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Breaking Bad Mafia - Game Over


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I've been away from the game, and only played as scum last game... I had forgotten how ******* frustrating it is when you know you have scum pinned down, and you can't get people to see what you see. 


Sometimes I hate you ******* assholes.

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Well I'm sure you're going to get a kick out of this but in the interest of full disclosure I actually hate the way JC is playing today lol..  I honestly didn't see your case but the way he voted me out of nowhere with no reason (and didn't answer me when I asked why), and now is trying to seemingly buddy up with me, is pretty vile.



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Hello again everyone :)


I can join you guys for real, now. Wanna apologize for my brief absence but it took a while for me to get validated and I only received my PM this morning while I was getting ready for work - nonetheless, I'm here now and looking forward to mixing it up with you folk that I haven't played with yet. I heard somewhere that JN plays mafia, so here I am.


Holy friggin awesome avatar...


This guy gets it..  Instantly my favorite DMer.

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Hello again everyone :)


I can join you guys for real, now. Wanna apologize for my brief absence but it took a while for me to get validated and I only received my PM this morning while I was getting ready for work - nonetheless, I'm here now and looking forward to mixing it up with you folk that I haven't played with yet. I heard somewhere that JN plays mafia, so here I am.




Pac might be too bashful to ask, but he wants 3-4 risqué pics sent to him via PM.

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Holy friggin awesome avatar...


This guy gets it..  Instantly my favorite DMer.


I figured with all the shark talk from pages 17 or whatever, it would amuse more than just me.


And I amuse myself quite often.


Anyway - been power skimming nice Nolderp asked me to replace so for now just working with general impressions until I can look at things more closely, which I will start tonight now that I have a bit of time.

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Doggin, put JC at L2. Let's see if that brings him back out of the dark... last game, when he fumbled as scum he just went dark and I, as his partner, would just muddle the thread (sort of like what Pac is doing) until the town found a new shiny object.


No chance.  Not with over a day to deadline and radio silence, especially since right now I'm also comfortable with my Hally vote.  If I get back up in the morning and he still hasn't had anything to say, that's a different story. 


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Dumbass. I had to REMIND him to vote me. 


He voted Pac, until I pointed out the contradiction of him making up false meta as my scum tell, then not voting me after saying I was scum. It was a huge slip. I bumped the ******* posts for you.


WTF is your deal? Last game the details went right over your head too... 



That is not true at all, last game I was on the right side of every decision

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I've been away from the game, and only played as scum last game... I had forgotten how ******* frustrating it is when you know you have scum pinned down, and you can't get people to see what you see. 


Sometimes I hate you ******* assholes.


dude...  you're 100% dead wrong about me.  why in the F would I blindly buy into your case on JC.


But again.. the way JC has played it today is garbage..  I'd like to think he was a little better than this if he's scum.

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dude...  you're 100% dead wrong about me.  why in the F would I blindly buy into your case on JC.


But again.. the way JC has played it today is garbage..  I'd like to think he was a little better than this if he's scum.


Well ya, and not to mention he expects the rest of us to blindly buy into both you and JC as scum..


My biggest thing with JC was talking like he knew ape was town.  I honestly don't see Ape's other points on him, not that i've looked too closely

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Well ya, and not to mention he expects the rest of us to blindly buy into both you and JC as scum..


My biggest thing with JC was talking like he knew ape was town.  I honestly don't see Ape's other points on him, not that i've looked too closely


The case Ape was spouting was suspect at best..  the way that JC is acting today though is putrid.


to start the day he voted me in what appeared to be an act of desperation.. 


I figured ok well let me hear what he's got but when I asked him to explain and he ignored me...  the last couple pages he seems to be trying to buddy up and leaving me to do the work of discrediting the Apes case.


It's pretty sickening.

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ha, the reason I mention it is that the Ape is trying to pressure me to vote JC by using incorrect assertions attacking my competence  ...  could be scummy, or just could be his monstrous ego at work covering for the fragile, insecure inner ape

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JC - Leelou, Ape, Hallia, Nyn, Lily, Hess (6)

Hallia - Jif, CTM, Doggin (3)

Ape - 80, JC (2)

80 - King (1)

Nyn - Pac (1)


With 17 alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline: Thursday 8am PST

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See above.



Looking back I don't even know.  I think I was misreading JC for 80.  It makes absolutely no sense to me, all I can think is that me and the mobile version don't like each other.

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I'm up through page 10. Had to stop earlier for dinner, bath time for the kid and dog, etc. But now everyone is asleep and I can hunch over my laptop like a maniac and finally power through this game.






Scummy post ;)


No, if you bothered to look, all of those votes were before we were allowed to vote which means they probably didn't even read the opening post .


Or they just didn't GAF about the phase, so I don't see your point or why you're making it.


Smashs'  "case" is impossibly stupid which likely means he's town.


Smash.. even though I've kind of made a habit out of catching people in 1 post it's not for everyone.  Stick to getting more info for the time being.


More pointless than anything in my opinion when you consider his conclusion. People voted during Night phase when they wouldn't be counted = not paying attention = ????


That was basically the end of it.


I assume this is probably a meta read or something but seems like a dumb reason to clear someone for.


You are a moron




Somebody commented that Nyn's claws coming out early wasn't a good look but I'd disagree.


Still with this..  Smash...  I knew it was a night phase and still voted Hess.  Why?  just because.


Besides, the narrative you're pushing would actually give credence that those voting before day started are townies who didn't look at a QT before posting.


Why would you assume that considering your own reason for doing so?


Pac I will explain again so you can understand where I was coming from.


I was not casing anyone. I just made the observation because it seemed obvious it was not day phase yet people were voting, therefore not paying attention.  What followed was a bunch of accusations from some of the people mentioned in my post trying to say my observation was scummy and incorrect, turns out it was not incorrect at all. If you're (not meaning you alone) going to accuse someone of something you should at the very least get it right and Lizzie and Ape got it very wrong which is lazy Mafia play IMHO. I did it to get things moving and I obviously succeeded and hit a few nerves that is what this game is all about ...No ?


What came of this was Arsis and Ape jumping on the Idiot Lizzies bandwagon which was wrong in the first place. So we already have some game content as well . Then Lizzie attacking my grammar which I admit is very lazy at times and is pretty well known around here.  


Townie post


Meh on these. Weird progression from JC around this time though when he votes Hess for saying he'd vote anyone who is voting Smash - which by proxy means they both agree on Smash being town. Joke maybe? Idk. Ape picked up on it, so that's cool.


On Smash's post I still think the conclusion being drawn is kind of pointless and not indicative of anything. But hey, if it got the game kicked off like he wanted then... good job?


Arsis quit.

I'm looking for a replacement.


Everyone rejoice.

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Through page 20. Some interesting reading in there with all the spam about sharks and car wrecks and sh*t. Ftr though, fapping probably leads to more deaths than those others. Hands down ;)


Anyway - Leelou looking pretty townie around pg 19-20 in response to Alanna. The Ape/80 thing is something I'll be looking into as I continue through the thread, hopefully there's more. Nyn looking pretty sweet too from earlier on in this section responding to Alanna as well. Not sure why all the chicks I know from DM are bickering, but I like two of them thus far.




Tuesday night Noldip. Make it happen.


I'm good with this btw. It'll give me some extra time to get up to speed fully if people don't mind waiting a bit longer


So you're saying that Smash's content was not worth actually discussing, and that when you repeatedly pressed him to explain why he broke his quotes up, you weren't really looking for answers, you were just trying to generate content. Sounds town to me.


Can't hate this post. Generally I haven't had an issue with anything Ape has said thus far, but I don't think this is a bad observation either. Would I be wrong in thinking that Lizzie is a sharp player?


@ Lynn, First of all, you haven't played nearly enough with me to find anything I do odd. Secondly, you're wrong, I will absolutely talk in behalf of a player if I think they're being pushed for bogus reasons. Thirdly, I think I played enough with Smash to get an idea of what he's getting at, and I didn't get a bad vibe from what he said when the game first started, plus I liked his explanations when pressed.


Here's my problem though. You say yourself that you agree with Lily's conclusion. ie knowing where Smash was coming from and not understanding why he was getting so much trouble for it. But at the same breath you don't understand why I said that I think I get where Smash was coming from and not understanding why he was getting so much trouble for it. Only I took it one step forward and looked at the people pushing him, trying to root out a scummy.


So.... what is so odd about what I said? You're basically agreeing with me. You agree with Lily. But for some reason I'm suspect for thinking the same thing you two think... because that's not how I usually play? Is that what you're pitching?  And while we're at it, how DO I usually play? Do I stand idly by if I think someone is being pushing for something dumb?


Townie series of posts from Nyn - feeling pretty good on this read already.


Arsis, you can keep neg repping me till eternity, but would that really make a difference? Stick it out and play or gtfo. Either way, stop being a childish distraction.


I up voted this one just for you <3


Ape getting all bent out of shape over one simple vote from 80 is interesting.


Not a bad exchange, agreed. Not sure what Ape's reaction to it means for him specifically but I'm hoping this will unfold more as I read on. I don't HATE that fire 80 was spitting though.


I'd like to hear Kivams position on the shark epidemic before I consider switching my vote.


I laughed at this.


Gotta say there was some golden humor in the midst of all that spam, I'm not completely upset I actually read most of it.


My point exactly. You say you like leaving your vote there but you have no content to go off of for him. On the other hand, there's like 17 pages of these other guys, yet you're still content to leave your vote on an inactive? I'm getting a disconnect here. You could easily push a mislynch on an inactive at this point and that bothers me


You're exaggerating here with the bold and I don't know why you're so caught up on it. The way you're characterizing makes it sound like she's actively pushing to lynch him over somebody else for being inactive, which isn't happening. If her vote is there to get him talking - what's your beef with that?


Who's derping?

@Leelou: OMGUS? I focus on small details as scum? You've seen me as scum in how many games exactly? Two. I've only been scum twice since I started playing again. The first one I get a pass for because it was my first game back. And there were a lot of players. The second one... I'm pretty sure I was derp-scum in that game. You have no meta to say that I focus on small details as scum. The more accurate would be to say that I focus on small details when I don't know anyone.

I'm being pretty transparently town right now, imo, so take that as you will. DM has been lynching a lot of scum day 1 and I like to think I've contributed to that.


Pretty sure that was the exact reason why Leelou was scum reading you in the Middle Earth game (the first one she's talking about here for those that don't know) and the read was correct even if you hadn't played in ages.


Also worth noting that I pretty much loved Leelou's response saying it isn't up to your interpretation of your meta, but how others see it. That small detail you're focusing on right now? Her vote.


Just saying...

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Still on mobile, so I can't really multi quote. I'm currently liking this town for a lady town. Nyn, Laine, and Leelou feel townish to me.


Oh sh*t, must've missed this one earlier while skimming through the spam pages but found it again when Lily quotes it on pg 21.


Like these reads by Hallia in retrospect from where I'm at currently - if all my girls from DM are villas this game I will be happy :)


The exchange between Ape/Alanna on the top part of pg 21 reads like townies on both ends to me.

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Actually pg 21 is a good read in general until you hit the bottom and the spam starts again.


Leelou still townie with the IDC bit.


Ape makes me laugh with the GFY and I dig the snap vote on JC - I had a similar reaction to the post.


scummy pings thus far almost and possibly in order: Arsis, Lily, JC


townie pings: Smash, Nyn (more towards her play and less for following my vote), 80


Although I could change my mind at any time so gfy. 


Minus my predecessor and Lily I don't think these are bad from where I am currently. Noticed you don't say much though but nobody has brought it up thus far so I can assume that's typical for you? Either way - some explanation would be cool.

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22 thru 30.1


That was a lot to catch up on. 


Leelou is coming across as town to me. Her thing with Doggin is obviously a private joke or whatever. He's obviously not getting lynched today. 


Alanna is unusually aggressive. I'm not sure what to make of that yet. 


Hess is being Hess. He always seems town to me. 


Ape is being weird. He seems not invested at all. He's always invested. 


And I just got company. I'll post more later after the doctor visit I have today. 


That explains my Hess question earlier I guess.


I like how a whole bunch of you whined about wanting an extended deadline... and then most of the whiners were nowhere to be found today. Fake townies being fake.


Someone go make a list of those that asked for an extended deadline. Give me the names. I'll tell you which ones are scum. Then we can win, and go get ice cream.


General question: Does Ape soapboxing like this point to him being town or is it null?


nice way to show your scum...third voter theory x2...unvote, vote lily






I disagree. I think there was some worth a while content so far to make preliminary reads.



But I am interested to know why you were indifferent to Lily, Leelou, Hess, Hallia and so on offering reads... but have an issue with me over it?


Nyn still towning. Nice response to Pac - thought his vote was lame.


I assumed it would be so you could work the game for some activity/reads today. Instead, you talked about shark attacks.


Also noted. Hess talks about this being a scum tell for Pac - do you agree?

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Thru 30.2



Andrej the giant?  Someone thinks very highly of himself...   :winking0001:


Hey AJ!


I'm actually pretty average in height.


It's my Chad Johnson that got me the nickname  ;)


I could possibly vote JC or CTM.


Leelou still looking good. I've noticed CTM hasn't said or done much up to this point


vote Leelou




Gonna back off the Arsis slot for now cause AJ is catching up and I don't wanna be an ahole. But I still think Arsis' play was fishy, so I'm definitely keeping an eye on that slot.



I'll look into JC's posts later when I get back


You watch this slot, girl.


My confedential D1 notes: Ape playing, Pac's floating and you've been drunk for 5 days.


What else you got in these notes?


Marry, kill, ****.... Pokeman, Arya Stark, Greedo... GO!


Dude, wtf?


I guess **** Pokemon in general, marry Arya for the monies and kill Greedo cause my boy Han is a boss.


Jetscode gets a few votes...


Hess and I are awesome...




No reason for Pac vote. Calls out a scum tell on me. Still voting Pac.


How can I make this easier for you people?


Agree with this stuff - I'm willing to vote JC/CTM/Pac at this point but I'd rather finish reading first.


That's the only post where Lily references JC that I could see. No mention of his FoS at her general direction on her vote on Arsis or any reaction to it. Than 30 mins after she posts the above, he FoSes her for a second time for being the third on a wagon.... and votes her. This feels weird to me.... could be early bussing from her part and distancing from his.


Meh - too early for this but worth looking into later once you get Lily/JC's flip.


Influential in what?  Nothing has happened.


And I dont see how any of their actions tie them together.  That's scummy as hell.  


Liking the cut of JiF's jib.


Dat JIF jib.

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14) Nyn - Didn't like the early aggressiveness which is a completely different style then I remember.  Also don't like the momentum vote on JC.


I'm plenty aggressive when I play. Ask anyone. Also, I've explained my vote on JC. I mean, you can ignore that bit and all, but I did explain it. Not to mention that JC is basically lolcatting at this point. All of his recent posts have been garbage. Feeling pretty good about him flipping scum. 

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False logic is always the best kind of logic. This pings a little like scum grandstanding while town triangulates townies.


Could be. Could be name dropping a teammate in the trifecta as well. I don't like the 1/3 approach when the connections aren't based on much.


Haha really?  JiF, you admittedly make a bandwagon vote on JC, then wonder why I like the interactions related to his train and how that pertains to Ape (also on JC's train, confident JC is scum) and Pac (who JC is currently voting)?  Pipe down.


So what conclusions are you actually drawing from it?


How does the run up of JC pertain to Ape outside of him being the driving force? What does JC voting Pac say for him or Pac? You make the connections and then give little detail as to where you're idea comes from.


It guarantees an informative lynch if we end up taking out one of you three.  I'm confident one of you is scum, but I'm not going to pull a Nolder and bet my life on it.  It's D1.  Not a lot has happened this game.  You, Pac and JC are the three players who people have reacted to most. 


Lynching for information shouldn't be your main priority though - that's scum talk bro. Information is revealed as the game progresses naturally. Arbitrarily picking one of the three because they've been interacted with the most isn't a good reason in my opinion. Which do you think is the most likely scum and why?


ok caught up...  80 is spewing nonsense, I don't understand the votes on JC or the pile on after the Ape declared him scum..  that's pretty much proof positive that he's town.


Still Vote Nyn..  all the reasons I stated yesterday plus the pile on vote on JC.. 


No it's not.


Hate your Nyn vote too.


Yes, you are.  You're connecting players who you know nothing about based on D1 voting.  That is literally connecting players off of nothing.  


What does my vote on Hali have to say about Hali's vote on JC? 


Dat JIF jib again.


Looking pretty spot on thus far


solid defense


vote jif


fair point

unvote vote hallia




I highly doubt Doggin is town this game. 


Could vote Doggin.


So Doggin, Pac, Crusher and New Guy are completely useless to this game.




Not liking how hard Ape is trying to be different, wondering why unless he's scum again looking to distance from himself.


Will give him credit however for creating an even more repulsive persona then the one we've grown to know and hate


This reads like a NotBob-esque kind of observation. He's a dude I don't read well because he doesn't say much typically and when he does make reads they're a bit off the wall.


Somebody drop some CTM knowledge for me?

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So I just compiled all of this data into a spreadsheet, sorted it the way it needs to be and made sure all of the info was correct. I asked someone to just add the information she has to it and now it's completely unsorted and she's changed other columns that I knew were right and now I'm not so sure. 


Submit it anyway imo


OK, guess it's time for my first serious vote in this game.  Hallia.  Really, really don't understand the logic you're working with, and ignoring direct questions isn't a good sign.


Meh - don't like this vote either. Worth noting for later that it's placed on the next largest wagon outside of JC at this point in the game. 


Ok that's enough..  watching how poorly this game is being played has me thinking it's time to try..  (sorry scum team).


17 players is perfect for a 4 person scum team (Walt, Jessie, Gustavo, Mike)?? and a SK (presumably Tuco)..  I'd imagine Nolder has a number of interesting roles in the game given he's chosen the best show of all time to mod.


Nothing I've seen is particularly compelling but my Pac Reads 1.0™ are as follows:




1) AlannaLynn  -  Like that she refuses to let the Ape get away with his ridiculous theories.  Is engaged early on but perhaps a little too engaged.  She threw around some pretty aggressive suspicions without much info to go on.  I'll chalk it up to wanting to ingratiate herself to the new crowd but I'm watching.
2) Ape - Has become a caricature of himself this game.  Spastically throwing out suspicion in multiple directions with an assuredness that is too silly to take seriously in any meaningful way.  I'm thinking he might have been given the role of Walt Jr.
3) Arsis - Null..  didn't really say much other than a brief couple posts on very early interaction.
4) Crusher - His new style of playing mafia seems to be forgetting that he's playing mafia.  It makes it hard to read him and may buy him a day or 2 but in time he'll reveal himself if dirty.
5) CTM - He's been too wasted to involve himself thus far.  Wondering if he was given the role of Badger and is method acting.
6) Doggin - Waltzed in, said nothing, and promenaded out.  If he continues I'll attack..  for now he gets a welcome back pass.
7) Hallia - Hard to read her because a lot of her posting was done while I was skimming.  I see JiF thinks she's said something suspicious so I'll keep an eye on that interaction.
8) Hess - May very well be scum.  His normally light hearted approach has been replaced by this antagonistic whimp who has adopted a laissez faire attitude..  Playing like SK or some other 3rd party.
9) Jif - Seems engaged and is moving around with his votes and targets.  Like him for town right now.
10) JC - I never saw the case on him or the reason he was being voted up..  that said, I'm not too fond of the last couple pages.
11) Leelou - Oddly followed my vote on Doggin and stayed there for a while.  Saw her mention him even after changing her vote.  I wouldn't say she's been fixated but hasn't done too much to stir the pot either.
12) Lily - All I've seen are parroting of others posts and not much in the way of originality.  Not one of her finer games thus far.  Perhaps scum trying to blend in.
13) Lizard King - On the offensive early on which was appreciated.  Since then he's kind of slithered into the background content to watch others fight.
14) Nyn - Didn't like the early aggressiveness which is a completely different style then I remember.  Also don't like the momentum vote on JC.
15) Pac - Mutha****in Super Scum Hunting Town Badass
16) Smash - Weird game so far.  Started off like a maniac but as soon as he was called out on it he assumed the fetal position and has all but disappeared. 
17) 80 - Quiet early on but made up for it today with an avalanche of stupid.  I didn't want to see the poor lil' guy get lynched on day 1 yet again but his posts are slanderous nonsense.


Been going back and forth on your reads here. At face value I think there's some good insight on a few that are generally against the grain with the thread - which I tend to take as a good sign. Crusher, Hess and Smash specifically. However as others have pointed out, Lizzie & Ape iirc, I'm not a fan of how you're hedging on a lot of others. Seems like you have more reason to be voting someone else, like Hess/Lily/Crusher, to pressure them over Nyn when part of the reason is a vote on the lead wagon that hasn't been resolved yet. It's also worth noting that you don't mention other people's vote on JC like Lily/Hallia/Hess in your reads for them. Gives me the impression you're avoiding the JC train for whatever reason by claiming obliviousness but you're also leaving yourself open to move onto him later with your statement.


I've said this before and I'll probably say it again. It's getting tedious.


When I get up in the morning, there are 8-10 pages for me to read. I comment as I go along, and it's not my fault someone else sees the same things I do and commented first. My thoughts are original to me, and I get amused when I'm reading along and see that someone else said what I just posted, only they said it hours ago. I can't fix this, so y'all just have to bear with it, like it or not.


So, yeah, from your pov, my thoughts aren't original, but from mine, they are. GFY.


I sort of like how Lily is getting feisty here. I can understand the bolded part because I frequently experience this myself playing in games due to time zone differences. Not entirely sure what this means for her alignment as I don't know her well but I like the tone.


If Pac thinks Nyn is scum, but Pacs reason is illogical to the rest of his argument...is he distancing? Are they both scum?


I doubt Nyn is scum tbh. Pac's argument being illogical could be as simple as him having to make up reasons to vote someone.

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