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What Ever Happened to Manish Mehta?

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2 hours ago, Adoni Beast said:

Well it was a hell of an issue, let me tell you. We got that little bastard sorted out quick though. Bumpy little guy and firm...so I named him Bumpy Johnson.

Anyway, 'Ol Bump popped up ferocious blockading tunnel traffic in and out until I grabbed the Exacto knife and and did a little spring clean, clearing out if you get my drift. I dipped him in amber and now use him a paper weight in my office. Whenever some says they're having a bad I point to 'Ol Bump and say "It could be worse. You could have that lodged up your a$$hole right now!"

Sound advice, I'd say you have a real chance to have this published to a medical journal.

Then this thread could be deservedly refocused on a true author.

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4 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

Sound advice, I'd say you have a real chance to have this published to a medical journal.

Then this thread could be deservedly refocused on a true author.

I had a 10 minute segment on Dr. Phil, mainly due to the fact that Bumpy looked like Dr. Phil's head.

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7 hours ago, Jack Straw said:


He's clearly hit a new low, as he just started following me on Twitter. No idea why, as I have almost zero presence on there. If he had any idea of who I was, he probably wouldn't follow me, as I've spent more than a few hours trashing him on any platform I've been given a voice on (mostly WFAN). 

What ever happened to Manish? I haven't heard a peep from him since Joe Douglas and Co. neutered him for stalking his family.

He fell into Todd Bowles colon

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1 hour ago, RoadFan said:

If you’re a journalist there are really only, what, 2 big rules?

1) Don’t give up sources if they wish to remain anonymous.  
2) Don’t make sh*t up. 

He broke the latter, didn’t he? 

i read that he texted Joe Douglas and told him what color ice cream his kid was eating....

pennywise it 2017 GIF

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32 minutes ago, k-met57 said:

i read that he texted Joe Douglas and told him what color ice cream his kid was eating....

pennywise it 2017 GIF

Well… you just ruined my night’s sleep.  Pennywise has made regular appearances in my nightmares for over 30 years…


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Mehta was a scumbag who crossed the line by stalking Joe Douglas, but watching him get run out of the industry has definitely had a chilling effect on the way the Jets are covered. None of these current guys even try to track down stories anymore, and are completely beholden to the Jets org to tell them what to write. The number of times Rosenblatt says on his podcast that he has no further information on a topic because “the Jets haven’t told us…” is really eye-opening, because he came in with a reputation for dredging sh*t up when he covered the Giants. Cimini is probably the best of them, but he’s not gonna risk his sweet ESPN gig, and Hughes is auditioning for Tom Pellisero’s gig on the NFL Network. The rest of the beat—Costello, Waszcak, etc—have always been nondescript wastes of oxygen. Mehta, at least, would have had the Keith Carter stuff, he’d be reporting on Zach Wilson’s whereabouts and “recovery,” he’d have a column up today about how Rodgers’ McAfee bullsh*t was playing inside the organization. But these current guys? Not a chance. They’re doing Marvel Cinematic Universe reviews and complaining about the spread at the Jets media buffet

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