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The Story of Mark Sanchez and the Deflected Football


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LOL, look at this:

ANALYST PREDICTION walker_james_35.jpgJames


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The Jets are a hard team to read. But I don't have a lot of confidence in their quarterback situation. clayton_john_35.jpgJohn


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 Rex Ryan's group has gotten better on defense, but the Jets will struggle on offense no matter who is playing behind center.



ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 Forget about holding off Tim Tebow; Mark Sanchez needs to prove he can stay with the teams in his division. chadiha_jeffri_35.jpgJeffri


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The Jets can ground and pound all they want. At some point, this team's fate will come back to Mark Sanchez's maturation. fox_ashley_35.jpgAshley


ESPN.com DIVISION FINISH: 3 The pressure will be on Mark Sanchez. How he handles it will determine which way the Jets go.

5/5 "experts" saying a team that hasn't beaten us in 3 years will surely finish ahead of us in the division this year.


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Yes it would, it already is that way, every year teams pick up fans based on players, and then there are die hard never leave no matter what fans, who actually have more *say so* about it than most.. or at least that is probably how it should be.


I have to say he sure looks like sh*t these days .. as compared to 2010 running a spread option of sorts

against say, the Texans..

Tebow should fit nicely on the JETS long term, if given the chance/opportunity, he will become a cornerstone of this team in one way or another, and that alone was worth the trade.

The other reason he should fit nicely on this team, is the JETS by the media's creation have become *this weeks whippin boy* and TT has been that for a long time. You do realize Tebow is the most hated player in the NFL or anywhere for that matter, don't you ?

The difference is Tebow has garnered most of his, at least 80% by beating other teams. THAT is how he became hated, not by throwing ints. Not too many players got death threats in college just because they were going to play that team.. LOL..

It's not the same, though. There's a Cult of Tebow complete with its own mythology. The Jets gained some fans from Marshall when they drafted Pennington, for instance, but it was absolutely nothing like this.

I don't know about him being the most hated player in the league, either. Maybe the most polarizing. I think that makes him a tough long-term fit anywhere he isn't the man. Right now, it's hard to imagine the hype around him dying down, and having him just fitting in as the role player the Jets claim they brought him in to be.

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Ugh. This year is going to be a ****ing pain in the ass with these Tebow fans swarming.

Please let Sanchez just come out and play well this year so this guy does not come in at QB and these Tebow fans slowly vanish! Please!

I was rooting for Joe Namath when he was QB of the JETS..He was almost as much as, if not more (at the time) of a media *item* than Tebow is... so, please, spare me.

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There's a Cult of Tebow complete with its own mythology. The Jets gained some fans from Marshall when they drafted Pennington, for instance, but it was absolutely nothing like this.

I don't know about him being the most hated player in the league, either. Maybe the most polarizing. I think that makes him a tough long-term fit anywhere he isn't the man. Right now, it's hard to imagine the hype around him dying down, and having him just fitting in as the role player the Jets claim they brought him in to be.

If the FO doesn't find some way to quell the nightmarish aura the *media attention* has taken on regarding the whole thing it

is going to doom production.. for ALL the players.. seriously. He is hated though.., if he wasn't hated by enough people coming into NY, he is by even more now based on all the *media attention* he gets...

There is an actual list of team/fans that you will have a very difficult time getting any positive impressions about Tebow from..its

all the teams/fans that the team he was on deprived of victory..and that is a long list, and a lot of people.

It will get longer too... that is where my money is.

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It's because he eyes his receivers down and every player on the defense knows exactly what he's trying to do with the ball as soon as it's snapped. Science. Science. Science.

Dont teach this dipsh#t the obvious.

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Let's start a poll

What kind of troll is this

Patriots troll?

Giants troll?

Bills troll?

Tebow troll?

Normally my 1st guess would be a Patriots troll, but now a days it seems there are more Tebow trolls than anything so I say Tebow troll.

Dolphins...how else can you explain all those words w/o actually making a point?

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I was rooting for Joe Namath when he was QB of the JETS..He was almost as much as, if not more (at the time) of a media *item* than Tebow is... so, please, spare me.

Joe Namath could throw a football and won this teams only Super Bowl. He was loved for the things he accomplished on the field coupled with the fact that he was a good looking dude who attracted a ton of women.

Tim Tebow is a running back posing as a quarterback. Half of Tebow's followers want him to start because they loved him at Florida. The other half wants him to start for reasons completely unrelated to football. Don't you dare compare Tim Tebow to Namath in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.

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Joe Namath could throw a football and won this teams only Super Bowl. He was loved for the things he accomplished on the field coupled with the fact that he was a good looking dude who attracted a ton of women.

Tim Tebow is a running back posing as a quarterback. Half of Tebow's followers want him to start because they loved him at Florida. The other half wants him to start for reasons completely unrelated to football. Don't you dare compare Tim Tebow to Namath in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.

they both were used by the owners they played for to get attention and sell tickets


of course namath was a special passer, and tebow only has nice nipples

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Joe Namath could throw a football and won this teams only Super Bowl. He was loved for the things he accomplished on the field coupled with the fact that he was a good looking dude who attracted a ton of women.

Tim Tebow is a running back posing as a quarterback. Half of Tebow's followers want him to start because they loved him at Florida. The other half wants him to start for reasons completely unrelated to football. Don't you dare compare Tim Tebow to Namath in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.

Joe Willie was a great SEC QB. He got a larger than fair share of attention at Bama..and that wasn't easy with Bear Bryant as coach who gave him leeway about a few, if not many, things.

And to be honest, Namath was known for passing..but his overall wasn't that hot.. He had pizzazz, and it helped him win games. I actually watched them as a lad. If I recall, he didn't throw for a td in that SB... which doesn't exactly fit with the picture you are drawing...

Now, that I am done with that...

I don't give a sh*t about TT's religion, I think if anything it has harmed his total value as a pro football player.

I did like him at Florida, because he won 22 games in a row and I made a lot of money on both the OHIO state BCS game, and also

a ton on the BCS Oklahoma game.

I also did very well when Florida was the UD against the Cinn. Bearcats, when the halfback posing as a QB threw for just shy of 500 yds in the Sugar Bowl using his now famous windmill delivery pass...he did manage to sneak in a rushing TD or two also.. since he is a halfback (currently sitting on several NFL passing records)

I intend to make money on TT this year too..

BUT I don't think he should start at all.. if he is going to play that spot he has to earn it, and it has to be vacated by the starting

QB. It happens all the time.

Joe Namath got replaced....

Peyton Manning got replaced, and almost replaced Mark Sanchez.

You will never be able to tell me what to do, in your wildest fantasies.

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