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Blocking Schemes


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We could all sit here and talk about how Wayne Hunter is atrocious(he is) but there is a bigger problem with the Jets offensive line in my opinion. Go around the NFL watch what some of the more prolific passing teams do in pass protection. The team will line up in shotgun with a TE or RB in the backfield. You see those guys then flare out and chip the DE on their release or stay in and help pick up the blitz. I have been waiting for the Jets to make these kind of adjustments to compensate for their RT who appears to be playing on roller skates.

When there is a blitz coming why is there never an adjustment made at the line to pick it up? I know that some of this has to be on Sanchez but also my small amount of football knowledge lends me to believe Mangold has some responsibility in identifying this and making Sanchez and company aware the blitz is coming so that we could keep a guy or two in to help pick it up... It's poor coaching if you ask me.

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We could all sit here and talk about how Wayne Hunter is atrocious(he is) but there is a bigger problem with the Jets offensive line in my opinion. Go around the NFL watch what some of the more prolific passing teams do in pass protection. The team will line up in shotgun with a TE or RB in the backfield. You see those guys then flare out and chip the DE on their release or stay in and help pick up the blitz. I have been waiting for the Jets to make these kind of adjustments to compensate for their RT who appears to be playing on roller skates.

When there is a blitz coming why is there never an adjustment made at the line to pick it up? I know that some of this has to be on Sanchez but also my small amount of football knowledge lends me to believe Mangold has some responsibility in identifying this and making Sanchez and company aware the blitz is coming so that we could keep a guy or two in to help pick it up... It's poor coaching if you ask me.

You are very right if we utlizied a shot gun formation offense and we had "that type of offense". The issue is the reverse...we are not that offense and Sanchez is not Brady. We have a traditional down/setup. Right or wrong that's what we have right now. That can all change if somehow/someway we have Tebow compliment Sanchez in the offense to throw the D off...but that's more gimmick stuff. It can work and me as a Jets fan hopes that Sparano has the imagination to pull this off.

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If we do not pass, then Sanchez will not throw interceptions. Any possession that ends with a kick is a good drive.

The sad part of this statement is that this is Sparano, and Rex's philosophy, and this philosophy will never win a SB, the league is a passing league, and to beat those teams no matter how good your D is you have to put up 24 points minimum, and this type of offensive philosophy will not accomplish this.

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You are very right if we utlizied a shot gun formation offense and we had "that type of offense". The issue is the reverse...we are not that offense and Sanchez is not Brady. We have a traditional down/setup. Right or wrong that's what we have right now. That can all change if somehow/someway we have Tebow compliment Sanchez in the offense to throw the D off...but that's more gimmick stuff. It can work and me as a Jets fan hopes that Sparano has the imagination to pull this off.

Sanchez doesn't have to be Brady. Ryan Fitzpatrick runs this kind of offense for the Bills.

More importantly, chip blocking by RBs and TEs are NOT necessarily dependent upon teams using a pass-first offense or utilizing the shotgun a lot. RBs and TEs are supposed to be proficient in chip blocks and picking up blitzes. In the running game, TEs are supposed to contribute to run blocking.

Maybe the Jets coaching staff didn't have the players doing this in preseason games, but that doesn't seem sensible. They need to practice these blocking schemes against opponents at game speed, especially in a supposedly brand new offense. Another possibility is that Sanchez is NOT making pre-snap reads any better than he was last season, and so he's NOT changing the play correctly.

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Has anyone asked Sparano why he would elect to not give Hunter help on JPP? I keep hearing him use the excuse of not game-planning during the preseason, but chipping on a DE is pretty standard stuff, no? Also, we're seeing a lot of QBs putting up great stat lines this preseason. Are those teams "game-planning," or are Sparano and Rex just being intentionally obtuse?

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Has anyone asked Sparano why he would elect to not give Hunter help on JPP? I keep hearing him use the excuse of not game-planning during the preseason, but chipping on a DE is pretty standard stuff, no? Also, we're seeing a lot of QBs putting up great stat lines this preseason. Are those teams "game-planning," or are Sparano and Rex just being intentionally obtuse?

Please stop killing my high!

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Sanchez doesn't have to be Brady. Ryan Fitzpatrick runs this kind of offense for the Bills.

More importantly, chip blocking by RBs and TEs are NOT necessarily dependent upon teams using a pass-first offense or utilizing the shotgun a lot. RBs and TEs are supposed to be proficient in chip blocks and picking up blitzes. In the running game, TEs are supposed to contribute to run blocking.

Maybe the Jets coaching staff didn't have the players doing this in preseason games, but that doesn't seem sensible. They need to practice these blocking schemes against opponents at game speed, especially in a supposedly brand new offense. Another possibility is that Sanchez is NOT making pre-snap reads any better than he was last season, and so he's NOT changing the play correctly.

See this is what I'm saying. We may not use the shotgun as our base offense but we do use it on 3rd downs so why not block correctly out of it? That is what I don't understand is I even heard a comment made by one of the coaches saying they did discuss double teaming JPP but just never did it in the game... How does that work? I'm really going to be upset if after the next game we hear "Oh well we aren't showing this we aren't showing that, we are going to have a vanilla offense..." NEWSFLASH!!! We need to see something out of the offense to get some confidence in the unit! I don't really give a smurf if we show some people how we are going to attempt to block against premier pass rushers I want to see that we can do it!
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You are very right if we utlizied a shot gun formation offense and we had "that type of offense". The issue is the reverse...we are not that offense and Sanchez is not Brady. We have a traditional down/setup. Right or wrong that's what we have right now. That can all change if somehow/someway we have Tebow compliment Sanchez in the offense to throw the D off...but that's more gimmick stuff. It can work and me as a Jets fan hopes that Sparano has the imagination to pull this off.

Don't really see what your point is we do use the shotgun FORMATION so does every team in the NFL. This is basic fundamental football stuff it's blocking schemes not offensive philosophy or anything more complex than picking up blitzes and making sure you have a helmet on a helmet.
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See this is what I'm saying. We may not use the shotgun as our base offense but we do use it on 3rd downs so why not block correctly out of it? That is what I don't understand is I even heard a comment made by one of the coaches saying they did discuss double teaming JPP but just never did it in the game... How does that work? I'm really going to be upset if after the next game we hear "Oh well we aren't showing this we aren't showing that, we are going to have a vanilla offense..." NEWSFLASH!!! We need to see something out of the offense to get some confidence in the unit! I don't really give a smurf if we show some people how we are going to attempt to block against premier pass rushers I want to see that we can do it!

I think there are two ways "vanilla" can work in preseason.

The first mode, the CS plays standard formations and common plays because they want to evaluate players, and younger/newer players may NOT be well versed in the more complex plays the team has. The coaches are playing the games so that they get game film of all the non-starters. This is especially true in the first two preseason games, and when the non-starters take the field in any of the games.

Related to this are the CS that may try certain formations or plays or schemes with their starters to get the first stringers some live practice at game speed. They don't have winning preseason games on their agendas, so they "do their own thing" as it were. It's NOT really "vanilla" offense or defense but it's definitely an approach that doesn't care about the starters looking good.

The second way, the CS is making excuses for an ineffective offense or defense. Now, maybe they have something tricky planned, or maybe they are feverishly trying to come up with an alternative because they realize their offense or defense just isn't good enough, but sometimes, it's just BS. "We're just playing vanilla in preseason" was Dick Jauron's standard excuse for his team's crappy offensive play that always continued into the regular season because DJ always played NOT to lose by too much.

I, therefore, am very skeptical when HCs excuse their team's problems all through preseason with "we're just playing vanilla". I rank that right up there with the other infamous HC's excuse, "the OL needs more time to gel". An entire off-season and preseason and the first month of the season, and the OL still can't open a hole for an RB to make 2 yards and still makes mediocre pass rushers look like Reggie White or Bruce Smith? At that point, it's time to call your OL "functionally impaired".

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I get the idea of not showing your triple top-secret situational plays, even though I think it is a pretty naive concept in the NFL unless Rex & Tony have reinvented the wheel, but playing a "vanilla offense" is all the more reason for the offense to look like a well synched, effective unit. There is a difference between plain-Jane and incompetent. And, despite the weight loss and a supposed new acceptance of his role, Bart Scott looks old as dirt. Greene still does not look like a #1, not that it matters so much in a passing league -- oh, I forgot we are ground and pound. More like ground and chuck. Wilson still cannot cover. Eric Smith still sucks ass. Keller's new mantra is "why wait until the 4th game of the regular season to disappear". The QB situation speaks for itself. Not enough good players -- not good enough coaches.

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Sanchez doesn't have to be Brady. Ryan Fitzpatrick runs this kind of offense for the Bills.

More importantly, chip blocking by RBs and TEs are NOT necessarily dependent upon teams using a pass-first offense or utilizing the shotgun a lot. RBs and TEs are supposed to be proficient in chip blocks and picking up blitzes. In the running game, TEs are supposed to contribute to run blocking.

Maybe the Jets coaching staff didn't have the players doing this in preseason games, but that doesn't seem sensible. They need to practice these blocking schemes against opponents at game speed, especially in a supposedly brand new offense. Another possibility is that Sanchez is NOT making pre-snap reads any better than he was last season, and so he's NOT changing the play correctly.

What you say is very possible....and most of what your saying I agree with. On a side note, those four years in a row you guys made it to the super bowl I remember like yesterday. In my hummble opinion, the Bills were the best balanced team at that point in team that I have seen.

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Don't really see what your point is we do use the shotgun FORMATION so does every team in the NFL. This is basic fundamental football stuff it's blocking schemes not offensive philosophy or anything more complex than picking up blitzes and making sure you have a helmet on a helmet.

What I am saying is some teams believe that shot gun has to be your primary offensive formation and everything else feeds into that.

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I have to say the Jets did everything I wanted to see them do offensively besides actually score a TD... They did use some chip blocks(used Conner flaring out to the right on the very first play of the game), they took some shots down the field as a result of better pass protection, and if not for a couple of bad drops Sanchez was pretty flawless and looked very poised in the pocket.

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