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Listen to the cheering of the people in the stands
Twenty Thousand hockey bugs and each a Ranger fan!
It's plain as day to see
They want a victory!
All together now strike up the band!

Just keep your stick on that puck
And don't lay down on your luck;
That's the Rangers' Victory Song!
Get through the enemy's goal
With all your heart and your soul;
That's the Rangers' Victory Song!

You've got to fight, Rangers fight
With a grin on your chin!
Tonight is the night
So get in there and win!

This game is worth any price;
Go out and put it on ice
That's the Rangers' Victory Song!

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which am I?


I think you are a folk.  You haven't been posting Public Enemy lyrics, have you?  I would like to announce that I initially typed Pubic Enemy and I corrected it.  That could be the worst type of enemy of all.


Listen to the cheering of the people in the stands

Twenty Thousand hockey bugs and each a Ranger fan!

It's plain as day to see

They want a victory!

All together now strike up the band!


Just keep your stick on that puck

And don't lay down on your luck;

That's the Rangers' Victory Song!

Get through the enemy's goal

With all your heart and your soul;

That's the Rangers' Victory Song!

You've got to fight, Rangers fight

With a grin on your chin!

Tonight is the night

So get in there and win!

This game is worth any price;

Go out and put it on ice

That's the Rangers' Victory Song!


I think your posting of the Francessa theme song is the first thing I have negative repped in five years.

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I think you are a folk.  You haven't been posting Public Enemy lyrics, have you?  I would like to announce that I initially typed Pubic Enemy and I corrected it.  That could be the worst type of enemy of all.



I think your posting of the Francessa theme song is the first thing I have negative repped in five years.


I saw that you bastard!


Thanks for making it up on the PE and NYR! :)

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I just might start negative repping any mention of that bloated moron.  He is very high up on the list of people I would like to kick in the teeth.


Honestly I don't understand why people get so worked up by him, he's a clown.


I wish Mad Dog would come back dressed as that swami, I forget what they called it, but he used to do it for the Super Bowl Ticket contest.


That's when they really just beat up the fans. :rl:

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Honestly I don't understand why people get so worked up by him, he's a clown.


I wish Mad Dog would come back dressed as that swami, I forget what they called it, but he used to do it for the Super Bowl Ticket contest.


That's when they really just beat up the fans. :rl:


It's his sense of self importance.  Second only to Bill Maher.  Also, I have a particular hatred for him because of his insistence on mispronouncing Italian words.  The is a special ring in hell for people that do that.  I read Dante.

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I think you are a folk.  You haven't been posting Public Enemy lyrics, have you?  I would like to announce that I initially typed Pubic Enemy and I corrected it.  That could be the worst type of enemy of all.



I think your posting of the Francessa theme song is the first thing I have negative repped in five years.


What is the big deal?  They play once every 70 years.

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It's his sense of self importance.  Second only to Bill Maher.  Also, I have a particular hatred for him because of his insistence on mispronouncing Italian words.  The is a special ring in hell for people that do that.  I read Dante.


Well if he reminds you of Bill Maher, I understand.

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Clear the way for the S to S1W's!


Retired S1Ws Recalled To Active Duty
NEWS • Entertainment • War • Music • Activism • Military • ISSUE 42•41 • Oct 6, 2006

STRONG ISLAND, NY—With recruitment down sharply, and the prospect of being held back by the nation of millions appearing once again likely, top-ranking Public Enemy officials issued an order Monday for all retired Security Of The First World personnel to return to active duty.

Retired-S1Ws-Griff-R_jpg_250x1000_q85.jpS1W Chief and Public Enemy Minister Of Information Professor Griff

"In order to come to the aid of the hip-hop nation, we must regrettably ask those men who heroically served the Black Planet to once again don their fatigues and take up their plastic arms," S1W Chief and Public Enemy Minister Of Information Professor Griff said. "We have no more options. It's not as though we can simply call 911. That would be a joke."

"Some see this as a sign of defeat," Griff added. "Don't believe the hype: We will come out triumphant in this Mess Age."

S1W comprised the paramilitary security wing of the Public Enemy forces from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s. Their intimidating martial presence and synchronized dance steps routinely struck fear in the hearts of concertgoers hoping to enjoy a Beastie Boys or Big Audio Dynamite performance.

Although successfully deployed during the ongoing power-fighting that marked much of Public Enemy's existence, doubts have been raised, even among S1Ws themselves, of their current effectiveness.


"I am proud of my service to Public Enemy," said retired S1W Roger Chillous, 41. "I was right there in the front of the stage for the First London Invasion tour of duty right before I retired. But I can no longer effortlessly execute the complex choreographed maneuvers that were once required of me. I wasn't called up for the East Coast–West Coast conflict, so I don't understand why I was for this."

Others adopted a militant stance evocative of their younger days, claiming that they have already done their fair share of cold lampin'.

"I got a letter from the P.E. the other day," said James Bomb, 46, also a former S1W. "I opened it, and read it, and said they were suckers. They want me for their army or whatever? Picture me giving a damn—I said 'Never.'"

"Then again, I could use the money," Bomb added.

John "Pop" Oliver, 52, said that commitments to his wife and children make returning to the S1W life much more difficult.

"How is my family going to feel when they turn on the news to find out that the Bomb Squad has been sent into action again?" Oliver said. "I'm like, comatose walking around. I just got my life back, I'm not ready to leave it behind."


<b>"Not since we entered the Terrordome have we needed this much support from the S, the S1Ws"</b></p>

<p>Chuck D</p>

Public Enemy leader Chuck D admitted that he had "greatly underestimated" the strength of the power in the late 1990s, having called it "contained" and discharging all but a small force of S1Ws. Despite numerous campaigns to create a broad, multi-racial coalition in order to increase recruitment, such as joint actions with Anthrax, U2 and Gang of Four, recruitment has been less than half that of pre-1992 levels.

In addition, there has been some question about the conditions to which the S1Ws will return. The Jeep Beat Troops were decimated in the Revolverlution of 2002, and the S1Ws' once-proud fleet of 98 Oldsmobiles have fallen into disrepair, lacking the armor plating that would keep them safe under fire.

Though the initial recall order was for just six S1Ws, speculation ran rampant that this was just the first of many such recalls. One high-ranking member spoke on the condition of anonymity.

"No one is happy to execute this order," the source said. "Unfortunately, so long as the show is under siege by a constant stream of potential bum-rushers, there seems to be no end in sight for this conflict. We may have too much posse, but we still require the critical support of the S1Ws. Yeeeeaaaaaah, boyyyyyyy!"

Sister Souljah could not be reached for comment.



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Well if he reminds you of Bill Maher, I understand.


I worked one of those fancy lounge jobs where you deny access to people who are improperly dressed or not on the list.  BIll Maher is one of 3 people in 15 years that asked "Do you know who I am?"  He was with what appeared to be an Eastern European prostitute at the time.  I told him, "Yes, I know who you are.  That is how I know you are not on this list."  Ass. 

Edited by #27TheDominator
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I worked one of those fancy lounge jobs where you deny access to people who are improperly dressed or not on the list.  BIll Maher is one of 3 people in 15 years that asked "Do you know who I am?"  He was with what appeared to be an Eastern European prostitute at the time.  I told him, "Yes, I know who you are.  That is how I know you are not on this list."  Ass. 


Should have throat punched him.

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Walk into local deli 

See girl from gym in a normal environment


Lets girl from gym walk right past

Shakes head as lady feeling my pain shakes head


Walks outside

Poker face glance

Get in car before her

Drive off before her


My normal, sober game is so ****in...nonexistent. It's despicable. 

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