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Geno's Wristband


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I find the situation more sad than humorous. The Jets had a chance win that game.

They had a chance to win only because they only let Smith throw the ball 8 times until the last 2 mins.

if they had let Smith throw early they would have gotten what they did last drive. 5 passes 1 interception

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They had a chance to win only because they only let Smith throw the ball 8 times until the last 2 mins.

if they had let Smith throw early they would have gotten what they did last drive. 5 passes 1 interception

You're right dont blame the play calling all night long Decker vs a CB off the street signed 5 days ago...........

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I find the situation more sad than humorous. The Jets had a chance win that game. 

Let's keep losing and secure a great Draft position. We need to get an opportunity to draft Mariota. We need a QB....please guys, why root for a win....this season is over. there is nothing to be gained by winning meaningless games. The Jets did themselves a disservice by going 8-8 last year and postponing the inevitable. Geno sucks. Rex is not a good HC. This team needed wholesale changes last year....it was delayed a year and now idzik, rex and Geno are on the outs.


Harbaugh+New Drafted QB + new Front Office personnel is a good way forward. Why win stupid meaningless games this year if it harms next year's draft positioning? Makes no sense...lets not pull a 2013 and waste opportunities. "Let's lose alotta to draft Mariotta!"



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I am a lifelong Duck fan and have worshiped at the Shrine of Mariota for years. I am afraid he might get swallowed alive. Don't get me wrong he's got the right stuff. But a deep decision for Marcus is choosing ice cream flavors. Local fans might have to keep the scumbags off.

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