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Now, i didnt see the game tonight. But do I see the line correctly...Kyle Farnsworthless walked the #9 hitter with only 1 out in the 8th, forcing Torre to bring in Mariano early???

How is this any different from last year? At least Flash Gordon's wheels didnt fall off until the playoffs. Kyle Farnsworth sucks! This is the guy that you losers were so happy about signing? Why???

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Perhaps for the first time ever, I agree with BoSox.

I warned you guys about Farnsworth. He cracked under the pressure of Chicago. He is nothing more than a deer in the Gotham headlights.

Not only is he a deer in the headlights in NY...HE IS WILD! I dont wanna hear about one half-season in ATL, he was nearly run out of Chicago. When he does manage to throw 98 mph, it is straight down the Pike and people tee off on it. I dont know why anyone in Yankeeland considered this acquisition a plus?!?!?!? Sturtze is no better. And DOTEL???? Are you kidding me? He WAS good, once, when he pitched for the Astros...but he has sh*t the bed since then and had surgery.

Why you guys are blindly defending Farnsworthless and your bullpen is beyond me!!!

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He was very good in their 04 series run that the yankees gave to them. Aside from that he's been crap.

Foulkie had a nice run preceeding his year in Boston. He was one of the top closers for about 5 years. Last season whether injury or he just got old, he came to Earth with a thud.

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Foulkie had a nice run preceeding his year in Boston. He was one of the top closers for about 5 years. Last season whether injury or he just got old, he came to Earth with a thud.

Regardless, I think the Sox are just fine with Papelbon. Meanwhile even Mariano Rivera is starting to show his age in pinstripes.

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Regardless, I think the Sox are just fine with Papelbon. Meanwhile even Mariano Rivera is starting to show his age in pinstripes.


Mo has 1 bad game, where he shatters the bat on the winning hit that barely makes it to the edge of the outfield grass, and gets beat also by a 20 foot single off home plate.

Yeah, he's shot.:rolleyes:

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