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Jets Passing Offense Film Review – Week 7 (Ravens) Geno Smith


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Geno Smith made his first, and quite possibly last, start of the season for the Jets.  He did better than expected, although it ended in tragedy as he left the game in the second quarter with a leg injury that was later diagnosed as a torn ACL.  Let’s see how he did:

Good Geno:

1) week-7-geno-smith-good-geno

The defense is in a two deep safety look for a change, and the Jets come out with four receivers and a RB out of the backfield.  The pre-snap read on this shows man coverage, with a tight coverage towards the right of the formation.  If you look at the left side of the formation, you will notice that the defenders are playing back on this play, which means there is a better chance of a completion to this side.  Geno Smith makes the right read and immediately attacks this side of the field, completing the pass to Robby Anderson.  This is just a great pre-snap read, which was refreshing after weeks of seeing Ryan Fitzpatrick ignore pre-snap reads consistently.   This is also the result of the speed of Anderson, because this is great respect for a rookie WR.

2) week-7-geno-smith-good-geno-2

The defense is again in a two deep safety look, which if you read these articles on a consistent basis, is pretty rare for this offense.  The Jets have the same set up as the above play, with one receiver to the right of the formation, and three receivers to the left of the formation.  The pre-snap read on this play is again to Robby Anderson because he gets the most space between himself and the defender, and Geno Smith looks at him correctly.  Anderson runs a good “pick” route, freeing up Brandon Marshall for the pass.  This is a beautiful read and pass by Geno Smith, exploiting the weakness in the defense.  This is just a great example of reading the defense at the pre-snap read and throwing a beautiful pass.

3) week-7-geno-smith-good-geno-3

The defense is again in two deep safety look, and the Ravens have good coverage on this play.  The pre-snap read on this play shows that the best chance of completion seems to be either of the outside receivers, but they have great coverage on this play.  Geno Smith does a good job of recognizing the coverage and decides to run up the middle.  Part of the spread system relies on the ability of a QB to move up field and run for positive yards, and Geno does well on this play.  Fitzpatrick has taken advantage of this in the past year or so as well, so it’s encouraging to see Geno take advantage of this situation.

No Help:

1) week-7-geno-smith-assistant-failure-1

The defense is in a single high safety look on third down here.  The pre-snap read on this play shows man coverage, with the only person to have a defender far off the line of scrimmage is Charone Peake.  Geno Smith correctly surmises the situation, and looks for Charone Peake on this play and throws a good pass to him, but it’s dropped.  It’s not a perfect pass by any means, but Peake does get two hands on the ball, and it’s dropped.  This is a situation where Geno Smith reads the defense perfectly in terms of pre-snap reads but it fails here because Peake could not catch the ball cleanly.   This play is about 80% fault on Charone Peake, while 20% fault on Geno Smith.

2) week-7-geno-smith-assistant-failure-2

The defense is in a two safety look, although the second safety is moving up later in the play.  The read on this play is absolutely beautiful knowing the WR routes, because Smith realizes that Marshall will have a one on one coverage down the field.  Watch the attention garnered to Robby Anderson on this play, with two guys running back towards him.  If you read the past film reviews, he usually has man coverage with teams conceding that he will run by them but the QB can not hit him deep.  Notice Geno working through his progressions as well, looking at the middle of the field to hold the safety before passing to Marshall.  This is another pass that has to be caught because this is a big yards after the catch opportunity.

Sidekick Power:

1) week-7-geno-smith-helped-out

The defense is in a two safety look again, on a second and 18 play for the Jets, with the Jets showing four receivers.  The pre-snap read on this indicates that the right side of the formation shows the best opportunity for a completed pass, as the LB on Enunwa is off the line, and the defender on Anderson is further back as well.  Those are the two receivers that end up open on this play as well.  This is just a great read by Geno Smith, but it’s a better play by Quincy Enunwa, running after the catch for a great TD.  Countless times in the 20 games, the Jets continually go against the pre-snap reads, so it’s really refreshing to see a QB make the correct reads because he’s taking advantage of what the defense is conceding.


1) week-7-geno-smith-bad-geno

The defense is in single high safety, and the Ravens make late adjustments to this blitz.  Geno Smith looks at Brandon Marshall, and throws a back shoulder pass to him, but misses the throw.   The pre-snap read on this indicates that the play was to the right of the formation with Robby Anderson, but Geno ignores that side of the field.  This is just a bad throw to Brandon Marshall, since he was in a good position for a back shoulder pass.   There is some questionable contact on this play by the defender but this has to be a better read and throw by Geno Smith.

2) week-7-geno-smith-bad-geno-2

The defense is in a two safety look, and as you recognize, is probably the last play for Geno Smith this season.  The pre-snap read on this play is tricky because the Ravens make late movements on this play, throwing off the coverage.  Prior to the late movement, the defender to the left of the formation was off the line of scrimmage, along with Robby Anderson on the right side of the field.  Geno is looking towards his left side as his first read, but the Ravens bring a blitz from the right side forcing him to the left of the formation.  This is just a bad read by Geno Smith, failing to recognize the coverage.  The second best thing to do on this play was to throw to away the ball, but Smith tries to make something out of nothing and gets injured.


Geno Smith looked the best at QB for the Jets since the Buffalo game with Ryan Fitzpatrick.  He made good reads and made good throws, but was victimized by a couple of drops.  It’s sad for the Jets because the start of the game indicated that Geno Smith had actually improved at the mental aspect of the game in terms of pre-snap reads.  It’s a shame that they don’t get to see him progress more.

Geno Smith Grade:  B-

Forum Questions:

A) Where do you think Geno Smith lands in free agency? 

B)  What did you feel about his performance before the injury?


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To answer your questions I think he ends up in a place like Denver to be a backup, maybe they trade simian and start lynch with Geno as a backup that the fan base likely won't pressure them to start over lynch if lynch for off to a slow start.

I though he did an alright job before he got injured but I also don't think he surprised anyone with his play, he did not play poorly but he also didn't light the field up, really the best play with him on the field enunwa did all the work. I also think the competition was much weaker than we have been used to seeing so far this season and to be fair fitz did not look bad against the ravens either even after mangold went down.

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

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The Jets won a game since Week 2, and Ryan Fitzpatrick did a decent job against the Ravens.  However, there were a few instances where the receivers didn’t help him out.  Let’s examine:

Assistant’s Failure:

1) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-assistants-failure

This is a borderline play because this is a tough catch, but Enunwa did get his hands on the ball and he has to catch it.  This isn’t a great throw by Fitzpatrick, and Enunwa does lay out for the ball but he should catch this pass.  This is a good pre-snap read because there is a lane to throw to for Ryan Fitzpatrick, so it’s a good read.  It’s just unfortunate that the Jets couldn’t convert the pass.  The defense does a good job here blocking off the rest of the options but it doesn’t work out.

2) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-assistants-failure-2

This play happens on 3rd and 1, and the Ravens are selling out for the run here, as they blitz up the middle.  Fitzpatrick reads the blitz correctly and makes a quick throw to Marshall running the slant route, but he drops the pass.  Marshall has shown a penchant for dropping passes lately, and this is a huge drop in the game.  This is a good read and throw by Fitzpatrick.


Ryan Fitzpatrick is far from the perfect QB, but on at least two occasions in this game, he was let down by his receivers.  The pass to Enunwa is borderline because the pass is thrown in front of him, but he did get his hands on the ball and has to catch that pass.

Forum Questions:

A) How do you feel about Marshall’s drops?

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Great work here bro. Geno did a good job I thought. For a QB who had not started for awhile he had to get some slack. The D played different than what we were getting (and got) with Fitz. They clearly scouted Robby Anderson and realized Geno can get him the ball. Geno also allowed the run game to get some support as Chan even had Anderson break one.

The Q has the YAC burst like TO. That great block by BM allowed him to out run the entire secondary. He was running away from them until he slowed down inside the 10. I would keep this unit together another season. With Decker injured and Smith in his spot. Maybe not as a starter though.

it would not surprise me if Geno stayed here. His injury will keep his price down and a good chance of him staying on as a backup. He knows the O. He has more value here than anywhere else.

Geno had some rust. He made some good throws and reads. His one bad decision cost him his season and maybe s good shot at FA.

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The Jets won for the first time since the Bills game, and the QBs played decent in this game, but they did have some help from the receivers.  Let’s see how they did:

Sidekick Power:

1) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-sidekick-power-1

This is the touchdown thrown by Ryan Fitzpatrick, which mainly relied on Matt Forte.  The Ravens locked down the receivers on this play, so Fitzpatrick makes a good read to Forte.  There is also decent blocking down the field as well, but Forte does most of the work.  This is a nice set up on the play, especially because the Ravens are in a two safety look to prevent the pass.

2) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-sidekick-power-2

Another screen pass for the Jets, with Forte doing most of the work.  The Ravens are in a two deep safety look, and they pay for it again.  The reason why most teams are going with a single high safety against this offense is because they want a spy on the RB.  The Ravens fail to do so, and they pay again.  This is a good read by Fitzpatrick.  The only other interesting aspect of this play is the respect given to Robby Anderson, as they assign two guys to defend him down the field.


Ryan Fitzpatrick certainly got helped out by Matt Forte in this game, as the Jets took advantage of Ravens playing back more often than usual.

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While Ryan Fitzpatrick played decent, he definitely wasn’t without faults, so let’s see some of those throws:

Bad Magic:

1) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-bad-magic-1

This Ravens are playing two deep safety on this play, and the Jets have a RB coming out of the backfield that is open for the pass.  However, Fitzpatrick makes the weird decision to actually just run right into the defenders instead of making the pass.  This is a baffling decision by Fitzpatrick, as he had the option open, but just runs into the line.

2) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-bad-magic-2

Another play, another sack.  This time, the Ravens are in a single high safety look, and the pre-snap read indicates that the left side of the formation should be open because the defender is further back.  Fitzpatrick ignores this read because his read is Quincy Enunwa, and once he’s covered, Fitzpatrick decides to run into the line again.  While this is a blitz by the Ravens and Fitzpatrick is under pressure, there is no reason for him to run towards the line when he could have thrown the ball elsewhere.

3) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-bad-magic-3

 This is a 3rd and 1 play essentially, and this is almost a disastrous play here as it almost goes for a pick 6.  This is just a horrible throw by Fitzpatrick because he can’t get it over the defender, and ignores a shovel pass to Matt Forte.  While it’s not a high percentage play to toss a pass to the RB, but this is just a terrible throw by Fitzpatrick, as this is about a few inches away from being a pick six.   This is just a horrible read and throw by Fitzpatrick.

4) week-7-ryan-fitzpatrick-bad-magic-4

This is an example of Ryan Fitzpatrick not reading the defense, and this happens frequently with him.  It was why, Geno Smith taking what the defense gave him more often than not was special.  On this play, the pre-snap read indicates that the right side of the formation has a chance to be open, but Fitzpatrick completely ignores that side of the field and goes towards Marshall the entire way.  When Marshall is covered, this play is blown up.  This is just a bad read by Fitzpatrick on this play because the pre-snap read and the post snap reactions indicated that the right side of the formation would be open.


While there aren’t many examples in this week’s breakdown, it did show a glimpse into the skill sets of both QBs.  The offense went fairly conservative with Fitzpatrick, and Matt Forte took on the major load for the game.  Overall, Fitzpatrick played decent, avoiding major mistakes, but also didn’t take many chances.

Fitzpatrick grade:  C+

Forum Questions:

A)  How would you grade Fitzpatrick? 

B)  Why did the Ravens play more two deep safety than usual?

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A. I think he was a solid C.  Didnt do anything special but didnt hand the game away like usual.  He's still leaving plays on the field and at this point I think it's because he's trigger shy.  He's so afraid to make a mistake that he doesnt have the confidence to throw the ball.  He just a bad QB.  That 3rd and 1 play.  WTF?  Forte had the easy 1st down on that stupid shovel pass play.   There's not much to even discuss at this point.  

B. No clue.  My guess is that when you watch the tape, WR's are open every where.  Often times streaking down field.  Why they feared that knowing Fitz cant hit them is beyond me.  Maybe they came out more cautious vs. Geno and just never adjusted once Fitz came into the game. 

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Geno was playing well before the injury,  He was scanning the field and delivering some nice balls.  The drop on Peake, I felt he could have led him a tiny bit more.  But, Peake still should have had it.  Marshall's drop?  What else it there to say.  It's what he does.  That could have been a huge play.  On the play he got injured, sure he should have thrown the ball away but the play didnt hurt anything other than Geno.  Fitz took a worse sack where he literally just ran right into the pile for no reason with a WR wide open on an easy dump off pass.  sh*t happens.  Just sucks that it ended up with Geno being injured.  I would have loved to seen him finish the game because was starting to look very comfortable. 

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7 hours ago, JetNation said:


2) week-7-geno-smith-bad-geno-2

The defense is in a two safety look, and as you recognize, is probably the last play for Geno Smith this season.  The pre-snap read on this play is tricky because the Ravens make late movements on this play, throwing off the coverage.  Prior to the late movement, the defender to the left of the formation was off the line of scrimmage, along with Robby Anderson on the right side of the field.  Geno is looking towards his left side as his first read, but the Ravens bring a blitz from the right side forcing him to the left of the formation.  This is just a bad read by Geno Smith, failing to recognize the coverage.  The second best thing to do on this play was to throw to away the ball, but Smith tries to make something out of nothing and gets injured.


The QB drops back

Sets his feet

(Pressure from the right!)

Slides up and left

Goes to set his feet again

(Now pressure directly in front of him!!)


The injury (and failure of this play) is more about both Tackles on that play doing HORRIBLE jobs.....than the QB pre-snap read or the QB's ability to recognize the coverage.  The Right Tackle completely misses his block and the Left Tackle got blown back 5 yards on his block. If EITHER of those Tackles does their job as designed, the QB hits the crossing route around the 50yd line.


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8 hours ago, bealeb319 said:

To answer your questions I think he ends up in a place like Denver to be a backup, maybe they trade simian and start lynch with Geno as a backup that the fan base likely won't pressure them to start over lynch if lynch for off to a slow start.

I though he did an alright job before he got injured but I also don't think he surprised anyone with his play, he did not play poorly but he also didn't light the field up, really the best play with him on the field enunwa did all the work. I also think the competition was much weaker than we have been used to seeing so far this season and to be fair fitz did not look bad against the ravens either even after mangold went down.

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That pass to Marshall would have been big if it hadn't been dropped.

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14 hours ago, bealeb319 said:

To answer your questions I think he ends up in a place like Denver to be a backup, maybe they trade simian and start lynch with Geno as a backup that the fan base likely won't pressure them to start over lynch if lynch for off to a slow start.

I though he did an alright job before he got injured but I also don't think he surprised anyone with his play, he did not play poorly but he also didn't light the field up, really the best play with him on the field enunwa did all the work. I also think the competition was much weaker than we have been used to seeing so far this season and to be fair fitz did not look bad against the ravens either even after mangold went down.

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

Interesting, Denver is certainly a possibility.  I could also see somewhere like New Orleans as a backup to Brees, with an open system and all.  

I thought he certainly played better than Fitzpatrick, made the right reads and good throws.  I've been harping on this since the start of the season, but if you look at the formation and the defense, you can pretty much guess which guy is going to be open as long as you know the routes.  It's not 100% accurate, but I'd say 90% or so.  And it boggles my mind when someone like Fitz ignores this consistently.  Geno seemed to do a much better job at reading this at the line, albeit he did miss a couple.  

Once Fitz got in, I thought the team went into major conservative mode because they certainly had an opportunity to blow the game wide open.   

14 hours ago, Jetdawgg said:

Great work here bro. Geno did a good job I thought. For a QB who had not started for awhile he had to get some slack. The D played different than what we were getting (and got) with Fitz. They clearly scouted Robby Anderson and realized Geno can get him the ball. Geno also allowed the run game to get some support as Chan even had Anderson break one.

The Q has the YAC burst like TO. That great block by BM allowed him to out run the entire secondary. He was running away from them until he slowed down inside the 10. I would keep this unit together another season. With Decker injured and Smith in his spot. Maybe not as a starter though.

it would not surprise me if Geno stayed here. His injury will keep his price down and a good chance of him staying on as a backup. He knows the O. He has more value here than anywhere else.

Geno had some rust. He made some good throws and reads. His one bad decision cost him his season and maybe s good shot at FA.


I think the whole single high safety vs. two deep safety made a big difference in the running game, as we had a good running attack and our two best screens were both in double safety look I believe.  It makes a huge difference because the team can not have a spy on the RB without compromising coverage somewhere.  

It would surprise me honestly if Geno was back.  The vitriol with the fans, and the coaching staff threw him to the side last year when he was assaulted.  I think he goes somewhere else for a fresh start.   

I really like the QB class of 2018 with Rosen/Jackson/Browning.  I think next year, it's going to be Petty/Hackenberg trying to prove that one of them is a franchise cornerstone.  If they are, we'll be set.  If not, I think we'll play bad enough to get a high pick.  I don't think they bring back Fitz/Geno/or anyone in the middle to have us be mediocre, it's sink or swim next year.  Atleast, that's what I think, but I also thought they wouldn't resign Fitz and keep 4 QBs.  

8 hours ago, JiF said:

Geno was playing well before the injury,  He was scanning the field and delivering some nice balls.  The drop on Peake, I felt he could have led him a tiny bit more.  But, Peake still should have had it.  Marshall's drop?  What else it there to say.  It's what he does.  That could have been a huge play.  On the play he got injured, sure he should have thrown the ball away but the play didnt hurt anything other than Geno.  Fitz took a worse sack where he literally just ran right into the pile for no reason with a WR wide open on an easy dump off pass.  sh*t happens.  Just sucks that it ended up with Geno being injured.  I would have loved to seen him finish the game because was starting to look very comfortable. 

The Marshall one is a huge drop because it's a great read by Geno.  The late moving safety opens up a one on one coverage on Marshall, and there is space for a huge gain, but it's dropped.  He seems to have a penchant for dropping some of these passes.  

While that was a great read, Geno needed to make a similar read on the last play because it's another late moving play, but he stuck to his initial read and the line didn't hold up for him unfortunately.  

8 hours ago, Maxman said:

We were going to be 11 and 5 with Geno. Sucks that this happened.

and a SuperBowl!

7 hours ago, thatboyjack said:


The QB drops back

Sets his feet

(Pressure from the right!)

Slides up and left

Goes to set his feet again

(Now pressure directly in front of him!!)


The injury (and failure of this play) is more about both Tackles on that play doing HORRIBLE jobs.....than the QB pre-snap read or the QB's ability to recognize the coverage.  The Right Tackle completely misses his block and the Left Tackle got blown back 5 yards on his block. If EITHER of those Tackles does their job as designed, the QB hits the crossing route around the 50yd line.


The tackles and guards didn't do him any favors on this play, but the failure of the play is a pre-snap read.  He has to see that the other side has more room for a throw on this play and the timing sets up to read right to left, but he sticks on the initial read which until the last moment he thought was a one on one coverage.  Once, the guy was covered underneath and over the top, he had to move on quickly and he didn't.  The crossing route is open eventually, but it was too late by then.  The offensive line does a horrible job on this play, but I put it under Bad Geno because he had other options that he could have seen at the line of scrimmage.  If the defense had shown bump coverage at the line, I think this would have fallen more on the offensive line.  

It of course sucks that he failed to throw the ball away because it was 3rd down and he got injured for it.

6 hours ago, chirorob said:

That pass to Marshall would have been big if it hadn't been dropped.

Yeah, that's just a horrible drop.

6 hours ago, shevys said:

For once, I felt somewhat confident with Geno during this game. He had a swagger and command of the huddle that looked encouraging. Too bad it only lasted a little more than a quarter...

He looked much better than I remember him from years past, and the offense seemed rejuvenated.  It's unfortunate, but that seems to be the story for us.  

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14 hours ago, Jetdawgg said:

Thanks again. As I said in the other thread BM sometimes treats the football like it is an explosive device. All WR's drop footballs. It happens. 


It gets frustrating with him because he's so talented and a very good route runner at times, but it's like he loses focus out there and just drops passes.  I've seen guys have bad games or streaks, but with him, it's consistent.  

9 hours ago, JiF said:

Marshall's drops are mind numbing.  How a guy can make so many incredible catches and drop so many easy ones, I'll never understand.  He's a strange player.  

He's an enigma with the drops.  Of course, I'll take the drops as long as he's a No. 1 WR but it really hurts sometimes in big spots.  

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9 hours ago, JiF said:

Forte needs to be the 3rd down back and Powell needs to be getting more carries.  Forte is averaging 3.3 ypc.  That's bad.

I think it doesn't matter who is the back when the defense loads the box.  We saw more 2 safety looks in this game, and the running game was strong.  Until defenses respect the deep pass, I don't think it's going to matter much unless we have an All World guy back there. 

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14 hours ago, j4jets said:

Why do you always call him "Badmagic"? Oh I know. Cuz he sucks. 

Well I broke down these articles into different pieces because all the Gifs together were really slowing down load times.  So all the bad throws are called Bad Magic.  

9 hours ago, JiF said:

A. I think he was a solid C.  Didnt do anything special but didnt hand the game away like usual.  He's still leaving plays on the field and at this point I think it's because he's trigger shy.  He's so afraid to make a mistake that he doesnt have the confidence to throw the ball.  He just a bad QB.  That 3rd and 1 play.  WTF?  Forte had the easy 1st down on that stupid shovel pass play.   There's not much to even discuss at this point.  

B. No clue.  My guess is that when you watch the tape, WR's are open every where.  Often times streaking down field.  Why they feared that knowing Fitz cant hit them is beyond me.  Maybe they came out more cautious vs. Geno and just never adjusted once Fitz came into the game. 

A.  Yeah, I felt like a C too, I gave him a C+ because I thought Enunwa could have caught that ball, albeit it would have been a spectacular catch.  That 3rd and 1 play was just horrible, it was close to a pick 6 play and a major disaster.  I've been saying this for a long time now, but he's a one decision QB, and he seems to have a real hard time getting off of that one decision.  

B.  I think so too, I think they game planned for Geno and didn't change much.  Every other team consistently left the deep routes as one on one, but the Ravens had a safety engage on a few occasions.  It'll be interesting to see what the Browns do with their defense.  

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I was screaming at the TV when Gailey called another pass on 3rd and 1.  Your analysis helps make me see the play alot better.  Thanks

Having said all that, in spite of the blitz, Forte looked to have decent room off tackle behind Kellen Davis...


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16 hours ago, peekskill68 said:

I was screaming at the TV when Gailey called another pass on 3rd and 1.  Your analysis helps make me see the play alot better.  Thanks

Having said all that, in spite of the blitz, Forte looked to have decent room off tackle behind Kellen Davis...


Thanks.  Yeah, it wasn't a bad play call on a couple of situations but Fitz screwed up the first one, and Marshall screwed up the second one.  

16 hours ago, peekskill68 said:

Maybe it's just me but when I watched the game I felt both the Peake drop and the Marshall drop was due to them being so used to Fitz's softballs that they were not prepared for the velocity coming from Geno...

I thought it about it, also wondered a bit about the trajectory of the ball but I haven't done research on it to confirm. Fitz has thrown a few 2 seam fastballs, which move from left to right on more than a few occasions.  I'm not sure why it happens, but I've seen it a few times, where Geno throws more of a straight ball like 4 seam fastball.  On both of these drops, the ball was towards the receivers left, I'm wondering if they anticipated the ball moving more towards the right.   Not as much about velocity, but trajectory.  

It's hard to confirm because wind conditions, routes, and coverage change so I can't find two throws that should be identical.

4 minutes ago, chirorob said:

Oh, and I didn't say it.  But again, thanks for these breakdowns.  They are amazing, best reads of the week.

Thanks, I appreciate it.  

I need to find a new away to analyze these films, really getting tired of typing out the same thing, lol.  

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