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Geisha Wars Mafia


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Is there an updated list somewhere? (I promise I will go back and read once I know what day it is and who's dead.)

from memory:

1. PAC

2. CTM - silenced D3

3. Nolder - survivor - lynched D1 and D2 (revealed D1 as town w/ lynch avoidance, then updated to survivor in N1 and added 1-time BPV)

4. EP

5. Ape - revealed N1 as 1-time lynch avoidance that triggers when I reach L1

6. Crusher

7. Christine - silenced D2, vote stolen D3

8. Verb

9. Leelou

10. Jif - successful general - vote stolen D2, killed N2 (by steel fan geisha/mafia)

11. 80

12. SMC

13. Tina - 3 shot vig - Samurai - NK night 1(by steel fan geisha/mafia)

14. JC1

15. Smash - vanilla - Wealthy merchant - NK night 1 (by ass-beating)

16. AVM

17. Lily

18. Hess

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The 2 in bold have my attention as well but crusher will do that on day one ( sometimes the entire game) its his jump on nolder that Im looking at. I have my eye on Chan but when dont I have my eye on Chan

When it comes to Hess I see it as a lost opportunity to gather some information. Hess comes out with some off the wall "im gonna fake claim" crap and off he goes voting and unvoting in the span of 5 minutes. What about that makes people unvote him is beyond me.

Here's the underlying problem with this logic. Hess does this on a regular basis. So regardless of how he flipped, it could be spun quite a few different ways. Killing Hess on day 1 to "gather information" would really give you no more information than what his alignment is. Let's say he flips town (which I think he would, obviously). Undoubtedly someone would come flying in with "so-and-so's vote is super scummy...he/she is our best lynch for information." Then we lynch that person, and they flip town. Then we spend the next day deciding if whoever led the lynch on day 2's player was misguided town or scum trying to get rid of a couple of players. 9 times out of 10 that player dies, and most often they are town (scum don't generally put themselves out there like that, unless you're myself or 80. Me because I suck and ARE VURY STOOPID).

My point is killing Hess had that classic waste 3 days while scum hide feel to it. We look back after 3 lynches and a few NK's and all we can work off is that we started with Hess on day one...because he acted like Hess.

I'm trying to find Smash's death scene..... came across this awesome exchange.

I'm not taking my vote off Hess. Not a chance.

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from memory:

1. PAC

2. CTM - silenced D3

3. Nolder - survivor - lynched D1 and D2 (revealed D1 as town w/ lynch avoidance, then updated to survivor in N1 and added 1-time BPV)

4. EP

5. Ape - revealed N1 as 1-time lynch avoidance that triggers when I reach L1

6. Crusher

7. Christine - silenced D2, vote stolen D3

8. Verb

9. Leelou

10. Jif - successful general - vote stolen D2, killed N2 (by steel fan geisha/mafia)

11. 80

12. SMC

13. Tina - 3 shot vig - Samurai - NK night 1(by steel fan geisha/mafia)

14. JC1

15. Smash - vanilla - Wealthy merchant - NK night 1 (by ass-beating)

16. AVM

17. Lily

18. Hess

Thank you!!!

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Thank you!!!

Note, the post silencing and vote stealing are claimed, not confirmed actions against those respective individuals (JiF, CTM & Christine). In other words, the mod or scene has not confirmed that and we only know it because the players claimed to be victims of it.

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I wish Tina were alive.

Shouldn't have killed her then, scum.

The longer this sh*t goes on, the less I think that Hess is scum, and the more I think that EP and Ape are.

Scum Team : AVM, Verbal, EP, Ape.

15. Smash - vanilla - Wealthy merchant - NK night 1 (by ass-beating)


Note, the post silencing and vote stealing are claimed, not confirmed actions against those respective individuals (JiF, CTM & Christine). In other words, the mod or scene has not confirmed that and we only know it because the players claimed to be victims of it.


Watch, my vote won't appear on the Vote Count. So, how am I just CLAIMING to be a victim of my vote being stolen?

As for being silenced, if no one else is claiming silence on D2, and numerous people claim being silenced... seems to me like people are being silenced.

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Shouldn't have killed her then, scum.

The longer this sh*t goes on, the less I think that Hess is scum, and the more I think that EP and Ape are.

Scum Team : AVM, Verbal, EP, Ape.



Watch, my vote won't appear on the Vote Count. So, how am I just CLAIMING to be a victim of my vote being stolen?

As for being silenced, if no one else is claiming silence on D2, and numerous people claim being silenced... seems to me like people are being silenced.

I wish I was that good. But I'm not.

cry cry cry

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