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JN Mafia: Revenge of the Nerds

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2 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

We were also somewhat vetted. I also can't think of a scenario where I was going to vote myself based on the premise that I had the cleanest play. 


Well anyone whose followed your mafia career wouldn't put it past you.

But.. the point is, to an outside observer you and JC played the cleanest which disproves the theory you muttonhead

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26 minutes ago, CTM said:

Well anyone whose followed your mafia career wouldn't put it past you.

But.. the point is, to an outside observer you and JC played the cleanest which disproves the theory you muttonhead

The theory isn't for outside observers to invoke. It's a guiding principle for an individual to weight against the knowns late in the game. For me, the knowns were that I was town, had a town reading on JC. I had to choose between you and 80. So, between you and 80, you were the cleanest looking player. And scum.

The theory holds true, in the appropriate context.

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

The theory isn't for outside observers to invoke. It's a guiding principle for an individual to weight against the knowns late in the game. For me, the knowns were that I was town, had a town reading on JC. I had to choose between you and 80. So, between you and 80, you were the cleanest looking player. And scum.

The theory holds true, in the appropriate context.

omg, and to 80  and JC who looked cleanest? based on the fact that you could've been fake claiming? Ape-centric view of the world

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9 minutes ago, CTM said:

omg, and to 80  and JC who looked cleanest? based on the fact that you could've been fake claiming? Ape-centric view of the world

OMG you idiot, the whole premise of the theory and where it came from is self-guiding - of course it's Ape-centric. That doesn't make it wrong. It works for me. That's the whole point of it.

The counterpoints you're bringing up are irrelevant. It's an approach that I use for myself. 


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Fun game to mod.  Mostly because that scum thread is all time.  But it was fun watching things unfold.  Ape played a great game.  The only thing I was a little surprised he never did was clear 80.  

CTM played very well too.  Especially with his team imploding.

Hess probably should have been a 3rd party but I needed him town for balance.  I was surprised nobody asked more questions about what happened and why all the twisted results but it made it interesting in the end.  

80 literally was given the game with "CTM visited Hess"  lmfao.  

Thanks for playing!  

Surf was great this morning!


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38 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

OMG you idiot, the whole premise of the theory and where it came from is self-guiding - of course it's Ape-centric. That doesn't make it wrong. It works for me. That's the whole point of it.

The counterpoints you're bringing up are irrelevant. It's an approach that I use for myself. 


And you fail to see that if you were JC and he you, that your theory would've lead you to lynch JC. Like talking to a wall 

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1 hour ago, CTM said:

And you fail to see that if you were JC and he you, that your theory would've lead you to lynch JC. Like talking to a wall 

I'm not JC, therefore you aren't making a point. Like at all.

If you want to argue, find something of substance. Don't bother me with hypotheticals.

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

i have a mafia theory, every replacement player is ALWAYS scum. It happened this time, and we don't deal in hypotheticals so it must be true /science 

I have a mafia theory: you're an ape-obsessed dick hole who ruins everything

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5 hours ago, Smashmouth said:

Mostly RPG's with a good story line and I run a guild for MMO's with about 50 members. Currently we are waiting on the release of Ashes of Creation, Pantheon or Chronicles of Elirya . Which ever comes first. Right now the guild is dormant just playing a bunch of single players games. We  chat on Discord or Teamspeak3 a lot .Here's our Website lots of really cool folks www.prophecyguild.net 

Hmmm I haven't played it myself but Prey looks really good and it basically just came out.

It's more of an action adventure type RPG with an "open world" rather than your traditional RPG where you get exp and level up.

The open world is a space station that's been taken over by aliens you were experimenting on.

There's a lot of different ways you can play and you can basically go anywhere on the station at any time although at first some doors are locked or blocked or whatever but if you invest neuromods (this is how you level up) into hacking right away you wont need to find keycards on dead bodies you can just hack all the doors.


If you're looking for something a bit more traditional I am playing a fantasy tactics game right now called Battle For Wesnoth which I am liking a lot. You get units of elves and dwarves and sh*t like that and you fight orcs and wizards and all that kind of stuff. It depends which faction you're playing at the time and there are like a bunch of storylines which have a lot of scenarios. The last one I played was called Heir To The Throne and it had 28 scenarios took me like a week and a half before I finally beat them all. The story was pretty decent. About a young prince trying to get the throne back from his evil step mom after she killed his dad and siblings. Also this game is completely free.

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1 minute ago, Integrity28 said:

No thanks, wouldn't want you to deplete the supply in your FAP to APE STATION (mom's basement).

No matter how many times you say it, the only person who faps to you would be you 

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11 hours ago, The Crusher said:

I will be back. Just not right now. Been a pretty crappy couple weeks. My friend Dad was tragically killed. My ex wife is torturing me again. She just had her 2nd divorce since our divorce and using it to do the " woe as me thing" and getting my kids all in an uproar. Got about all I can handle right now and don't need the arguing and bickering associated with playing mafia right now. 

Mucho respect 

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7 hours ago, Integrity28 said:

OMG you idiot, the whole premise of the theory and where it came from is self-guiding - of course it's Ape-centric. That doesn't make it wrong. It works for me. That's the whole point of it.

The counterpoints you're bringing up are irrelevant. It's an approach that I use for myself. 


I get what you're saying. Can't tell if Monster is trolling.

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11 hours ago, HessStation said:

He's saying if it's between two players and one is town and one scum, towards the tail end of a game, the player that looks cleaner, more lucid tends to be the scum. 

i know what he's saying but if you were alive and choosing between me and ape on those grounds you'd have lynched him (same with jc and 80, both who wouldve viewed ape as less scummy)..the fact that it would've worked out only for him specifically (while being a disaster result for every single other living town player) and only on this specific game does not a universal mafia theory make 

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3 minutes ago, CTM said:

i know what he's saying but if you were alive and choosing between me and ape on those grounds you'd have lynched him (same with jc and 80, both who wouldve viewed ape as less scummy)..the fact that it would've worked out only for him specifically (whole being a disaster result for every single other living town player) and only on this specific game does not a universal mafia theory make 

This makes it abundantly clear that you don't know what I'm saying.

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Just now, CTM said:

I'm not speaking with you, kindly place your snout back in your leaky arsehole

You just used Smash's mental framework for how these threads work. Congratulations on leveling-up to full blockhead status.

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2 minutes ago, CTM said:

Ape can't help but respond to me even when i'm talking to someone else. Full on obsession 

Let it go ape, I can only hurt you as much as you allow me too

You are behaving like the derps over in the football forum, where I accuse them of something (in this case being obsessed) and they lack the originality or mental dexterity to do anything other than make the same accusation back.

You clearly have the upper hand here. It's probably evident to everyone, but I think you should say it a few more times with conviction to really hammer it home.

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46 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

You are behaving like the derps over in the football forum, where I accuse them of something (in this case being obsessed) and they lack the originality or mental dexterity to do anything other than make the same accusation back.

You clearly have the upper hand here. It's probably evident to everyone, but I think you should say it a few more times with conviction to really hammer it home.

I'd point out that someone like you, with a profound lack of self awareness and large propensity for projection, would often find himself in such situations and indeed you do, as you just admitted.

As GI Joe said, knowing is 1/2 the battle

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Just now, CTM said:

I'd point out that someone like you, with a profound lack of self awareness and large propensity for projection, would often find himself in such situations and indeed you do, as you just admitted.

As GI Joe said, knowing is 1/2 the battle

Another low-level effort. Come on man... dig deep.

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2 hours ago, CTM said:

i know what he's saying but if you were alive and choosing between me and ape on those grounds you'd have lynched him (same with jc and 80, both who wouldve viewed ape as less scummy)..the fact that it would've worked out only for him specifically (while being a disaster result for every single other living town player) and only on this specific game does not a universal mafia theory make 

There's a minutia involved that your sadistic brain can't pick up because you're the stuff of children's nightmares. It's when you're really on the fence and it's not too blatant or obvious. Like how obvious it was you were pure scum this game.

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33 minutes ago, HessStation said:

There's a minutia involved that your sadistic brain can't pick up because you're the stuff of children's nightmares. It's when you're really on the fence and it's not too blatant or obvious. Like how obvious it was you were pure scum this game.

I'm the stuff of your nightmares

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1 hour ago, HessStation said:

And how!

lol, you are at least funny and bring something more to the table than "i know you are but what am I"

But you are still a peckerhead that I'd like to squash like a bug

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