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I am sick of all this Tebow starting crud, What do you guys think?


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To be fair that can be said about most QBs that come out of great programs, as someone else posted, when the Gators won the title in 2008 Tebow had the benefit of Percy Harvin, Louis Murphy, Aaron Hernandez, David Nelson and Riley Cooper on that same team.

If you have Harvin come out of the backfield there probably aren't many NFL defenses that could cover all of them for the amount of time that the Pouncey twins and Marcus Gilbert protected Tebow.

Agreed. Some show they can do it. Some do not. Thus far, Sanchez has shown he cannot.

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That's fine. But without any indication of improvement, you're just assuming that he would have/is capable of. There's no evidence to support that he can because we've never seen it. The argument then boils down to hope.

I guess so. I guess what im saying is that the offensive line has gotten worse every year so im not really expecting much improvement. Actually I would say that Sanchez being consistenly mediocre is a good sign when you have an Oline regressing on you every year with no depth and our top WR corps never being the same.

I guess im looking at it with an optimistic lens. Some people say that great QB's dont need great offensive lines, What im saying is that we simply dont have a great QB, but I believe that we can have a pretty good one if we had a great offensive line. The bottom line is that we need to score points, and we're not going to score points with this Oline. We dont need a great QB to win a SB because our defense is that good. We can win it all with Sanchez, however we cant win it all with this offensive line...thats my overall point here. No matter our opinion, Sanchez is going to the the Jets QB, so instead of beating up on him I say we should get offensive linemen that will help not only Sanchez but greene as well.

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I guess so. I guess what im saying is that the offensive line has gotten worse every year so im not really expecting much improvement. Actually I would say that Sanchez being consistenly mediocre is a good sign when you have an Oline regressing on you every year with no depth and our top WR corps never being the same.

I guess im looking at it with an optimistic lens. Some people say that great QB's dont need great offensive lines, What im saying is that we simply dont have a great QB, but I believe that we can have a pretty good one if we had a great offensive line. The bottom line is that we need to score points, and we're not going to score points with this Oline. We dont need a great QB to win a SB because our defense is that good. We can win it all with Sanchez, however we cant win it all with this offensive line...thats my overall point here. No matter our opinion, Sanchez is going to the the Jets QB, so instead of beating up on him I say we should get offensive linemen that will help not only Sanchez but greene as well.

All of this is totally fair I suppose. I however, just don't agree with the fact that we can win without a great QB. The league doesn't seem to be constructed that way anymore. Our defense will always keep us competitive, at least somewhat so. But, elite QBs win it all. It's been that way for a decade.

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Gotta hand it to Villain. Even Smash has finally started to bend on Sanchez. But not Villain. No sir. Vaccines and Mark Sanchez, can't stop won't stop take that take that take that.

/looks at Eli

//looks at Andy Dalton

///Aaron Rodgers

////Drew Brees

Oh Jesus I ****ing give up.

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All of this is totally fair I suppose. I however, just don't agree with the fact that we can win without a great QB. The league doesn't seem to be constructed that way anymore. Our defense will always keep us competitive, at least somewhat so. But, elite QBs win it all. It's been that way for a decade.

I know I'm reaching back the full ten years but Brad Johnson was not an elite QB.

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All of this is totally fair I suppose. I however, just don't agree with the fact that we can win without a great QB. The league doesn't seem to be constructed that way anymore. Our defense will always keep us competitive, at least somewhat so. But, elite QBs win it all. It's been that way for a decade.

True. I think that if we can get a very solid offensive line we can put up 24 points a game strictly on the offense, not counting special teams and defense. If the offense can put up 24 points per game the Jets can win a superbowl with this defense. Im wishing upon a start here because we simply dont have the offensive line.

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True. I think that if we can get a very solid offensive line we can put up 24 points a game strictly on the offense, not counting special teams and defense. If the offense can put up 24 points per game the Jets can win a superbowl with this defense. Im wishing upon a start here because we simply dont have the offensive line.

No way in hell this offense is scoring 24 points a game with Sanchize at the helm. Dude can't read the defense to save his life. His o line isn't even all that bad, considering what Peyton and Eli was/are playing with most of their career's. All in all, the fault lies with Sanchez, the dude can't throw or read a defense. And don't even bring up his stats in the Giants game, cause we all know, that he only threw for short passes and still managed to get picked.

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No way in hell this offense is scoring 24 points a game with Sanchize at the helm. Dude can't read the defense to save his life. His o line isn't even all that bad, considering what Peyton and Eli was/are playing with most of their career's. All in all, the fault lies with Sanchez, the dude can't throw or read a defense. And don't even bring up his stats in the Giants game, cause we all know, that he only threw for short passes and still managed to get picked.

Bring up his stats in a preseason game, a game that he didnt even play the entirety of? Mind you, the guy is throwing 77% so far this offseason if thats the case.

You're new, so im going to ignore you until you get to your first 1000 posts. So far you're starting off terribly.

Oh, and welcome to Jetnation. Im Villain, but you can call me Mr. Foe. I dont like vaccines, but love Mark Sanchez. :-)

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Bring up his stats in a preseason game, a game that he didnt even play the entirety of? Mind you, the guy is throwing 77% so far this offseason if thats the case.

You're new, so im going to ignore you until you get to your first 1000 posts. So far you're starting off terrible.

Oh, and welcome to Jetnation. Im villain, I dont like vaccines, but love Mark Sanchez. :-)

Wow just wow. Shutting out logic when you seem to have lost your argument. Calling me new and playing it off like I don't anything about the team just cause I haven't been on this website for years? All signs of a failing argument and a refusal to face the truth. Did you actually watch that game? He threw like what, 2 passes over 5 yards? The guys horrible. Stop making excuses for him. The sooner the Jets stop making excuses for the guy, the sooner we start winning. This is a league revolved around qb's. Mark does not have the ability in him to be an elite, heck even good qb. He is a game managing qb. He is Chad Pennington all over again. 77% completion rate on 5 yards passes, congrats, if this is what your idea of a good qb is then I seriously fear what you think a bad one is.

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Bring up his stats in a preseason game, a game that he didnt even play the entirety of? Mind you, the guy is throwing 77% so far this offseason if thats the case.

You're new, so im going to ignore you until you get to your first 1000 posts. So far you're starting off terribly.

Oh, and welcome to Jetnation. Im Villain, but you can call me Mr. Foe. I dont like vaccines, but love Mark Sanchez. :-)

Also, did you seriously just say that your not going to talk to me until I have 1000 posts when you yourself only have 481? Also, you don't own this website, stop acting like you do.

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Wow just wow. Shutting out logic when you seem to have lost your argument. Calling me new and playing it off like I don't anything about the team just cause I haven't been on this website for years? All signs of a failing argument and a refusal to face the truth. Did you actually watch that game? He threw like what, 2 passes over 5 yards? The guys horrible. Stop making excuses for him. The sooner the Jets stop making excuses for the guy, the sooner we start winning. This is a league revolved around qb's. Mark does not have the ability in him to be an elite, heck even good qb. He is a game managing qb. He is Chad Pennington all over again. 77% completion rate on 5 yards passes, congrats, if this is what your idea of a good qb is then I seriously fear what you think a bad one is.

993 more posts to go rookie.

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Also, did you seriously just say that your not going to talk to me until I have 1000 posts when you yourself only have 481? Also, you don't own this website, stop acting like you do.

Cuz see, if you were an "oldie" here as you stated then you would recognize my name and know that between this account and my prior account (which was the exact same name except with underscores instead of spaces) you'd know that I got about 9000 posts on here.

I dont own the website, but I got pull....lets just say that. (So I'd love to think)

And thats "Mr. Foe" to you sir! lol.

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Cuz see, if you were an "oldie" here as you stated then you would recognize my name and know that between this account and my prior account (which was the exact same name except with underscores instead of spaces) you'd know that I got about 9000 posts on here.

I dont own the website, but I got pull....lets just say that.

And thats "Mr. Foe" to you sir! lol.

Oh my gosh, let me respect and absolutely worship you cause you were on this website for a long time. Let you also disrespect my opinion because I have yet to be a part of this website. Really, if the community is as bad as you are acting then I for one want nothing to do with this website.

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Oh my gosh, let me respect and absolutely worship you cause you were on this website for a long time. Let you also disrespect my opinion because I have yet to be a part of this website. Really, if the community is as bad as you are acting then I for one want nothing to do with this website.

Im no one to worship, however, if you quote me and talk about Mark Sanchez I'll confront it. Im confronting all Mark Sanchez naysayers from here on out!!! (In my screaming from the top of a mountain voice). Now the next time I respond to you you'll have 1000+ posts. Thats the deal and im sticking to it (probably, well...most likely not).

P.S. Im an a$$hole. There's about 5 of us roaming around here but I try my very best to be the biggest one (my competitive internet nature). Dont take it personal. However if you do, ignore me until I get to 15,000 posts and enjoy the rest of the fun guys here. If you're a jet fan then you obviously have thicker skin than that.


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Im no one to worship, however, if you quote me and talk about Mark Sanchez I'll confront it. Im confronting all Mark Sanchez naysayers from here on out. Now the next time I respond to you you'll have 1000+ posts. Thats the deal and im sticking to it lmao.

P.S. Im an a$$hole. There's about 5 of us roaming around here but I try my very best to be the biggest one (my competitive nature). Dont take it personal. However if you do, ignore me until I get to 15,000 posts and enjoy the rest of the fun guys here.


I have no problems if you confront me back with arguments about his play and the team. The problem I have with you is that you completely disregarded my opinions and played it off like I was a new fan that knew absolutely nothing about the team I was rooting for. You also played it off like I knew nothing about football and proceeded to basically insult me based off the amount of posts I have. I have a problem with this. Their was no logic in your statements except for the completion rating which I argued back. Hence my hostility towards you.

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I have no problems if you confront me back with arguments about his play and the team. The problem I have with you is that you completely disregarded my opinions and played it off like I was a new fan that knew absolutely nothing about the team I was rooting for. You also played it off like I knew nothing about football and proceeded to basically insult me based off the amount of posts I have. I have a problem with this. Their was no logic in your statements except for the completion rating which I argued back. Hence my hostility towards you.

The lovely thing about the internet is that I can disregard what I want here. Thats not breaking any of the Jetnation rules (unless its a jetnation rule of course, then I'd be in trouble with the big dog Maximus Aurelius), however I am breaking my 1000+ post rule yet again, which for some reason im also disregarding. Look at the bright side, going back and forth with me you'll end up with 1000 posts in no time!

take it easy my friend, you're new....its late, and im simply interweb hazing you because there are no mods around to stop me! HAHAHAHA *cough* *cough* HAHAHAHA!


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Wow just wow. Shutting out logic when you seem to have lost your argument. Calling me new and playing it off like I don't anything about the team just cause I haven't been on this website for years? All signs of a failing argument and a refusal to face the truth. Did you actually watch that game? He threw like what, 2 passes over 5 yards? The guys horrible. Stop making excuses for him. The sooner the Jets stop making excuses for the guy, the sooner we start winning. This is a league revolved around qb's. Mark does not have the ability in him to be an elite, heck even good qb. He is a game managing qb. He is Chad Pennington all over again. 77% completion rate on 5 yards passes, congrats, if this is what your idea of a good qb is then I seriously fear what you think a bad one is.

Stop making excuses for Sanchez



You do have a low post count, but with roughly 50% of your posts bashing Sanchez and the other 50% arguing with Villain, it would seem that your ratio fits the JN norm.

So what's your solution for a QB dilema? The Jets just signed Sanchez to a pretty fat contract extension, the top of the free agent market next year is Schaub and Flacco, and despite the horrendous play of Sanchez, the Jets'll probably still be at .500 or above when the season's over on the strength of their defense and the weakness of their schedule - so no great draft pick.

You have any ideas? I mean, you're certainly allowed to come here just to gripe, but you've already stated that step one is to stop making excuses. What's the next step?

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Stop making excuses for Sanchez



You do have a low post count, but with roughly 50% of your posts bashing Sanchez and the other 50% arguing with Villain, it would seem that your ratio fits the JN norm.

So what's your solution for a QB dilema? The Jets just signed Sanchez to a pretty fat contract extension, the top of the free agent market next year is Schaub and Flacco, and despite the horrendous play of Sanchez, the Jets'll probably still be at .500 or above when the season's over on the strength of their defense and the weakness of their schedule - so no great draft pick.

You have any ideas? I mean, you're certainly allowed to come here just to gripe, but you've already stated that step one is to stop making excuses. What's the next step?

90% of my posts are bashing Sanchez or arguing with either Smashmouth or Villain so I think he is the best addition to the website we've had in 5 years and will soon be a moderator here.

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90% of my posts are bashing Sanchez or arguing with either Smashmouth or Villain so I think he is the best addition to the website we've had in 5 years and will soon be a moderator here.

Maybe we should wait to see his head-to-head with Smash before deciding.

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Stop making excuses for Sanchez



You do have a low post count, but with roughly 50% of your posts bashing Sanchez and the other 50% arguing with Villain, it would seem that your ratio fits the JN norm.

So what's your solution for a QB dilema? The Jets just signed Sanchez to a pretty fat contract extension, the top of the free agent market next year is Schaub and Flacco, and despite the horrendous play of Sanchez, the Jets'll probably still be at .500 or above when the season's over on the strength of their defense and the weakness of their schedule - so no great draft pick.

You have any ideas? I mean, you're certainly allowed to come here just to gripe, but you've already stated that step one is to stop making excuses. What's the next step?

Bet on Tebow. If he sucks great, will draft a different qb, maybe look at trying to get Russell Wilson. If he does great, run with him, he's got the leadership, athletics, work ethic, and somewhat being able to read the defense which Sanchize doesn't have.

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Stop making excuses for Sanchez



You do have a low post count, but with roughly 50% of your posts bashing Sanchez and the other 50% arguing with Villain, it would seem that your ratio fits the JN norm.

So what's your solution for a QB dilema? The Jets just signed Sanchez to a pretty fat contract extension, the top of the free agent market next year is Schaub and Flacco, and despite the horrendous play of Sanchez, the Jets'll probably still be at .500 or above when the season's over on the strength of their defense and the weakness of their schedule - so no great draft pick.

You have any ideas? I mean, you're certainly allowed to come here just to gripe, but you've already stated that step one is to stop making excuses. What's the next step?

lmao! I couldnt tell if you were defending me or not! Im literally sitting here laughing.

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