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Don Shula calls Bill Belichick "Beli-cheat"


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LMAo @ what you think is "proof". Marshall Faulk whiing about losing a game and claiming Warner and Martz agreeing the Pats "must have" cheated.


Funny what Jet fans call "proof".


my favorite tired old chowd defense is the one to this question;


"if it didn't happen, or didn't matter, why did the NFL fine the team, the coach personally (extremely rare) and impose the harshest penalty in league history and then destroy the evidence"?


hold on, gotta get the popcorn....

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Big Difference between not covering a field and Cheating by illegal viseotaping of signals, walkthrus and illegal radio jamming of helmet communication.


Not even going to go into the illegal injury reports

You are suppose to get smarter in old age.

Obviously, you are still dumber than a doornail if you believe that stuff.

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You are suppose to get smarter in old age.

Obviously, you are still dumber than a doornail if you believe that stuff.


You are suppose to get smarter in old age.

Obviously, you are still dumber than a doornail if you believe that stuff.

walthru taping occurred, swept under rug. Illegal radiojamming will come out in due time

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I remember the mudbowl well, and I remember how it made me hate Richard Todd even more. But someone remind me, why was a sloppy field to the Dolphin's advantage?

Because it killed the game for Freeman,Walker and Shuler and even slowed down the Jets pass rush with bad footing..

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my favorite tired old chowd defense is the one to this question;


"if it didn't happen, or didn't matter, why did the NFL fine the team, the coach personally (extremely rare) and impose the harshest penalty in league history and then destroy the evidence"?


hold on, gotta get the popcorn....


That's been answered so many times I won't repeat the perfectly good and acceptable answers to you here for two reasons. One: Your mind is completely closed and unable to have a rational discussion on the subject of the most overblown "scandal" in the history of sport. Crygate is the crutch that all perpetual losers cling to like a child to her binky.


And second, I have (yet another annual playoff) game to watch. Another possible run to a Super Bowl. And I like our chances this years as it's the best team they've had on BOTH sides of the ball in a decade.



Enjoy your popcorn while you cry in your beer watching my Pats play the kind of football you've never seen from your team in green. It'll be a tough game for sure, no gimmie by a long shot, of that we'll probably agree.



Go Pats!

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LMAo @ what you think is "proof". Marshall Faulk whiing about losing a game and claiming Warner and Martz agreeing the Pats "must have" cheated.


Funny what Jet fans call "proof".

Don't take this personally-actually you can take it personally for all I care-but in all things football related the word and judgment of Marshall Faulk alone counts for 1,000 times more than your word or judgment on anything.  Add the word of another HOFer in Warner, plus Martz, and oh yes, Hines Ward saying the same thing, and the proof is there for anybody with a shred of honesty to see.



That's been answered so many times I won't repeat the perfectly good and acceptable answers to you here for two reasons. One: Your mind is completely closed and unable to have a rational discussion on the subject of the most overblown "scandal" in the history of sport. Crygate is the crutch that all perpetual losers cling to like a child to her binky.


And second, I have (yet another annual playoff) game to watch. Another possible run to a Super Bowl. And I like our chances this years as it's the best team they've had on BOTH sides of the ball in a decade.



Enjoy your popcorn while you cry in your beer watching my Pats play the kind of football you've never seen from your team in green. It'll be a tough game for sure, no gimmie by a long shot, of that we'll probably agree.



Go Pats!

Two alleged "answers" and not a word of substance.  If you just want to brag about the Patriots' record, why are you on this board?

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Don't take this personally-actually you can take it personally for all I care-but in all things football related the word and judgment of Marshall Faulk alone counts for 1,000 times more than your word or judgment on anything.  Add the word of another HOFer in Warner, plus Martz, and oh yes, Hines Ward saying the same thing, and the proof is there for anybody with a shred of honesty to see.



Two alleged "answers" and not a word of substance.  If you just want to brag about the Patriots' record, why are you on this board?

  I didn't see any actual "quotes" from Warner or Martz. Just old butrt-hurt Faulk crying in his milk.  Oh, and what about the words of Jimmy Johnson and Bill Cowher, both of whom have forgotten more about football, than you or I have ever known, who said Spygate was no big deal and it happeded ALL THE TIME. They admitted to doing it themselves. Even the rat himself, Mangini, said it's an overblown story that he wished he'd never started (of course, he got caught doing the EXACT SAME THING for the Jets the following year). Diference was, the Pats didn't turn him in to the NFL when he was caught. They just told him to cut it out. You Spybabies convenient ingore those experts but embrace the bruised egos of of butt hurt players like Faulk and Ward. BFD.

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Big Difference between not covering a field and Cheating by illegal viseotaping of signals, walkthrus, illegal radio jamming of helmet communication AND HIDING THE ELIGIBLE - INELLIGIBLE RECEIVERS FROM THE OTHER TEAM BY TRICKERY.

Not even going to go into the illegal injury reports


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Dude, I read the thread and I believe this is the first time you incorrectly called the play where the reciever declared himself inelligible as "illegal". It's not. At all. Perfectly legal and a brilliant play I might add.

Whatever its a matter of opinion, I quickly posted that without thinking...My point is that its another example of Belichick and the Pats finding a way to undermine the spirit of the rules...By having someone quickly tell the ref he's ineligible right before Brady calls signals is banking on confusing the ref into not calling an official TO to announce the ineligible and give the Ravens the proper time to match up and it worked that stupid ref let them rush the snap and screwed the Ravens on those plays...

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Whatever its a matter of opinion, I quickly posted that without thinking...My point is that its another example of Belichick and the Pats finding a way to undermine the spirit of the rules...By having someone quickly tell the ref he's ineligible right before Brady calls signals is banking on confusing the ref into not calling an official TO to announce the ineligible and give the Ravens the proper time to match up and it worked that stupid ref let them rush the snap and screwed the Ravens on those plays...



It's not an opinion, it's a fact,  It was totally 100% within the rules. You want to blame the ref's (in)actions on some subterfuge from BB and the Pats when they have ZERO control over what the ref would or should do in that circumstance. And please show me in the entire NFL rulebook where it says anything about "spirit of the rules". Was the mugging that Gronk got that was yet another non-call, within the spirit of the rules? What sissy sport do you play where "spirit of the rules" is a thing?

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Whatever its a matter of opinion, I quickly posted that without thinking...My point is that its another example of Belichick and the Pats finding a way to undermine the spirit of the rules.

Give me a break with the "spirit of the rules" crap.

The only objective in the NFL is to gain whatever competitive advantage you can "within the rules". Just like the Pats did yesterday.

If you want to watch teams play within the "spirit of the rules", spend your Sundays watching Pop Warner games.

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It's not an opinion, it's a fact, It was totally 100% within the rules. You want to blame the ref's (in)actions on some subterfuge from BB and the Pats when they have ZERO control over what the ref would or should do in that circumstance. And please show me in the entire NFL rulebook where it says anything about "spirit of the rules". Was the mugging that Gronk got that was yet another non-call, within the spirit of the rules? What sissy sport do you play where "spirit of the rules" is a thing?

The spirit of the rules is something that Belichick loves to ignore...The spirit of the rule is to not be a scummy and underhanded. Douchebag. The other team is supposed to be notified whos eligible and is supposed be allowed to see your formation. After that they're supposed to be given time to substitute and match up their defense... Its supposed to be a "Here's our lineup, match up and beat us man to man if u can". Not this scummy BS that Belichick is famous for..
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The spirit of the rules is something that Belichick loves to ignore...The spirit of the rule is to not be a scummy and underhanded. The other team is supposed to be notified whos eligible and is supposed be allowed to see your formation. After that they're supposed to be given time to substitute and match up their defense... Its supposed to be a "Here's our lineup, match up and beat us man to man if u can". Not this scummy BS that Belichick is famous for..

Again, go watch Pop Warner games if you don't like great NFL coaches gaining a competitive advantage to always win.

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Give me a break with the "spirit of the rules" crap.

The only objective in the NFL is to gain whatever competitive advantage you can "within the rules". Just like the Pats did yesterday.

If you want to watch teams play within the "spirit of the rules", spend your Sundays watching Pop Warner games.

Again, go watch Pop Warner games if you don't like great NFL coaches gaining a competitive advantage to always win.

Whatever, obviously I disagree, I wouldn't want my playoff wins or SB wins tainted by more cheap bending the rules BS but thats just me, you guys have had a successful year and you still hang at a Jets board throwing daggers every five minutes at Jet fans.... You expect me or other Jet fans to throw you bouqets? I say F ck you and your cheating, scummy team.

And as usual your cheating, scummy team always proves me right.

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belicheat has reduced the past* faithful to professional apologists and excuse makers and sin spinners

it would be sad if it wasn't so funny

It is funny, isn't it?

There's no way they win 2 straight from here, If we were in with our shlt QB we'd beat them right now...:-)

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It is funny, isn't it?

There's no way they win 2 straight from here, If we were in with our shlt QB we'd beat them right now... :-)



Your f'n delusional. Your team barely scraped out 4 wins. What's worse is you are blaming Belichick for the ref's actions of which he has NO control.  Shows your inherent bias and inability to see reality even more than the idiotic thinking that Gee-Nope could beat the Pats.

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Your f'n delusional. Your team barely scraped out 4 wins. What's worse is you are blaming Belichick for the ref's actions of which he has NO control. Shows your inherent bias and inability to see reality even more than the idiotic thinking that Gee-Nope could beat the Pats.

My crappy four win team (like you say) lost to your team twice because of a blocked or missed field goal, some juggernaut you guys are. Of course, Our ex Rex could have beaten you guys if we played again, no need for delusion.

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