills - 1 Empire, 1 Bounty Hunter, 1 SK. 12 people left. This is kind of a big detail for you to miss...

That leaves 4 to 6 against 8 to 6. We'll have one more day to get it right. That's why I want a nexus lynch - we need as much info as possible, and Dan has been the most speculated about player so far.

I would like to bowl with all of you one night - that would be epic. Drunken epic epicness.

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I didn't realize I was already at 8 - time to reveal:

First, I have been intentionally provocative to try and create a train that would expose as many Empire votes as possible. Right or wrong, I picked on all of the players I suspect the most, and am not displeased with the results.

I'm the last Bounty Hunter. I'm the poison dart.

Here's my offer: let me live, and I'll kill the town's choice tonight. That way, you get a whole new vote count of who wants me to shoot who...

The Empire will kill me tonight, I'm sure, but I'll be vetted anyway by producing on my claim.

And, you'll have a chance to lynch someone from the Empire today - which the town really needs. My team had 3 players, so you know that their team has at least that many.

My way, you get a reveal, a poison dart lynch, and a regular lynch. You decide.

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I didn't realize I was already at 8 - time to reveal:

First, I have been intentionally provocative to try and create a train that would expose as many Empire votes as possible. Right or wrong, I picked on all of the players I suspect the most, and am not displeased with the results.

I'm the last Bounty Hunter. I'm the poison dart.

Here's my offer: let me live, and I'll kill the town's choice tonight. That way, you get a whole new vote count of who wants me to shoot who...

The Empire will kill me tonight, I'm sure, but I'll be vetted anyway by producing on my claim.

And, you'll have a chance to lynch someone from the Empire today - which the town really needs. My team had 3 players, so you know that their team has at least that many.

My way, you get a reveal, a poison dart lynch, and a regular lynch. You decide.

is this a good idea? i mean if we let him live lynch somone else and have him kill kae? and lynch him next turn if he survives? not sure how this works. what if he dosent hold up his end of the deal?
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I didn't realize I was already at 8 - time to reveal:

First, I have been intentionally provocative to try and create a train that would expose as many Empire votes as possible. Right or wrong, I picked on all of the players I suspect the most, and am not displeased with the results.

I'm the last Bounty Hunter. I'm the poison dart.

Here's my offer: let me live, and I'll kill the town's choice tonight. That way, you get a whole new vote count of who wants me to shoot who...

The Empire will kill me tonight, I'm sure, but I'll be vetted anyway by producing on my claim.

And, you'll have a chance to lynch someone from the Empire today - which the town really needs. My team had 3 players, so you know that their team has at least that many.

My way, you get a reveal, a poison dart lynch, and a regular lynch. You decide.

So what is in it for you?

AKA the Bounty Hunters have a different win condition that doesn't involve making it to end game. Maybe they have to kill a target.

LASTLY if any of you have a role that says Bounty Hunters are hunting you, don't say so. There can be 4 bounty hunters and DPR is just trying to bait you so that the 4th can kill you.

Lynch him.

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So what is in it for you?

AKA the Bounty Hunters have a different win condition that doesn't involve making it to end game. Maybe they have to kill a target.

LASTLY if any of you have a role that says Bounty Hunters are hunting you, don't say so. There can be 4 bounty hunters and DPR is just trying to bait you so that the 4th can kill you.

Lynch him.

Not letting the Empire win, that's about it. But I'm not going to make it to endgame anyway, so why not make their lives harder.

There is no alternative win condition, and honestly, who the **** ever cares about side-wins anyway? There's no glory outside of winning the game and everyone knows it. I play for glory.

If there were 4 of us, I wouldn't reveal and blow the last player's chance - and it's on everybody's mind anyway, so not much risk there.

Where there is a risk is if you lynch me, decreasing the number of players, and have 2 kills on townies tonight. Think about it...you need to break the game open, and I'm offering a solution to that.

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Not letting the Empire win, that's about it. But I'm not going to make it to endgame anyway, so why not make their lives harder.

There is no alternative win condition, and honestly, who the **** ever cares about side-wins anyway? There's no glory outside of winning the game and everyone knows it. I play for glory.

If there were 4 of us, I wouldn't reveal and blow the last player's chance - and it's on everybody's mind anyway, so not much risk there.

Where there is a risk is if you lynch me, decreasing the number of players, and have 2 kills on townies tonight. Think about it...you need to break the game open, and I'm offering a solution to that.

ugh I don't know if I trust this you have been pretty sneaky most of the game
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ugh I don't know if I trust this you have been pretty sneaky most of the game

I'm pretty sneaky in general - ask around - which is exactly why I don't ask for trust. Run the scenario for yourself.

The reason that I'm not dead yet is because experienced players know that what I'm offering is legit, and could be a massive boost to the town.

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I'm pretty sneaky in general - ask around - which is exactly why I don't ask for trust. Run the scenario for yourself.

The reason that I'm not dead yet is because experienced players know that what I'm offering is legit, and could be a massive boost to the town.

Steering the noob? Maybe its because you made your reveal at 11:30pm EST time, which is where 80% of the "experienced players" live.

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Fascinating. A few thoughts:

I didn't realize I was already at 8 - time to reveal:

First, I have been intentionally provocative to try and create a train that would expose as many Empire votes as possible. Right or wrong, I picked on all of the players I suspect the most, and am not displeased with the results.

I'm the last Bounty Hunter. I'm the poison dart.

Here's my offer: let me live, and I'll kill the town's choice tonight. That way, you get a whole new vote count of who wants me to shoot who...

The Empire will kill me tonight, I'm sure, but I'll be vetted anyway by producing on my claim.

And, you'll have a chance to lynch someone from the Empire today - which the town really needs. My team had 3 players, so you know that their team has at least that many.

My way, you get a reveal, a poison dart lynch, and a regular lynch. You decide.

So what is in it for you?

AKA the Bounty Hunters have a different win condition that doesn't involve making it to end game. Maybe they have to kill a target.

LASTLY if any of you have a role that says Bounty Hunters are hunting you, don't say so. There can be 4 bounty hunters and DPR is just trying to bait you so that the 4th can kill you.

Lynch him.

Not letting the Empire win, that's about it. But I'm not going to make it to endgame anyway, so why not make their lives harder.

There is no alternative win condition, and honestly, who the **** ever cares about side-wins anyway? There's no glory outside of winning the game and everyone knows it. I play for glory.

If there were 4 of us, I wouldn't reveal and blow the last player's chance - and it's on everybody's mind anyway, so not much risk there.

Where there is a risk is if you lynch me, decreasing the number of players, and have 2 kills on townies tonight. Think about it...you need to break the game open, and I'm offering a solution to that.

So just to be straight, you are a bounty hunter, if there's a 4th member to your team you aren't admitting it, your win condition was to live until the end, and you just want to piss the empire off.

Both of your kills have been town. Pac had been rather silent if memory serves, but Ape had been contributing and had been seeming town to me and Lily at least, and probably a few other people too. Reasoning behind killing him? And why exactly would we trust you now? You could just as easily pull an empire kill as a kill for us. In fact, it would all depend on who you think is town (see below)

Oh, and the “three” of you Bounty Hunters were able to communicate (how else would you know there were only 3 of you?), one of you had a single shot kill (which it seems he didn’t use because all four ways of death continued--see below below), the other one was a tracker, and then you had a kill every night. Interesting team.

We started this game of with 27.

Take away 3-4 bounty hunters=23

Take away our devouring serial killer (it’s either that or mafia has two kills--also a possibility--really though, Jabba’s monster seems like a likely candidate to me)=22

Now it’s hard to figure out exactly how many mafia there might be because 1/4 of 27 is about 7 and we have 4-5 anti-town right there. I’ll just be paranoid, go worst case scenario and claim there’s probably 6 of them and 4 bounty hunters.

16 townies. 7 are dead. 9 live townies.

18 players left alive.

9 town

2 bounty hunters

1 serial killer

6 mafia.




Pac--poison dart

Leelou--choked* and devoured


CTM--blaster fire



Crusher--devoured--1 time day/night kill

Ape--poison dart



SMC--blaster fire--tracker

*both are Sith powers therefore I assume both are Empire

What a lovely pickle we’re in. We could go down to 7 townies tonight. One more kill after that could end it for us, worst case scenario.

DPR offers us a chance, for what? Apparently the chance to piss off the empire.

Now tell me DPR, since it’s possible that only half of the playing field is town, who exactly would you trust telling you where to aim your dart gun?

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So what is in it for you?

AKA the Bounty Hunters have a different win condition that doesn't involve making it to end game. Maybe they have to kill a target.

LASTLY if any of you have a role that says Bounty Hunters are hunting you, don't say so. There can be 4 bounty hunters and DPR is just trying to bait you so that the 4th can kill you.

Lynch him.

I agree with everything Brett says here and I say lynch him.

Not letting the Empire win, that's about it.

So your saying you win with the rebels basicly, and your team took early shots which made no sense ? This is absolute crap DPR and you know it.

Personally I think you win with the Empire and want to go out in a blaze of glory . Running up another player to reveal can possibly expose a rebel role and then you take them out.

I think there may even be a good chance the Empire directed your BH kills all along.

Another Possibile win condition besides Bretts Target theory -- Bounty Hunters have NO affiliation and the win condition should only be survival at end game no matter which side wins but i think this may be less likely unless there is a 4th BH

Once Again LYNCH HIM

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I'm pretty sneaky in general - ask around - which is exactly why I don't ask for trust. Run the scenario for yourself.

The reason that I'm not dead yet is because experienced players know that what I'm offering is legit, and could be a massive boost to the town.

The reason your not dead yet is because no one was online to kill your a$$

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I don't see DPR doing something for others unless it helped him more in return, JMO. Off to bed though, I'll wait to see what the "experienced" players say.

Lol. I don't think so either.

Personally I think you win with the Empire and want to go out in a blaze of glory .

That was one of my thoughts, too. Partially because SMC's "must be DMers" case homed in on DPR at the start of D3. Of course it's possible, I just don't see it as the greatest moment for a distancing vote after losing another teammate N2. Plus I don't believe anything that comes from DPR's mouth, haha.

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Yeah, I wanted to think it over in the shower but I'm just going in circles. The claim doesn't make sense from any alignment that I look at. Unless there's something special he gets to do at night and wants to last for one more, or he's a bomb, or he just wants people to think he's a bomb, or he actually thinks enough people could trust him on this, or he knows town is so far behind he can try something nuttier and he enjoys the big show. Lol.

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DPR, I knew you were up to something.

One last thing because if you don't show up again before deadline this really drives me crazy ... at the very least you could have explained how you went from "feels town" on DPR to knowing he was up to something. You've barely mentioned his name all game, and if you're town it would have been a great time to get your thoughts on the reveal.

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