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What went wrong?

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It was ugly.  Was Zach lousy?  He and every single member of the offense stunk it up.  The defense gave the Giants their only touchdown.  Becton's whiff gave the Giants the FG.

Let's get at the root.  The Giants defensive line completely dominated the Jets offensive line.  Thibideaux made Becton a turnstile.  Mitchell was lost.  McGovern and Schweitzer were thrown around like  rag dolls.  Blitz pickup was almost non-existent.  On the Giants Touchdown, two absolutely, unforgivably, dumb penalties handed them, first position for a FG, then a first down that led to a TD.  We had twice as many penalties as normal and they killed us.

In the key 4th quarter, Garrett Wilson fail to win on two 50/50 balls and dropped another.  Lazard was invisible except when he was dropping one.  The slot receiver was nowhere to found.  Even Breece, was held to 1 yard per carry and on the key drive, with a minute and a half to go, dropped what was a sure splash gain that might have put us in FG range.

Could I go off on Zach.  Haven't the time.  Consider this.  As bad as he played, he made no less than a half dozen really good throws in the 4the quarter to receivers either unable to get open, unable to win 50/50 situations or unable to catch the ball.  With 24 seconds to go, he made two excellent throws and got the team aligned and the ball spiked in 14 seconds, from 20 yards away.  In O/T, he got us the win.

Want to know what changed?  The Giants went all out blitz and the corners played tight one on one.  Did the Jets even call one pass in the air over 10 yards?  Not one.  Breece broke a crossing pattern.  There were a couple of 15 yarders featuring lots of YAC.  Not a single 25-35 yard pass in the air, until 24 seconds to go.  As soon as the Giants had to cover a legit offense, they folded.  Completion 29 yards.  Completion 20 yards.  In overtime, a bomb to Malik Taylor left a desperate Giant DB lost.  Game over.

Why did it take 59 minutes and 36 seconds to open it up?  Martindale said he was going to blitz every down.  Did they look prepared?  Did they challenge their one on one coverage deep?  An 8-9 man rush will crush your QB, leave absolutely no running lane and stress the secondary to cover anything beyond 10 yards,  

Discipline is more than an issue.  These talented players make far too many absolutely stupid mistakes in key situations.

Horrible game-plan, undisciplined players and failure to provide even half decent protection for a QB with a 19 QBR when under pressure but 110 when he gets the ball out in 2.5 seconds are serious coaching flaws.  Even the defense, who have been nothing short of great, showed a lack of discipline in game changing spots.  

We have a QB problem, but the problems go much deeper.  The offensive supporting cast does not support.  Garrett couldn't get open in constant one on one coverage.   Breece averaged just 1 yard a carry.  We know they are both virtually unstoppable studs yet our coaches cannot put them in spots to excel.  We are an undisciplined team with a great defense and two star offensive pieces and that makes us dangerous.  Ask KC, Philly and Buffalo.





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43 minutes ago, Hex said:

Almost everything. Overtime went right. Gano's field goal went left.

Agreed about overtime.  LOL about the field goal.  McDonald saved the game.  He is a freakish athlete.  Did you see the video show under McDonald on this forum? Most amazing play I have ever seen on a FG.

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8 minutes ago, Flashlite80 said:

Agreed about overtime.  LOL about the field goal.  McDonald saved the game.  He is a freakish athlete.  Did you see the video show under McDonald on this forum? Most amazing play I have ever seen on a FG.

Yeah, it was pretty cool.

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3 hours ago, Flashlite80 said:


It was ugly.  Was Zach lousy?  He and every single member of the offense stunk it up.  The defense gave the Giants their only touchdown.  Becton's whiff gave the Giants the FG.

Let's get at the root.  The Giants defensive line completely dominated the Jets offensive line.  Thibideaux made Becton a turnstile.  Mitchell was lost.  McGovern and Schweitzer were thrown around like  rag dolls.  Blitz pickup was almost non-existent.  On the Giants Touchdown, two absolutely, unforgivably, dumb penalties handed them, first position for a FG, then a first down that led to a TD.  We had twice as many penalties as normal and they killed us.

In the key 4th quarter, Garrett Wilson fail to win on two 50/50 balls and dropped another.  Lazard was invisible except when he was dropping one.  The slot receiver was nowhere to found.  Even Breece, was held to 1 yard per carry and on the key drive, with a minute and a half to go, dropped what was a sure splash gain that might have put us in FG range.

Could I go off on Zach.  Haven't the time.  Consider this.  As bad as he played, he made no less than a half dozen really good throws in the 4the quarter to receivers either unable to get open, unable to win 50/50 situations or unable to catch the ball.  With 24 seconds to go, he made two excellent throws and got the team aligned and the ball spiked in 14 seconds, from 20 yards away.  In O/T, he got us the win.

Want to know what changed?  The Giants went all out blitz and the corners played tight one on one.  Did the Jets even call one pass in the air over 10 yards?  Not one.  Breece broke a crossing pattern.  There were a couple of 15 yarders featuring lots of YAC.  Not a single 25-35 yard pass in the air, until 24 seconds to go.  As soon as the Giants had to cover a legit offense, they folded.  Completion 29 yards.  Completion 20 yards.  In overtime, a bomb to Malik Taylor left a desperate Giant DB lost.  Game over.

Why did it take 59 minutes and 36 seconds to open it up?  Martindale said he was going to blitz every down.  Did they look prepared?  Did they challenge their one on one coverage deep?  An 8-9 man rush will crush your QB, leave absolutely no running lane and stress the secondary to cover anything beyond 10 yards,  

Discipline is more than an issue.  These talented players make far too many absolutely stupid mistakes in key situations.

Horrible game-plan, undisciplined players and failure to provide even half decent protection for a QB with a 19 QBR when under pressure but 110 when he gets the ball out in 2.5 seconds are serious coaching flaws.  Even the defense, who have been nothing short of great, showed a lack of discipline in game changing spots.  

We have a QB problem, but the problems go much deeper.  The offensive supporting cast does not support.  Garrett couldn't get open in constant one on one coverage.   Breece averaged just 1 yard a carry.  We know they are both virtually unstoppable studs yet our coaches cannot put them in spots to excel.  We are an undisciplined team with a great defense and two star offensive pieces and that makes us dangerous.  Ask KC, Philly and Buffalo.





It's like you want everyone to know who you are. Mad respect for that.

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