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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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1 hour ago, Leelou said:

Just went through and looked at Brett's posts from start of day.











He's continuously on Spoot except when he's going back and forth with Ape for a bit. Now that I'm more awake, I can roll with Brett's reveal. I've had Brett as a light town read most game, and I'd like to hear from Spoot. 

vote Spoot


This feels academic at this point, but @Spoot-Face did you visit leelou for some reason last night?

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38 minutes ago, AVM said:



Even though this has nothing to do with what I was trying to get at....at all...

I'll take credit.


Putting aside Brett's posts today, which are bleh at best, the "one scum must be on Lily" sort of presupposes she's town, right? If she's scum, can't see any more scum staying on her with a deadline approaching. I suppose they could, but with Verb being town, if they didn't have the votes they just expose themselves to a 25ish% chance of being randomed?

Who was offering to change last minute? Was Brett one of the people around saying they'd jump to Verb or vice versa? That actually would sort of explain it.

I'm not sure i get your point?

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3 hours ago, CTM said:


da fuq, you said you doubted leelou was targetted in your post following morning opening. This is in no way consistent with that. 


3 hours ago, Leelou said:

I was just going to go pull that. 

Brett, explain. 

So what I thought would happen was if I tried to sell the high possibility of a BPV, that if we ran up Spoot he could claim he was the vest then I would have him trapped, I think that is a good cover claim for Scum right now because it seems like we missed a NK.

I wanted to float the real possibility (you being a NK target) out there as something I doubted to see if anyone would run with it, which no one did.

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So the biggest thing that stood out to me was that Ape was making some really strong arguments about Spoots voting pattern at the end of D1, which was my biggest motivation to track him. But Ape won't vote Spoot, even though I think he formulated a strong enough argument to nail him as scum. Then Ape comes out strong against me today instead

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9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

I can't believe everyone is so quick to assume we could vet 25% of the game on D1 because 80 used the term "mason". 

Tell me about it. I cant believe 75% of the town is vetted because 80 use the term Town either. Stupid ******* 80.

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33 minutes ago, CTM said:

I'm not sure i get your point?

I talked in a circle again, sorry.

At first I was getting at the fact that Ape's first point on Brett -- the "there is likely scum on Lily's train" theory -- was based off the notion that Lily was town.  I wasn't getting at his reaction to everything today, which has been bad.  But even if Lily were scum, that wouldn't mean scum couldn't be on her at the end -- especially if they were around waiting to move on to Verb if town didn't do it for them.

That's why I asked if Brett was one of the ones who said he'd be willing to move at the deadline.

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2 minutes ago, AVM said:

I talked in a circle again, sorry.

At first I was getting at the fact that Ape's first point on Brett -- the "there is likely scum on Lily's train" theory -- was based off the notion that Lily was town.  I wasn't getting at his reaction to everything today, which has been bad.  But even if Lily were scum, that wouldn't mean scum couldn't be on her at the end -- especially if they were around waiting to move on to Verb if town didn't do it for them.

That's why I asked if Brett was one of the ones who said he'd be willing to move at the deadline.

I did move to hammer Verb about 4 minutes before deadline, right after No PSL moved off Lily to Leelou and made lynching Lily no longer a possibility. Spoot got the hammer vote in before me, and then Ape was right behind me for the triple-hammer

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Just now, StraightCash said:

I did move to hammer Verb about 4 minutes before deadline, right after No PSL moved off Lily to Leelou and made lynching Lily no longer a possibility. Spoot got the hammer vote in before me, and then Ape was right behind me for the triple-hammer

Yeah, I remember that now

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Because this game is not weird enough. Spoot is a mason with Jif and I.  Not even kidding.   Because cute little fella has a role I would happily be lynch in his stead. I have no role.

It also states clearly in our QT we ALL aligned town. So if you must.


unvote vote crusher

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3 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Because this game is not weird enough. Spoot is a mason with Jif and I.  Not even kidding.   Because cute little fella has a role I would happily be lynch in his stead. I have no role.

It also states clearly in our QT we ALL aligned town. So if you must.


unvote vote crusher

So all 3 of you are in a Mason QT, you are vanilla mason, but Spoot says he is a roled Mason? Do you have a reason to believe him aside from him just telling you?

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10 hours ago, CTM said:

i am trying to figure out why it's this topic you are discussing and i'm the one pointing out you pushed still lynching lilly day 1 post mason claim... Part of me is wondering if you didn't bring up for fear of hearing wifom..


I'm not following you here. If it still matters, explain better and I'll try to respond.

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Just now, StraightCash said:

So all 3 of you are in a Mason QT, you are vanilla mason, but Spoot says he is a roled Mason? Do you have a reason to believe him aside from him just telling you?

Yes. Not going to get into quoting anything 80 wrote. But Im 100% certain.

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5 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Because this game is not weird enough. Spoot is a mason with Jif and I.  Not even kidding.   Because cute little fella has a role I would happily be lynch in his stead. I have no role.

It also states clearly in our QT we ALL aligned town. So if you must.


unvote vote crusher

haha .. what? ******* 80 

This makes no sense, on phone but don't remember you or jif using plural terms 

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10 hours ago, StraightCash said:

You are right here, but it's equally gaming the mod to say it would be "bastard mod" to call them Mason's but have alignment be scum.


I just think it shouldn't be assumed that all 4 mason claims are vetted town, especially with how scummy Lily is

hahahahhaha... no it isn't, in fact a couple games ago someone said the same thing when there were neighbors in the game... Masons are strictly a town role, this is a widely accepted truth in mafia play. 80 has already stated that it's not a conversion game. So, the use of the role Mason should be for townies only. There are other roles that leave open the possibility for scum/town to be mixed. 

It's not gaming the mod to have this opinion. I didn't particularize this comment in any way to 80, 80's capacity for designing games, or anything that would represent an inference in how the game is designed based on 80 being the mod. I simply said Masons are strictly town. If they aren't town, then it is a form of bastard modding. This would be my opinion with any mod, any game. Not just 80.

So, no, I'm not gaming the mod... and gaming the mod isn't a scum tell anyway... you're just dumb.

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10 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Explains why you suck at this game so much. Lynch the scummiest-- usually the best course of action 

I'm the best scum hunter in mafia, because of that philosophy... but okay.

9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Also, why was Ape on Lily's train to lynch her D1, if now he believes that Mason's mean it must be town or else it's bastard mod? Why did he want to kill her yesterday after she claimed and Decker confirmed.

Another contradiction

Your brains are dumb, and/or you are super desperado... 

I believe the Mason role is a town role. Exclusively.

I voted Lily, because I didn't necessarily believe her claim of being a Mason. I also voted Lily, because I would have rather seen one of the Mason teams blown up for vetting purposes, rather than Verbal, who I was leaning town on.

Something, something mutually exclusive, you ******* moron. How in the **** did you fool people into thinking you were intelligent when you first started playing.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

I'm the best scum hunter in mafia, because of that philosophy... but okay.

Your brains are dumb, and/or you are super desperado... 

I believe the Mason role is a town role. Exclusively.

I voted Lily, because I didn't necessarily believe her claim of being a Mason. I also voted Lily, because I would have rather seen one of the Mason teams blown up for vetting purposes, rather than Verbal, who I was leaning town on.

Something, something mutually exclusive, you ******* moron. How in the **** did you fool people into thinking you were intelligent when you first started playing.

dude leelou just posted an 80 game where it wasn't .. 

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9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Another "even if you are town, still want to lynch you" post. Why don't you go take a seat next to Lily

So, Ape, Lily Spoot and Decker... all scum? Or did you put your OMGUS into hyperdrive because I called it out as missing from your meta this game?

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1 minute ago, Integrity28 said:

I'm the best scum hunter in mafia, because of that philosophy... but okay.

Your brains are dumb, and/or you are super desperado... 

I believe the Mason role is a town role. Exclusively.

I voted Lily, because I didn't necessarily believe her claim of being a Mason. I also voted Lily, because I would have rather seen one of the Mason teams blown up for vetting purposes, rather than Verbal, who I was leaning town on.

Something, something mutually exclusive, you ******* moron. How in the **** did you fool people into thinking you were intelligent when you first started playing.

You were doing so well being all methodical, slow and not aggressive too :D

Can we table Brett for just a second and talk about Crushers claim?  That puts us up to 5 masons in a 15 person game, at least.  Would like to hear from Lily/Decker if there is a 3rd there as well, as CTM requested.

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3 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Wait if it was JiF and I wouldnt already be plural?

as in one of you saying teammates.. Pretty sure jif said teammate..

back at laptop now, going to try and find

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10 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

hahahahhaha... no it isn't, in fact a couple games ago someone said the same thing when there were neighbors in the game... Masons are strictly a town role, this is a widely accepted truth in mafia play. 80 has already stated that it's not a conversion game. So, the use of the role Mason should be for townies only. There are other roles that leave open the possibility for scum/town to be mixed. 

It's not gaming the mod to have this opinion. I didn't particularize this comment in any way to 80, 80's capacity for designing games, or anything that would represent an inference in how the game is designed based on 80 being the mod. I simply said Masons are strictly town. If they aren't town, then it is a form of bastard modding. This would be my opinion with any mod, any game. Not just 80.

So, no, I'm not gaming the mod... and gaming the mod isn't a scum tell anyway... you're just dumb.

Dweebus, it's already been proven that Mason's have been scum in a JN Mafia game before. Catch up

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On 3/29/2016 at 10:44 AM, JiF said:

I didnt want to do this but I'm going to because I'm jam packed the rest of the day and wont be around during the deadline.  Plus, I think we need to focus before the deadline and scum hunt.  That and I dont trust this town to see my point and back off this utter b.s. that's drawing me heat. 

I'm vanilla town and can be vetted through a Mason partner.  I dont really see the need for that person to come forward right now but our alignment was shared in a QT by the mod.

For consolidation efforts because I wont be around even though my #1 is AVM.


Vote Verb




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3 minutes ago, CTM said:

as in one of you saying teammates.. Pretty sure jif said teammate..

back at laptop now, going to try and find

Oh ok.  Dude we weren't going to spill it all until we had to.  Im fine with being todays lynch.  Though Brett carrying own about some strange game where Masons were not all town is dumb.

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9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Fair enough, I was just looking at D1 voting results and saw that Ape was behind me on Lily's train in the final vote count

So, you decided to forget about context, and just make an argument that you'd hope nobody actually fact checks?

9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Alright I'm going to get ready for bed, I have an early morning tomorrow but just in case everyone wants to lynch me before I can get on...


Spoot may want to explain why he visited Leelou last night. It's why he was my vote out of the gate today, and why there was only 1 NK last night, and it was scum. I was hoping I could get a lynch on him without having to reveal but that blew up in my face

So, are you claiming tracker or watcher here? Why leave that part out? 

9 hours ago, StraightCash said:

Unvote vote Spoot

Why in the world would you EVER abandon your vote on Spoot, if you actually have information that  you say you do? Doesn't make any sense at all.

4 hours ago, CTM said:


da fuq, you said you doubted leelou was targetted in your post following morning opening. This is in no way consistent with that. 


4 hours ago, CTM said:


but now you are claiming spoot visited leelou last night and therefore must be scum?

Doesn't make sense





vote Brett


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i say 2 players

On 3/29/2016 at 10:57 AM, CTM said:

why don't we want 2 confirmed players? 

+ avoid a potential wasted investigative role 

crusher says partner.. not team 

On 3/29/2016 at 10:59 AM, The Crusher said:

I'm Jifs mason partner.  He sits on my laps while he feeds me bacon bites.  


Jif responding  to me saying to, and again implies singular

On 3/29/2016 at 11:06 AM, JiF said:

Fair but they're not on anyones radar. 


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