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Murder at Midnight Mafia Game Thread (Day 4) [Game Over; Town Wins!]

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The brutal murder of Jack Bendix had released a wave of shock throughout the denizens of Drakken Cove, none feeling it more bluntly and personally than the Governor himself, Monsieur Langford – the man whom Jack called “boss”. While Monsieur Langford certainly did, at times, view Jack as simply a tool at his disposal – a mere plaything – beneath that condescension was a very real need for Jack, and beneath that a very real tenderness; an affection. You see, never before has Langord ever met anyone whom he deemed worthy enough to get as close to him as Jack, nor has he ever met anyone as formidable as to threaten his own ego. Perhaps that's why he always made a point to minimize Jack's importance to his business dealings. He regrets that now.

As soon as Jack's body was discovered, Langford wasted no time in running down a lead. There was a man whom he had suspicions about, and now was the time to confront him. Normally, this is where he'd call Jack, but now he'll have to do it himself, and he's chomping at the bit. He marches through town on a mission, trudging through muck and sh*t without a care. Onlookers are immediately perplexed by this display by a usually careful and stoic man, and, while keeping their distance, they begin to follow him, curious as to what's to come.

Monsieur Langford finally finds his suspect, out on his usual rounds throughout Drakken Cove, and stares at his quarry with a silent rage. And, with a booming voice, Langford calls out across the thoroughfare an echoing challenge.

Doctor Strauss!”

And just like that the air goes still with absolute silence. Onlookers can only stare in shock as the doctor stops in his tracks, and slowly turns to meet his caller.

Doctor Strauss!” Langford bellows again, breaking the silence and resuming his purposeful stride towards the doc.

What do you want, Governor?”

I charge you with murder!”

An audible gasp reverberates throughout the town at this astonishing accusation.

Murder? On what grounds?” he asks, perplexed.

On the very blood-soaked grounds where you laid down Jack Bendix, and all the other bodies!”

This is preposterous, I've done no such thing! You have no proof!” the doc retorts, starting to anger.

The Governor scoffs and lets out a derisive little laugh.

Why, Doc, you're quite good with a knife aren't you? And you're quite comfortable with dead bodies, too, huh? You'd have to be in your profession.”

This charge is ridiculous! Just because I'm good at my job, doesn't mean--”

Doctor Strauss is suddenly interrupted by another voice in the crowd.

I think you're on to something, Governor, I've watched him for awhile now, and I don't like him. I've always sensed something off with him.”

The man stepping forward is Terry “The Jinx”, a local and well-known con-artist, with a tongue of silver. He's also a master of reading people, which is how he always knows who's an easy job, and who's not.

Doctor Strauss now faces two accusers and is visibly disturbed.

I will have no more of this! Leave your accusations for someone more appropriate! I have patients to attend to!”

The doctor turns and tries to push his way through the crowd who's now formed a circle around the three men.

Stop right there, Doc. You're not going anywhere until we figure this out,” says constable Tiggins, stepping forward into the circle. “I have a few questions for you to answer.”

Just then a commotion in the crowd erupts as a voice can be heard commanding people out of his way as he forces his way through. The crowd parts quickly and easily for him, as if fleeing some terrible plague. But it's no plague. It's the vicious pirate Thomas “Terror” Narcisse, first-mate to the late Captain Toussaint. He's the one man that nobody, not even Monsieur Langford himself wants to cross.

For a moment, everyone has stopped and is staring at Narcisse, awaiting his next move.

Is this the man?” he asks, simply, pointing to Doctor Strauss.

Doctor Strauss stiffens up at the sight of the pirate.

No one dares to give an answer, but the very silence seems to satisfy the pirate's question, and he turns towards the Doc.

Is it you? Are you the one who's to blame for the death of my captain?”

I-I had nothing to do with that! The mob around you is who you should blame!”

No,” Narcisse says calmly, “they were only looking for you.”

Doctor Strauss opens his mouth again to protest, but with lightning reflexes the Pirate Terror unsheathes a knife and whips it right through the doc's tongue and into the roof of his mouth. The doc can only let out a muffled scream of pain before the Terror is suddenly upon him and sinks another dagger into his gut, again and again and again.

Shocked from the instant brutality with which the pirate works, the townsfolk are left speechless. Not even the constable is able to move, and by the time he works up the nerve the pirate is already finished.

I never much liked talking,” Narcisse says.

And with that, Thomas Narcisse turns and walks back through the hastily parting crowd, grabbing a young bar wench by the arm as he passes, making his way towards the tavern.



Later that evening, constable Tiggins leads and conducts a search of the late doctor Strauss's home. Finding nothing more than a myriad of books and tomes, medicines and tinctures, and various surgical knives and tools – all of which you'd expect to find in the possession of a doctor – the constable begins to fear a grave error was made.

But, while assisting with the search, and fumbling through the various old tomes of the doctor's library, Terry discovers a false panel hidden in the bookcase. Moving it aside, he discovers a small hidden alcove. The walls are plastered with notes and markings written in blood, revealing profiles of every inhabitant of Drakken Cove, and a trunk was found containing a dark, blood-stained cloak, outfit, and gloves, along with an additional set of knives and carving instruments. Constable Tiggins was sick to his stomach reading notes and journal entries going back years, detailing plans to “cleanse” this world of “evil” and “filth” once and for all. Doctor Strauss was a mad man, who thought he was righteous! And what better place to carry out his crime spree than Drakken Cove.



JC – Doctor Strauss -- Doc, Pillar of Community, and Odd Night Serial Killer is dead.


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After revealing the ghastly discovery to the town, there was an immediate sense of astonishment and horror at how someone that they had trusted so much with their well-being was secretly hunting them. But that feeling was quickly replaced by a final sense of relief. They have caught their killer, and were now safe to resume their lives. Pirates could go back to plundering, thieves could safely return to thieving, and the criminal gangs could all resume their criminal ways, because nothing, not even the self-righteous fury of a mad man, could change the nature of life in Drakken Cove, or of its inhabitants.


Town Wins!

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1 minute ago, Spoot-Face said:

After revealing the ghastly discovery to the town, there was an immediate sense of astonishment and horror at how someone that they had trusted so much with their well-being was secretly hunting them. But that feeling was quickly replaced by a final sense of relief. They have caught their killer, and were now safe to resume their lives. Pirates could go back to plundering, thieves could safely return to thieving, and the criminal gangs could all resume their criminal ways, because nothing, not even the self-righteous fury of a mad man, could change the nature of life in Drakken Cove, or of its inhabitants.


Town Wins!

Thank you Spoot. You did a great job. First game in a couple year I read all the scenes. Really enjoyed it.

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1 minute ago, The Crusher said:

Thank you Spoot. You did a great job. First game in a couple year I read all the scenes. Really enjoyed it.

Thanks. In retrospect, I wish I had kept the roster to 9-10 players, but I'm glad the scenes were at least engaging!

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2 minutes ago, JiF said:

I am a mafia god.

Yeah, you nailed JC.

I was curious to see what would've happened if he had claimed Doc, but alas, he did not get the chance, lol. I expect, though, even if it bought him a day, Drums would've investigated him tonight and found him "Town", and I have a feeling Drums would've figured out what that meant.

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8 minutes ago, Spoot-Face said:

Yeah, you nailed JC.

I was curious to see what would've happened if he had claimed Doc, but alas, he did not get the chance, lol. I expect, though, even if it bought him a day, Drums would've investigated him tonight and found him "Town", and I have a feeling Drums would've figured out what that meant.

You bet your sweet ass. I was trying to bait people that I investigated into revealing town roles but it only worked with Barry haha

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3 minutes ago, Drums said:

You bet your sweet ass. I was trying to bait people that I investigated into revealing town roles but it only worked with Barry haha

I was at L1 and threw a hail mary. Had nothing to do with you.

I was screwed by not realizing I was supposed to use my safe reveal page 1.

@The Crusher nailed me in 1 post.

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3 minutes ago, Barry McCockinner said:

I was at L1 and threw a hail mary. Had nothing to do with you.

I was screwed by not realizing I was supposed to use my safe reveal page 1.

@The Crusher nailed me in 1 post.

It just helped me know you were not town, that’s all. I wasn’t really around for your lynch. 

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13 minutes ago, Drums said:

You bet your sweet ass. I was trying to bait people that I investigated into revealing town roles but it only worked with Barry haha

Ironically, you finding Barry "Not Town" was actually supposed to somewhat "clear" him with you, being as every Town player you'd investigate would show the same result. In a sense, Barry was the real Godfather.

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