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Arkham Villains - Game Thread


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I'm going to find and bump a game that Kiv (Doggin here) ran on DM about a year and a half ago. It was a game he ran to show DMers how mafia is supposed to be played and it was invite only. It was pretty much just the guys from here with maybe 4 or 5 DMers. I've wished something like that would be done again to show the new crop over there how good players do it. I doubt that barring Kiv or Wes or Verb we could get the fellas here to do it again which is a shame. DM mafia needs work done to it, badly.


It's weird Doggin posts on DM, and posts on Jetsinsider (competing site to this) but never posts here anymore. I miss DPR too, dirty pirate a$$hole.

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I'm going to find and bump a game that Kiv (Doggin here) ran on DM about a year and a half ago. It was a game he ran to show DMers how mafia is supposed to be played and it was invite only. It was pretty much just the guys from here with maybe 4 or 5 DMers. I've wished something like that would be done again to show the new crop over there how good players do it. I doubt that barring Kiv or Wes or Verb we could get the fellas here to do it again which is a shame. DM mafia needs work done to it, badly.


I've actually never played there.  Or anywhere but here, for that matter.  I'd definitely be willing to join for a game like that (and I'd even be willing to go back to the old scum hunting, giving it 100% from D1 days), but I really do think I should take a break for a bit.  It'd be great to play with Doggin and DPR again though, that's for sure.

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I've actually never played there.  Or anywhere but here, for that matter.  I'd definitely be willing to join for a game like that (and I'd even be willing to go back to the old scum hunting, giving it 100% from D1 days), but I really do think I should take a break for a bit.  It'd be great to play with Doggin and DPR again though, that's for sure.


DM games are super slow, you can take a break or just play there. It's not like here, the pace, and tenacity is absent. It'll give you a chance to work on different aspects of your play, that's how i use it, and to be honest it is a break.

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DM games are super slow, you can take a break or just play there. It's not like here, the pace, and tenacity is absent. It'll give you a chance to work on different aspects of your play, that's how i use it, and to be honest it is a break.



This ^^ I'm just hoping they don't all drive me nuts. The more of you that are there the better the game will be. <3

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I'm going to find and bump a game that Kiv (Doggin here) ran on DM about a year and a half ago. It was a game he ran to show DMers how mafia is supposed to be played and it was invite only. It was pretty much just the guys from here with maybe 4 or 5 DMers. I've wished something like that would be done again to show the new crop over there how good players do it. I doubt that barring Kiv or Wes or Verb we could get the fellas here to do it again which is a shame. DM mafia needs work done to it, badly.



So do something instead of whining about it?  


So, I'm going to play a game on DM. Here's hoping I don't get banned/kill someone. 


Wait a second.  You join one game and you choose for it to be the game of John Snow, a kitchen sink rather than my awesomely balanced and actually skill driven game?

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So do something instead of whining about it?  



Wait a second.  You join one game and you choose for it to be the game of John Snow, a kitchen sink rather than my awesomely balanced and actually skill driven game?


I can't play your game. There is someone playing in your game and if I take that person off ignore I will call them a c*nt and then Verbal will have to ban me. 

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Then you should get some sleep. 

I was fast asleep when this .... break in dimensional stability woke me.

now I'm holding onto the bed trying to keep from spinning off.

was an unfortunate concordance of....



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I can't play your game. There is someone playing in your game and if I take that person off ignore I will call them a c*nt and then Verbal will have to ban me. 

I gotcha, my apologies for driving you to explain that.

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I was asked to entice Crushlove. 


*flashes some leg and...* 




My heart my stomach loves Leelou. I would love to play.  Ape is playing and that of course makes it mafia for me,  Sadly, I really feel uncomfortable at DM.  Too many uptight folks.  I do love all of you.  

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My heart my stomach loves Leelou. I would love to play. Ape is playing and that of course makes it mafia for me, Sadly, I really feel uncomfortable at DM. Too many uptight folks. I do love all of you.

I don't see too many uptight people in that game, but I understand. Makes me sad to have a game without Crusher. :-(

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