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The Warfish Game Review, Jets vs. Pats


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Not what we hoped for, but it COULD have been much much much worse.....

First, the positives:

--Chad Pennington again played a mostly excellent game, and again did it without the benifit of any running game. He made one crucial and gamechanging brain-fart of an error....but alone, it would not have cost us, so he shares the blame there. His 2nd 300 Yard game in two tries, and he took a number of big hits he got right back up from. Overall, not too shabby.

--The WR Crew (Coles and Cotch). Two Sportscenter Highlight catch and runs. Overall solid play from the position. Ironicly, what was widely considered a position of weakeness in pre-season talk is turning out to be quite good.

Expecting more positives? Sorry. Well, to be fair, the team showed great heart staying in the game and staying determined to try. They deserve kudos for that.


--The Defense. Was absolutely horrid for most of the game. We were exceedingly weak vs. the run both all the time early, and when it counted late. The NT position is a gaping talent hole right now, and while it did improve some after a few player changes (#77 in, D-Rob out I believe), our weakness against the run was 33% of the reason we lost today.

--The Running Offense. Simply put, we do not have one. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I cannot tell if it's bad line play, bad RB play, or a sombination (I believe it IS a combo). But we have, today, absolutely no threat at RB, and it is going to hurt us badly this year if not addressed. At this point, I favor benching Blaylock, activating Houston and doing 50/50 Houston/Barlow. Again, simply put, it cannot be any worse that what we are throwing out there now. The lack of any kind of running production is the second 33% of why we lost today.

--The Killer. Chad Penning brain fart, Ben Grahm brain fart. Alone, neither one kills us, combined, we lost. Simple that. Chad Pennington MUST know the situation he is in that close to the end of the half, and must be a man and eiother throw the ball away, or take the hit IN-BOUNDS. His running out of bounds gave the Pats an extra 40-50 seconds to play with. Grahm, on the other hand, times his rare punt-flub to the worst possible time. His 6 yard punt (sarcasm, it was actually 7 yards) gave the Pats the ball at near midfield. This back-to-back horrible combo gave, yes GAVE the Pats 7 points. And that was the margin of victory.


Overall, the Jets in the first half looked very much like what they are, a young team, with a rookie coach, facing a not-so-long-ago 3-time Super Bowl team coached by a HOF Coach. The team did nothing of value in the first half, nothing at all. They made no progress, the made no development, they did nothing good at all. Call it harsh if you like, but it's the truth. All accross the baord, we were out-coached, and flatly outplayed, both in the trenches (horribley outplayed there) and at the skill positions. And yes, we were easily outcoached too.

Yet the team refused to just give up, and throw us fans the standard issue 45-6 trounching we ALL expected by half-time. They bucked up, girded theior loins, and played their balls off in teh second half. Clearly, without the two "miracle" catch-and-runs, we still get crushed today, so it's hard to give too much credit. But for what we are (young, inexperienced, new system, new coaches) the Jets really showed guts, determination and desire and a refusal to just lay down and die in the second half. We still would have lost, playing a superior sqaud in both talent, depth and coaching, but we sure as hell gave them a run.

So instead of a pointless, no-developemnt crushing defeat, we get a close, hard fought, tough played defeat to a superior team, and some positives (allbeit only a few) to take forward into next week. And as I have said all along about this year, teh best we should truly hope for is development every week, progress every week, getting just that little bit tighter, better, stronger, every week. While the first half was crap on toast, the second half saved it, and development and progress WAS made. The Jets are a better team right now than before they started the game, and that is enough for now.

So we take our lumps, and go into nexty week vs. a suprisingly better-than-expected Buffalo team with some optimsim. If we can figure out how to get SOMETHING, ANYTHING from our running game, this team could indeed be better than many of my fellow pessimists/realists expected. But if our weakness in the trenches, both running and stopping the run continue....we ware bound for trouble the rest fo the year.

Running Offense: F-

Passing Offense: Solid B to B+

Running Defense: C-, maybe even a D

Passing Offense: Hard to judge since it was so easy to run on us, but give um a C+/B for their effort, solid coverage for the mopst part and the timely late INT.

Overall: C, with a wee bit of optimism.

Better than it could have been, not as good as we wanted. We might have to get used to that result, but there is still plenty to see yet.

Bring on the Bills.

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Nice review. I wanted Pennington to throw it away too, but that would also have stopped the clock. I don't blame him for not taking the smack. A decent punt and Belicheck probably doesn't even run real plays. Also, the D deserves some blame for letting the guy score a td with 14 seconds left. Force them to catch a short pass for the love of God!

Saw some more good coaching, like forcing the Pats to burn a TO. Also, does our new "blocking" FB ever actually block anybody?

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Fish, I really don't disagree with much and you gtave a pretty good accounting of what happened. I just have a couple things to add/debate on-

1- There isn't a RB on the planet that can effectively run with the blocking they had today. Plain and simple, the OL is terrible at run blocking. I know you place the boneheaded play of Chad and Graham's muffed kick as the majority of why we lost, but I think the biggest reason we lost and will lose games in the future is the horrid run blocking. If we had any kind of running game I really feel we would have won this game.

2- I really don't think Mangini was as "outcoached" as you put it. He made one big mistake by going for it on 4th when he did, but other than that he coached a good game. What is telling is now 2 weeks in a row we never quit when faced with adversity. These exact situations under Herm's regime usually resulted in a loss that was obvious by the 3rd Q. The players play fundamentally sound football, they are just hindered by their talent, or lack there of.

3- Askew S-U-C-K-S!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can't block, he can't catch, and he can't run effdectively. Why is he even on this team? As bad as the OL is, I think a solid run blocking FB would be a big help.

4- Run D. I agree it isn't that great, but to be quite honest it is much better so far than I expected coming into the season. The D unit as a whole is adequate, they will keep us in games. They are not dominant at all, but they don't embarrass us and cost us games. DRob is proving to be completely useless however, being outplayed by a last minute JAG signing.

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I just saw Chad talking about that play he said he was "dodging bullets" and that one hit can take you out.Also,if he would have been able to get down he will-and WOULD have today.

I think he saw images of Tent Green, and therefore refused to slide down and punt, and instead ran out of bounds. Clearly, his health was on his mind.

I cannot nail him too hard on it, but it still hurt.....when combines with Grahams failure.

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Fish, I really don't disagree with much and you gtave a pretty good accounting of what happened. I just have a couple things to add/debate on-

1- There isn't a RB on the planet that can effectively run with the blocking they had today. Plain and simple, the OL is terrible at run blocking. I know you place the boneheaded play of Chad and Graham's muffed kick as the majority of why we lost, but I think the biggest reason we lost and will lose games in the future is the horrid run blocking. If we had any kind of running game I really feel we would have won this game.

2- I really don't think Mangini was as "outcoached" as you put it. He made one big mistake by going for it on 4th when he did, but other than that he coached a good game. What is telling is now 2 weeks in a row we never quit when faced with adversity. These exact situations under Herm's regime usually resulted in a loss that was obvious by the 3rd Q. The players play fundamentally sound football, they are just hindered by their talent, or lack there of.

3- Askew S-U-C-K-S!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can't block, he can't catch, and he can't run effdectively. Why is he even on this team? As bad as the OL is, I think a solid run blocking FB would be a big help.

4- Run D. I agree it isn't that great, but to be quite honest it is much better so far than I expected coming into the season. The D unit as a whole is adequate, they will keep us in games. They are not dominant at all, but they don't embarrass us and cost us games. DRob is proving to be completely useless however, being outplayed by a last minute JAG signing.

All very fair points Booz, I do not disagree in any real way. Akew indeed played very poorly. Bu outcoached, I more mean in the standard "scheme vs scheme, my stength vs your weakness" kinda way, nothing obvious (like the 4th down call, which I admit I wanted him to go for, and was crushed we couldnt get). Blacking is 50% or more of your running O, and it is indeed not there yet. And run D....well, yea, it's petty bad, and DRob is useless where he is (so move him someplace else, or bench him).

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3- Askew S-U-C-K-S!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can't block, he can't catch, and he can't run effdectively. Why is he even on this team? As bad as the OL is, I think a solid run blocking FB would be a big help.

Why bash Askew? He was stuffed by about 10 Pats on his one carry, caught the only ball thrown his way and was not on the field for the majority of the plays. It's that stiff wearing Snell's number that is bugging me. That wannabe Lorenzo Neal misses more blocks than anyone.

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Why bash Askew? He was stuffed by about 10 Pats on his one carry, caught the only ball thrown his way and was not on the field for the majority of the plays. It's that stiff wearing Snell's number that is bugging me. That wannabe Lorenzo Neal misses more blocks than anyone.

Actually it has nothing to do ewith his 1 carry. His blocking is piss poor as hell as is the other guy, Martin. The FB, OG's, and RT are serious liabilities in the run game.

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Good review.

Couple of things

1) New England dominated on both sides of the line of scrimmage. For all those who like to throw the football Chad outpassed Brady but New England killed the Jets on the ground. That is what wins football games.

2) The 4 and 1 in the third. I would have went for it as well. Down 17-0 zip you have to make something happen. QB sneak would have been my call. We have seen Brady do it hundreds of times. If you are worried about Chad's shoulder then put in Smith for that one. It would have given New England something to think about.

3) Ben Watson. The guy is a throwback to the days of Christensen, Francis, Bavaro and Winslow. Great option for Brady. Beast

4) Chad. The guy is going to be fine. His arm looks good. It is going to take time though for the OL to get mesh as a unit.

5) Buffalo next week. This is be a very tough game for the Jets. On the Defensive side of the football they are flying around all over the place and playing very physical. Jets will need to get a running game ASAP or it could be a long day.

5) Miami: BWHAHAHAHAH !!!! They suck

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Actually it has nothing to do ewith his 1 carry. His blocking is piss poor as hell as is the other guy, Martin. The FB, OG's, and RT are serious liabilities in the run game.

I agree, but Askew is more the carry the ball/catch the ball FB and Martin, solely a blocker can't block. That bothers me more.

Good review.

Couple of things

2) The 4 and 1 in the third. I would have went for it as well. Down 17-0 zip you have to make something happen. QB sneak would have been my call. We have seen Brady do it hundreds of times. If you are worried about Chad's shoulder then put in Smith for that one. It would have given New England something to think about.

I agree that was crucial, it's the one place I didn't like the coaching. If they put Smith in I don't think NE had anything to think about, they'd know it was a sneak and would probably stuff it pretty easily. Where the coaching comes in is to decide before third down if you'd go on 4th if there's no gain. Then you call third down differently-usually pass from the run formation. Philly did it in the early game. Jets just ran the same play twice, kind of odd considering the pathetic run blocking.

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Good review.

2) The 4 and 1 in the third. I would have went for it as well. Down 17-0 zip you have to make something happen. QB sneak would have been my call. We have seen Brady do it hundreds of times. If you are worried about Chad's shoulder then put in Smith for that one. It would have given New England something to think about.

I agree that was crucial, it's the one place I didn't like the coaching. If they put Smith in I don't think NE had anything to think about, they'd know it was a sneak and would probably stuff it pretty easily. Where the coaching comes in is to decide before third down if you'd go on 4th if there's no gain. Then you call third down differently-usually pass from the run formation. Philly did it in the early game. Jets just ran the same play twice, kind of odd considering the pathetic run blocking.

I think that Smith in that place and time is PERFECT. Is it a sneak, is it a bootleg, is it a pass, is it option. There are LOTS of things Smith can do in that situation that would cause a defense to have to think. Smith on 4th and 1 was the call that should have happened.

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I think that Smith in that place and time is PERFECT. Is it a sneak, is it a bootleg, is it a pass, is it option. There are LOTS of things Smith can do in that situation that would cause a defense to have to think. Smith on 4th and 1 was the call that should have happened.

Well, it couldn't have been worse than what we did, but if it didn't work the second guessing is worse. I agree that Smith can run a roll out pass, etc, but the way our line looked I don't think busting him up the middle would have made much difference.

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I think he saw images of Tent Green, and therefore refused to slide down and punt, and instead ran out of bounds. Clearly, his health was on his mind.

I cannot nail him too hard on it, but it still hurt.....when combines with Grahams failure.

If Graham punts the bull halfway decent Chad's error isn't an issue. I put this one on Graham 100%. Chad was being mauled back there. I think he lost any sense of field presence and was just happy to sit and sip some gatorade.

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If Graham punts the bull halfway decent Chad's error isn't an issue. I put this one on Graham 100%. Chad was being mauled back there. I think he lost any sense of field presence and was just happy to sit and sip some gatorade.

Aye, that true. And if Chad slides down in-bounds, the Jets run off another 35 seconds+.

Check the game tape my friend, and see how many seconds were left when the Pats scored. I do believe it was under 35 seconds.

And as I said, I think he had horrible visions of Trent Green dancing in his head, hence his lost perspective of what he needed to do, and his poor decision to run out of bounds. Simply put, he has to man-up, and take what comes by staying in bounds, burning the max time possible, and letting the clock run.

All in all, it's a minor complaint. I am absolutley floored by how well Chad has played. He is proving me wrong again and again.

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Aye, that true. And if Chad slides down in-bounds, the Jets run off another 35 seconds+.

Check the game tape my friend, and see how many seconds were left when the Pats scored. I do believe it was under 35 seconds.

And as I said, I think he had horrible visions of Trent Green dancing in his head, hence his lost perspective of what he needed to do, and his poor decision to run out of bounds. Simply put, he has to man-up, and take what comes by staying in bounds, burning the max time possible, and letting the clock run.

All in all, it's a minor complaint. I am absolutley floored by how well Chad has played. He is proving me wrong again and again.

No I understand that Chad could have kept the clock moving. But where did Graham end up punting from? How far did his punt go? Those are the bigger issues.

I wouldn't have blamed Chad if he headed for the locker room at that very point. He seemed all alone out there (at the time).

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When the Jets were deep in New England territory on the drive that got our last field goal, Chad was forced to carry the ball himself up the middle and gained about 3 yards. What happened on that play? Couldn't have been drawn up that way, and cost us . We should have scored a TD on that drive and gotten within a FG .

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5) Buffalo next week. This is be a very tough game for the Jets. On the Defensive side of the football they are flying around all over the place and playing very physical. Jets will need to get a running game ASAP or it could be a long day.

I think we need to come out throwing early in the game on obvious running downs. Let them think that we're basically giving up on the run, and maybe that will open up some chances to run. We're not getting much from the running game anyway. Lets dunk some short passes off to baker and stuff instead for a possession or two.

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