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Concerned about Greene

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Anyone with me on this? I just do not like the way he runs. Doesn't seem to follow blocks well, doesn't seem to hit the holes hard, doesn't seem to have a burst of any kind. I like him on the team, and in the past has been a solid complimentary back, but as a primary ball carrier I am worried.

I was very happy with the play of the line on Sunday. Although being there I missed a lot, and have yet to watch the game on tv. (which I will do tonight)

Is it just me or do we have the worst RB trio in the league? Greene, Powell, and Mcknight scare nobody. Obvoiusly if we play with a lead more often than not a big back like Greene will be ok. But I don't see that happening and am concerned.

ps. please refrain from responding with stating Tebow is a RB. That was for you Lil Bit Special.

I would have never responded Teblow is a RB. Thats not my schtick. He's a goofy ass pretend QB who we need to confuse the defenses.

And... I agree with you. I hate Greene. Wish we had someone else at RB.

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What's really scary is, as ridiculous as that sounds (and it obviously won't happen), that would still only be 16 over the NFL record.

Yeah and he broke the record held by Wilder the season that pissed the Jets off I mentioned in another thread. Wilder had 400+ carries AND 85 catches. He was trying to break the yards from scrimmage record, but fell 10-20 yards short. McKay was let the Jets score so that he could put the ball back in Wilder's hands. The next year we took our vengence 62-something. Maybe it was 28 again and IIRC Wilder had 13 on 14 carries.

I think WIlder ran back kicks that week too trying to add to his total yards.

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Yeah and he broke the record held by Wilder the season that pissed the Jets off I mentioned in another thread. Wilder had 400+ carries AND 85 catches. He was trying to break the yards from scrimmage record, but fell 10-20 yards short. McKay was let the Jets score so that he could put the ball back in Wilder's hands. The next year we took our vengence 62-something. Maybe it was 28 again and IIRC Wilder had 13 on 14 carries.

I think WIlder ran back kicks that week too trying to add to his total yards.

Oh yeah, good call. Of course the yards from scrimmage record has broken countless times since then, so go figure. Not to mention, there doesn't seem to be a particularly good track record for the following season performance of those HBs who get up around that many carries.

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Oh yeah, good call. Of course the yards from scrimmage record has broken countless times since then, so go figure. Not to mention, there doesn't seem to be a particularly good track record for the following season performance of those HBs who get up around that many carries.

WIlder might be the guy that started people worrying about how many carries a back had in them. He and Earl. Wilder was a FB, but Ricky Bell got sick and Carver and the hurdler Owens couldn't cut it so he started getting carries...and carries...and carries. He had the two big years and not much else. Interesting thing is how his piss poor ypc went up when the stopped overusing him. Even though he must have seemed washed up, the 4.6 he got in '87 and 4.0 in '88 were better than he was getting in his heyday.

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a few years ago Greene was a guy who pounded the hole and occasionally bounced it outside with a bit of speed when the hole was closed. No burner, but he had some jump. He seems to have lost a step. And he dances a bit before hitting in there now. Add to that a tendency to fumble. He did fumble the other day. It is just a crapshoot who recovers a fumble. He has slipped back some, and he was never in the pantheon to begin with. He had a good day. Let us be thankful. It will not happen every week

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What's really scary is, as ridiculous as that sounds (and it obviously won't happen), that would still only be 16 over the NFL record.

I haven't wanted to make the prediction, because both of these guys seem differently built, more compact, and younger, but Mojo and Ray Rice are both coming in on that 4 seasons or so of 400ish total touches and to me that was always a bench mark of soon to be falling off the map. I'm not sure the exact numbers, but I remember priest holmes and shaun alexander had those giant seasons, but after 400ish touches for 4 or so seasons, I just don't think the body can handle much more of that. We shall see though, but it's hard to imagine both can withstand that type of punishment for more than a couple more years.

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