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Lead Up To Jets/Patriots Season Finale

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On 1/3/2024 at 11:02 AM, rangerous said:

Let the patsies lose and pick a qb.  If they do it probably means the bellichicken isn’t the coach. Have they ever picked a qb in the first round since Bledsoe? Garapollo was a second or third rounder, as was brisset.  And we all know where Brady was picked.

Apparently not.

On 1/2/2024 at 10:21 PM, doitny said:

football is about the team and personal achievements. every win Bill gets puts him closer to the record. plus he doesnt want this streak to end against us. he hates us.

this is a guy who drafted Brady in the 7th rd and Jimmy G in the back of the 2nd rd. he isnt going to care if hes picking 4th or 10th. only Jet fans cry over picking 4th or 10th.


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On 1/3/2024 at 7:29 PM, RutgersJetFan said:

Pats fans coming on here and feeling sorry for themselves is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen since the ending of Episode 9. Y’all can eat infinity bags of dicks. 



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I'm looking forward to the game. Sure it's stupid but I am. And sad as usual for the end of another Jets season. Not just because it's same old but no more games. Jets games that is the other ones I'm not interested in. 

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